Good Day Hockey fans. Part 1 of 3 in a hectic Scottish Weekend. Welcome. Please join me (Russky) from 7pm. Still awaiting availability confirmation from one of my texters re tonights game.
The Devils have appealed Tyson Marsh's 5 game ban so he will be able to play until the appeal is heard. Please send your predictions and/or comments to matchnightlive@gmail.com
So all being well I wil be back at 7pm to bring you the usual amazing unashamedly biased match text commentary. Until then have a good day y'all!
Hello Again. My texters have reported in. With just over half an hour to go to intros, the warm up should be well underway by now.
Pat has the honour of being the first prediction tonight, going with a 4-2 win for Devils
Nottingham and Belfast are also playing tonight! C'mon the Giants!!! (for one night only!)
Pat also wishes the Devils travelling supporters safe journies up in Scotland between the 3 venues and of course the long trip back from Dundee on Sunday.
Got to say a big thanks tonight to Maria and Colin who are covering the game tonight up at the Murrayfield Arena.
Also a Big shout out to all the members of the Red Army Travel organisers who have been working tirelessly for the last few weeks preparing for this weekend
Of course not forgetting those hardy Devils supporters who have made the journey up under their own steam.
Dont forget you can send your comments and predictions to matchnightlive@gmail.com. I will do my best to post them if they are relevant and polite enough for general consumption!
Just a 'heads up' for tomorrow, Steve B will be your host tomorrow as the Devils travel to Braehead to take on the Clan.
but unfortunately you will have to put up with me for tonight and sunday!
Tony Temme has emailed saying he will be content with a 4 point haul from this weekend after last weekends catastrophic events.
Neve Jones is going for a 6-4 Devils win.
Where as Rob Batch predicts a needy return to winning ways with a 3-0 win for the Devils
Go Giants! an early goal from Walser puts them ahead of those scary cats!
Jen Davies goes for a 6-2 Devils win raucously supported by the Red Army
Great News, Hogarth is in Belfast!!!
OJ has been in touch, pleading for a Devils win and a 6 point weekend. Hope the Rioja is going down well my friend.
Teams on the Ice for the Intros
Anthony Lewis predicting an Edinburgh victory 5-2, he is not confident as our form is not good. His words not mine.
and we are underway!!!!
Let's go Devils Lets go!
texters stating no ref Just linos tonight which seems strange!
Now 1-1 in Belfast!
no game details on EIHL website yet
Marsh is allowed to play tonight no news on any Devils Scratches
scored by Hotham! PA sound is terriable so texters cant make out who was announced as scorer
apparrently no stream/webcast of game available
Lore Hervato is joining us on MNL, following the game in Canada.
Lore Hervato is joining us on MNL, following the game in Canada.
Also all the Hervato Clan are also following the game. Go Zach, give us a goal to cheer!
its gone quiet in Murrayfield
I think my texters have fallen asleep, it must be a very uneventful game. Bowns covers with 5:09 left in first!
Caps icing @16:01
Chubak covers at 16:17
apologies but the game must be a really slow one tonight!
Chubak covers again at 18:27
Caps on a PP, Devils Pen 2 minutes for interference
Bownsy saves
and thats it for the first period!!! thank goodnss I hear you cry! me too!
SOG 17 on Chubak 8 on Bowns
Maria tells me the PA is awful and she can hardly hear any announcements.
Ric Alexander says If Devils take 4 points this weekend I'm gonna put a poster size banner on swanseas Liberty stadium telling people to back a winning team and proper sport 😈
Devils Goal was Hotham from Doucet at 5:23
Devils pen was Hudson who was called for Interference
Apparrently the ref has now arrived , he was stuck in traffic on Perth Bridge.
Apologies for sporadic nature of updates thus far but its a quiet game.
teams back on the ice and the REF!
puck dropped on second period
Still 1-1 at the SSE in Belfast
Chubak saves a 1 on 1 against Hudson
Culligan at 22:49
assist Kurka
That goal seems to have taken any sting there was out of the game!
Mike Forney has put Belfast ahead!
Colin says the Caps are very poor tonight
Panthers equalise in Belfast 2-2 now
Caps are woeful 4:49 left in 2nd
Maria reports that its all Devils at the moment and how we havent scoer
Unbelievable! I wasnt expecting this tonight!
Caps shot glove saved by Bownsy!
Devils Pen Salters @ 37:14 2 minutes for tripping
Devils back to FS
right at the end of the period! at 39:52
assist to Hudson
well 3-0 up at end of 2nd period, just what the good Dr ordered after last weekend.
still 2-2 all in Belfast as that game enters the third period
Got to say the texters are doing a great job tonight in very mitigating circumstances of poor PA announcements and poor sightlines!
plus its not the greatest of games either and far from being a barn burner of a game.
Cant be long before the third starts
at the moment Rob Batch is winning the prediction game. Colin reports that chuck a puck was more exciting than the game, which says alot!!!!
and the third is underway!
I will let u all into a little secret shortly!
I normally do this from the comfort of my Armchair but tonight i am currently bringing you this coverage courtersy of the wifi of big yellow M in Cardiff.
Newport Road to be precise.
all quiet at start of the third. Caps thought they had scored but the puck hit the side netting
Caps Pen too many men
at 47:20
Belfast 3-2 up thanks to Mike Radja
panthers pull one back then Desmarais scores for Giants now 4-3
Caps Goal
at 49:29
shg scored by caps #20 Beatie
Capital PK over
Devils scrambled the puck clear
6:24 left as chubak covers.
Caps seem to have woken up
Caps pen Hayes ejected going for Salters who was sat on Devils Bench
Now salters ejected not sure why
4 on 4 hockey
Caps goal @57:16
Final 2 mins
barnstorming last few mins
Caps time out! Devils on PK
Hotham 2 minutes for slashing
1:15 left
20 seconds left in game and Caps equalise!!!!
its OT here!
Belfast beat Panthers 4-3
Devils have thrown this away
OT underway and Caps score immediately
Red army very unamused
Well we got one point but it should have been 2! we should have put that to bed early in the 3rd!!!
Devils MOM Hotham
Caps MOM Gerling
what makes it more palatable Panthers lost and got zero points
Thats it from me tonight, Thanks to Maria and Colin for their excellent texts, we couldnt have had MNL without them!!! Steve B is your host tomorrow night as the devils travel to Braehead. Safe travelling to the Red Army back to their hotel!!! See you all on sunday!
Good Evening to you all despite the result!