Welcome to MNL on this Bank Holiday weekend
Hopefully we will be able to bring coverage of the game but as yet we have NO texters with many away for the holiday period.
If you can help us out or know someone going to the game who can please get in touch by emailing matchnightlive@gmail.com or text MNL on 07527 625206
Despite being the aforementioned Holiday Weekend a large crowd is predicted for this pre season warmup game
Join me (OJ) from around 6:30
Well the Good News is I am here to host, the BAD NEWS is that no texters have reported in yet
Pat in Bridgend predicts a 4-2 win for Devils
Many of my regular texters are giving this game a miss for various reasons.
Nigel I know is going to the game so hopefully we will be OK
Any followers of MNL at the game text us at 07527625206
We would also welcomed input from anyone watching the webcast
Nigel & Jon J have reporting in.
Cornwall Taffy in France goes for a 5-2 Devils win
Hazel in Southend gives it 5-3 Devils
Russky says Devils will win by 2 goals
Teams appear at BBT
Carl Hudson playing tonight
Danny L hopes Devils will win 4-1
LisaJohn paid for Webcast but has not received password any advice for her text matrchnighlive@gmail.com
Anthem done
Puck dropped
After 8 secs
Awaiting details of the EXPRESS GOAL
Scored by Zach Hervato assist Leigh Salters
A total messup by Blaze D and Devils capitalised
Blaze penalty Ashley Tait 2 minutes for delay of game @ 1:15
Lets have a PPG U DEVILS
Very high tempo game so far
Blaze Full strength
Blaze struggling to set anything up
Save Brian Stewart
Devils penalty called
@ 6:02 Leigh Salters 2 minutes for hooking
Blaze go close twice - Jim Jorgensen was one of them
Pad save by Ben Bowns
Gametime 7:40
Devils Full strength
WOOPS apologies pressed wrong button
Andrew Hotham floors Ross Venus
10 minutes gone
Bowns foils Blaze breakaway by Ned Lukacevic
Another Ben Bowns save this time from Chris Lawrence
Blaze penalty Brett Robinson
Poor PP by Devils so far
Brian Stewart saves froim Tyson Marsh
Blaze penalty Kevin Noble check from behind on Guillaume Doucet
Devils 5 on 3
It was cross-checking
@ 12:31
Brian Stewart knocks his net off denying Devils a 2nd goal
Ref Dean Smith gives Brian Stewart the benefit of the doubt
Devils pp is messy
Glove save Brian Stewart from Joey Martin
Blaze Full strength
Brian Stewart saves from Tyson Marsh after great Devils breakaway
Gametime 15:08
Brian Stewart save from Guillaume Doucet
Brian Stewart covers after Josh Batch hits post
Stewart knock off net yet again
No extra players for Devils tonight
Ben Bowns saves from Carl Lauzon
End of 1st period DEVILS 1 Blaze 0
Blaze replace Stewart with Mart
2nd period starts
Apologies its Renny Marr in net for Blaze
Blaze icing @ 21:48
Devils penalty Tomas Kurka 2 minutes for hooking @ 22:05
Every face off is like a Blaze timeout
Linos should just drop the puck
Ben Bowns saves from Carl Lauzon
Gametime 4:10
Devils Full strength
Devils missed a great opportunity to make it 2-0
Kevin Noble performs a spectacular dive - NO CALL
great save by Renny Marr from Leigh Salters
Devils out muscling Blaze with ease
Neutral ice face off after gets embedded in Blaze net
Kevin Noble messes with Trevor Hendrikx and gets slaughtered - silly boy says Jon J
Noble 2 minutes for roughing 5 minutes for fighting, Chris Jones 2 minutes for roughing, Trevor Hendrikx 5 minutes for fighting
Noble tangled with CJ then took on Hendo
Guillaume Doucet scores Devils 2nd goal
Leigh Salters I believe
3rd goal was @ 28:59
Assist Andrew Hotham on 3rd
Whether there were assists on 2nd we do not know
Blaze makes a save then goes looking for puck
Whats the odds that Tomas Kurka scores next - making it a clean sweep for the new guys
Devils penalty called @ 32:12
high sticks the call
Jake Morrisette the culprit
Steven Chalmers foils a Devils SH attempt
Blaze James Griffin 2 minutes for slashing @ 34:34
Devils now on PP
A PPG for Andrew Hotham
@ 35:19
Assists Joey Martin & Mark Richardson
Jon J says Blaze are really struggling with Devils pace & skills
Tomas Kurka has his helmet taken off by a Blaze D man - thats ok says referee Smith
Devils penalty Jake Morissette 2 minutes for tripping
Must be a first for Jake to get 2 penalties in a game
Blaze Jim Jorgensen 2 minutes for holding
Guillaume Doucet was away on a breakaway but pulled back
End of 2nd period DEVILS 4 Blaze 0
At every face off Blaze seem to have a group discussion- maybe players have to be told - you stand there, you over there - NN NO I want to be by my friend
As i said just drop the puck
I wonder how big a crowd there tonight?
More than last weekends (1,500) I am told
Not bad for a pre season friendly
3rd period begins
Blaze icing @ 40:25
Renny Marr continues in net
I wonder if those nasty Devils fans standing at ice level taunted Stewart to give up the netminder duties
Kevin Noble & Andrew Lord exchange punches
Late check by Noble provoked that skirmish
Both sent to bin
Andrew Lord looks as if he was unhappy about Kevin Noble hit on Joey Martin
Blaze Brett Robinson now sits 2 minutes for interference
It would appear that Kevin Noble got 2+5
Guillaume Doucet with his 2nd of the game assists Brent Walton & Leigh Salters
A PPG of course
Lets clear up those Noble/Lord penalties
Kevin Noble got 2 minutes for roughing + 5 minutes for fighting
Andrew Lord 5 minutes for fighting & 2 + 10 for instigating
well the coach can now assess the teams performance from the comfort of the sinbin
Chris Lawrence sits 2 minutes for tripping
Correction it was cross-checking
Lets have another one U DEVILS
Ben Bowns saves after a rare Blaze trip into Devils country
Lets have another one U DEVILS
Assists for Joey Martin & Zach Hervato
Jake Morissette scored that PPG @ 46:24
Devils are basically having shooting practice before the Fair comes to town
Chris Lawrence trips Andrew Hotham and sits 2 minutes for tripping
Carl Hudson scores
Yet another PPG unassisted
Devils Mark Richardson 2 minutes for tripping @ 53:38
Ben Bowns save
Gametime 55:35 as Devils Full strength
Chris Lawrence & Carl Hudson now penalised both get 2 minutes for roughing @56:03
Correction - call was unsportsmanlike conduct
FIGHT between Carl Hudson & Chris Lawrence
Hudson cut
All this at 58:15
Chris Lawrence throws punches whilst Carl Hudson was down on ice
Lawrence jumps Hudson as they leave sinbin - a fighter taking on a non-fighter - how brave can you get
Devils queuing up for pay back
Chris Lawrence 2 minutes for unsportmanslike & 5 minutes for fighting
Carl Hudson 5 minutes for fighting
Final minute
Great atmosphere in tent
Final score DEVILS 7 Blaze 0
Final score DEVILS 7 Blaze 0
Blaze were poor, very poor, Devils played within themselves and buried them
Blaze MoM Cale Tanaka
Our thanks to Jon J and Nigel for stepping into the breach yet again hopefully relief will be available for them next weekend
Devils MoM - Guillaume Doucet
Thats all from me, join me from 4:30 on Sunday (5:15 FO) when the Devils take on the Blaze at the Ice Dome