Welcome to MNL, join me (OJ) from around 6:15 as we bring you MNL's unique coverage of the game which sees the Devils attempting to extend their win streak.
Score predictions + comment as usual welcomed to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Comments from fans (of either team) at the game are always welcomed
Apologies for being late but its Wales 3 NZ 3 at half time
Russky says Devils will win
Chloe p age 6 says her Devils will win 6-4
Sue J calls it 5-2 Devils
Mychan clan go for a Devils win as they huddle together in the middle of a severe snow storm
Stephen B email me at matchnightlive@gmail.com
Robdevils88 says 5-2 Devils
Warmup completed at Coventry
not icing for Blaze - Mike Egener, James Griffin, Derek Lee
Texters on duty tonight - Rachael & Gerald (Red Army Travel)
Teams out
refs - Wilson & Kavanagh
Anthems done
off we go
Minor penalties for Doug Clarkson & Rory Rawlyk roughing @ 51secs
Brent Walton goes close
Brian Stewart covers @ 1:33
Jake Morissette scores
Assist Joey Martin
Jesse Mychan 2 minutes for roughing Craig Cescon 2 minutes for slashing @ 2:36
still 4 on 4
now 5 on 5
Brian Stewart save @ 3:19
Devils penalty Chris Jones 2 minutes for slashing @ 4;38
Gerald thinks Blaze haven't realized they are on PP
Devils FS
Brian Stewart covers @ 7:40
I should have told you that Carl Hudson was back from injury
Devils bench minor - too many men @ 9:37
Luke Piggott serves the penalty
Blaze Goal @ 11:23
Blaze goal scored by Ashlee Tait
Devils penalty Joey Martin 2 minutes for slashing @ 12:25
Assist for Craig Cescon on Blaze goal
Devils return to full strength
Wales lost yet again to NZ
icing Face off in the Blaze zone @ 15;09
Blaze penalty Craig Cescon 2 minutes for holding @ 16:00
1 minute of PP gone
o'Marra clears zone for Blaze
PPG @ 17:57
Tyson Marsh assist Carl Hudson
Missed your prediction Brian P - devils by three goals he says
Come on U DEVILS
End of 1st period Blaze 1 DEVILS 2
Hopefully Stephen B will host MNL tomorrow night as I would like to go to the game as Stony #10 is retired
Its shows my age as Jason was in the Junior Devils when I first got involved with the Devils
Stephen just add a comment when you get in.
Ice ready
Devils back on the ice
As are the Blaze
2nd period starts
RED ARMY TRAVEL are running a coach to Coventry on Boxing Day and the cost of travelling is subsidised and will cost you just £10
Chris Culligan scores, assist Joey Haddad
See the RED ARMY TRAVEL at their desk on Sunday or tweet @red_army to book your seat
Save Brian Stewart @ 22:44
Devils 2nd goal details changed to Joey Haddad assist Andrew Hotham
Andrew Lord v Craig Cescon
Both get 5 minutes for fighting @ 24:57
Andrew Lord gets additioal 2 for illegal eguipment, Craig Cescon gets another 2 for firing puck after whistle
We are 5 on 5
Told Craig Cescon 2 minutes for delay of game
Blaze goal @ 26:19
Ryan O'Marra the scorer
Assist Ross Venus
Come on U DEVILS
Brian Stewart covers @ 27:24
@ 27:44
Andrew Hotham assists Joey Martin & Chris Jones
Brian Stewart tries to bench himself but is told to go back in net
Josh Batch assist Doug Clarkson & Joey Haddad @ 28:46
Amazing goal says Gerald
Blaze penalty Jacob Sinder 2 minutes for interference
PPG @ 29:28
Blaze time out, Brian Stewart going nuts
Devils 6th goal scored by Joey Martin assists Brent Walton & Jesse Mychan
Brian Stewart pulled
connor Ranby takes over @ 29:38
Blaze fans have joined in with the RED ARMY chants
Chris S are you back online yet
Remember trip to Coventry on Boxing Day will cost you just £10 with RED ARMY TRAVEL
That is sure to be a PARTY BUS
Gone quiet all of a sudden
Dr Piggott getting shifts
@ 37:13 - Doug Clarkson assist Joey Haddad
I wonder what the atmosphere at the Ice Dome is like, it is a morgue when the Blaze are winning
Final minute of 2nd period
End of 2nd period Blaze 2 DEVILS 7
Rachael says Blaze are appaling
Neil F says lets embarrass them and get double figures
Also its a chance for our leading point scorers to climb the scorers table
7 different scorers so far
Teams are back
Off we go
Mike Will in net for Devils this period
Jesse Mychan goes close
Connor Ranby save @ 41:15
Another Ranby save @ 41:22
Come on U DEVILS lets have another one
Not that we are greedy
Unconfirmed rumours that Brian Stewart has a broken collarbone
probably a dislocated collar bone which is probably why he wanted to come off earlier
Gone very qwuiet again, hopefully Devils can run down the clock and save energy for the Capitals tomorrow
Its end to end at the Ice Dome and RED ARMy (+texters) are more interested in singing Alouette
Just be grateful they haven't got the beachball
Blaze penalty @ 49:33 ??? 2 minutes for slashing
Rachael cannot hear the PA as the RED ARMY are taking the P..s
Luke Piggott , Chris Jones & Andrew Lord on pp
1 minute of pp gone
Blaze FS
Carl you are nasty, yes big fellas are easy to upset
RED ARMY now singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Doug Clarkson
Can you imagine what they will be like on Boxing Day, if you want to be there its only £10 for the coach with RED ARMY TRAVEL
Blaze goal
Steven Chalmers assist Cale Tanaka @ 54:13
Don't let them score again just so that one of the owners can get his prediction correct
Blaze fans sneaking out @ 56:30
Connor Ranby save from Doug Clarkson @ 57:06
Final 2 minutes
RED ARMY will now chant for the last 2 minutes
Final minute
Connor Ranby save @ 59:39
Final score Blaze 3 DEVILS 7
Brent Walton scores in dieing seconds
Awaiting confirmation
Apologies Devils 8th goal was @ 57:37 - text got delayed
Final score Blaze 3 DEVILS 8
Awaiting Blaze MoM
Our thanks to texters - Rachael & Gerald
Blaze MoM - Ross Venus
Tomorrow night as I am making a rare visit to the BBT - Stephen will be your host
Join him for what will be a memorable night at the BBT as Jason Stone's sweater number 10 will be retired and the Capitals come to Cardiff Bay