Hello Hockey Fans. Great result and debut for Ryan Russell last night, lets hope he can repeat his performance this evening as those Steelers from Sheffield pay a visit to the BBT. Join me (Russky) from 5:30pm for the usual pre-game build up, predictions, latest scores and match text commentary once the puck drops.
Please feel free to send your comments and Predictions to matchnightlive@gmail.com and I will try to post them as part of the MNL experience if they are not libellous or downright rude.
Mytexters have been briefed as to their duties.
Thank you to my texters Claire and Simon who will be sending me regular text updates from the BBT.
I will be back online just before 5:30, so be sure to join me if you are not one of the lucky 2300 who have tickets for tonights game.
Hello and welcome back. Here's hoping the Devils finish off the weekend in the Best way possible.
Manchester have faced off against Fife in Altrincham, the latest score is 1-0 to Fife
Coventry and Dundee are currently scoreless at the Skydome.
Our first predictions have arrived, Mark G predicts a Devils win by 3, Brian Paker predicts a 4-2 Devils win, and Hazel, fresh from last night's prediction success opts for a 5-3 Devils win.
The Warm up should be drawing to a close. The scheduled appointed ref for tonights game is Tom Darnell.
So with that in mind we need a top notch disciplined performance from the Devils. Stay out of the bin, you cant win a game sat on that bench.
it is now 1-1 in both the other games being played this evening.
The texters have reported to have arrived safely at the BBT.
Rob Batch is going for random numbers approach to his prediction and has come up with 4-3 to the Devils
so far this season the Devils have won the 3 games against the Steelers at the BBT
Intros beginning, Flag bearers on the Ice and lights dimmed.
Sheffield enter the ice.
as do the officials
Please welcome onto the ice,your very own Cardiff Devils!
Pat sees a close game tonight with the Devils just edging it by a goal
its the same Devils line up as last night with Ryan Russell replacing Leigh Salters
Great atmosphere at the BBT. Anthem time
puck dropped and we are underway
Lord is being targeted early.
Steelers icing
Haddad shoots but it gets deflected
Vesterburg and Nelson test Bownsy but he is equal to both efforts
Lords shot saved.
Face off in the Steelers zone
Kurka scores at 3:45
Assists Martin and Doucet
Devils pen Hervato2 minutes for slashing 4:42
Devils on PK
Devils clear their D zone
Steelers ryan hayes getting some stick
steelers shoot wide.
Devils FS
Morrisette planting some hits on steelers
steelers offside
Kurka tripped but no call from Darnell
Nelson gets Hendrikxed
Sheffield icing
O connor now tries to out muscle Hervato
sarich kicks puck away
Steelers shoot hight after hotham turnsover puck
Morrisette floored by steeler but is ok
Hotham Floors Nelson
Hendrikx and Fitzgerald
both get 5 minutes for fighting
puck fizzing round Sheff zone like a pinball
Sarich not happy at sheff icing call
Ryan Hayes throwing his weight around
More handbags that Darnell fails to call
Haddad shot is gloved
Sheff Pen Coyle
2 minutes for slashing 14:32
Fournier scores@15:22
Assists to Culligan and Haddad
A PPG no less
Haddad shoots but its saved
Fitzgerald and Hendo return to the action.
Another FIGHT Batch V Fitzgerald
Batchy more than copes with the big guy!
crowd shouting you got Batch Slapped to Fitzy
Batch 5 minutes for fighting. Fitzgerald 2 for roughing plus 5 for fighting at 17:55
final 2 mins of period
Batch leaves bin to get his hand looked at
Jono Phillips misses a good chance -shame!
Sheffield Whinging to Darnell and Linos.
end of Period. 2-0
Texters reporting that the Devils definitely had the better of that opening period. Paul Thompson wont be happy! Oh to be a fly on the wall in the visitors dressing room!
Nigel Davies has just emailed to report that Zac Fitzgerald allegedly tried to punch a fan as he left the ice.
Rob Batch reports that Josh was belatedly celebrating his birthday of 48 hours ago, by giving Fitzgerald a good slapping!
Latest scores: Manchester 3 Fife 4;Coventry 2 Dundee 2
Well done to my two texters Claire and Simon who are doing a fab job tonight.
teams and Stripeys back on ice for the start of the 2nd.
we are off and skating in the 2nd
Kurka robbed of puck and then steeler shoots wide.
deflected wide
Ryan Russell chases after puck
Nelson shot bobbled but knocked away by Bownsy
Face off in the Devils zone
Atmosphere in BBT being kranked up some
martin to kurka and puck just slides past the goal
vesterburg denied by last ditch block by Hudson
Batch returns
Fitzy still serving his additional 2 mins
Hervato shoots off balance having been pushed by Legue
Lord gets slashed by Desbiens
when down on ice
Steelers resorting to type and playing dirty
Desbiens Hotham Lord and one other steeler in Bin
Fitzgerald gooning it up big time
awaiting confirmation of pens
Hotham 2 for roughing
Desbiens 2 for roughing plus 2 for hooking; Moyer 2 minutes for roughing
Devils on PP
Steelers clear their D zone
Roy trys to run over Bowns
sarich DOG pen
Doucet from Martin and Hudson @27:57
Thommo whinging at Darnell
crowd singing 'if you hate the steelers clap your hands'
Steelers back to FS
no call on crosscheck to Hervato
pad save by Bownsy
Devils offside
Ryan Hayes getting some stick from the crowd
Desbiens shoots but saved by Bownsy
sheffield icing
Lord ealrier served 2 mins for roughing, aka trying to defend yourself from a slashing
Hayes on a mission to impress Thommo. Nelson's shot blocked by Russell.
Another Bownsy glove save
Ryan Russell 2 minutes for interference
sheffield goal by Legue
Sheff Pen Desbiens 2 minutes for elbowing @36:45
assist Doucet and Kurka
Lordo Hits Fitzgerald
BBT is rocking!!!!
End of 2nd
Lord called for Boarding at 38:14
assisted by Martin and Richardson
texts arriving out of sequence. I think OJ had this problem last night.
what a period that was!!!!!
Apologies for delay but experiencing a few technical difficulties with my laptop
Latest scores Manchester 5 Fife 6; Coventry 3 Dundee 3
now 6-6 in Manchester
Simmsy is getting some stick in the period break whilst getting interviewed by John Donovan for Ice time TV
Simmsy is getting some stick in the period break whilst getting interviewed by John Donovan for Ice time TV
Both teams back on the ice for the third
slight delay as sheffield were too scared to come out initially
GGGGGGOOOOOAAAAALLLLLLLLLL Haddad unassisted apparrently
scores 32 seconds into the 3rd
Steelers net minder replaced
Day replaces Pinc
Bownsy Pad save. Ryan Hayes still getting gip from the BBT crowd.
Steelers score
Devils fans almost cheer for it, I did say almost
scored by Fitzgerald.
Bowns saves from roy
texters report Devils to be coasting. C'mon Devils dont take your foot off their throats!
Finish the game in style
Sheffield score a goal by Hayes
Steelers have woken up a bit
Fitzy slashes Doucet
Hudson clears Devils zone
Legue on Martin no call from Darnell
Desbiens shot cleared
Moyer slashing any Devils player that comes close
Haddad shot blocked
Steelers trying to get back into this game Crowd trying to lift the Devils!
Kurka shoots wide
Another Bownsy Glove save
sheff pen Desbiens 2 minutes for high sticks
Hudson checked by Hewitt stil no call from Darnell
Hudson shoots high at the Bar end of the BBT
PPG no less Culligan from FOurnier and Haddad @53:16
6:44 remaning in third
cj clears bad backpass from haddad
frantic end to end action at BBT
all the sheffiled fans are leaving as if a fire drill
trying to sneak out un noticed at the BBT would be an achievement
3 mins of period left
steelers shot trickles past goal Hayes getting stick from crowd again.
crowd asking 'can we play you every week?'
standing ovation at the BBT Red army red army red army
final minute of game
what a game that was and another 4 point weekend in the bag.
Great performances this weekend showing true title winning credentials. what with none of Belfast or Nottingham playing tonight a big advantage held at top league now.
Sheffield MOM Jeff Legwee, sorry Legue
Devils MOM is Joey Haddad
Well just to bring you the scores in the other two games:
Fife beat Mancheste 7-6 in a Shoot out at Altrincham, while Coventry beat Dundee 4-3 with an overtime goal at the Skydome.
OJ should be back on hosting duties next saturday as the Devils travel to the House of Foil to face the Steelers again next weekend. Not forgetting to say a big thanks to Claire and Simon who provided great text updated from the BBT tonight. well done both you did a great job!
Goodnight all! NOS DA PAWB.