Welcome to MNL for the Devils eagerly awaited visit to Coventry
Any score predictions send them to me (OJ) at matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Any score predictions send them to me (OJ) at matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
I hope my texters are in a fit state to use their mobiles after watching the Wales v Scotland game in a Coventry pub
I hope my texters are in a fit state to use their mobiles after watching the Wales v Scotland game in a Coventry pub
I hope my texters are in a fit state to use their mobiles after watching the Wales v Scotland game in a Coventry pub
Thats the type of prediction "I don't care about the score so long as we get 2 points" says Sarah
It's a very slow walk from the Pub to the rink or is it "one for the road"
No news so far, just texted them to remind them we have a game to cover
Texters are at the rink so we should have news soon
Huw calls it 3-1 to the Devils and wants more of those big hits he saw last night
Not much activity on the email front tonight, late tea I suppose after the Welsh win at Murrayfield
Teams take to the ice at Coventry
Simon also calls a 3-1 Devils win
Blaze slow in taking the ice
Thompson is the referee
Andy Carson at Sheffield so another loss for the Giants on the cards
Man U win 1-0 at West Ham
The teams are finally on the ice, I think they played the intro too early and the teams were slow coming out
Players being introduced, this is the most longwinded start to a game I can recall
We are finally away
Devils start with Elich, Davies & Prpich - just like last night
Devils start with Elich, Davies & Prpich - just like last night
Penalties Towe (D) roughing: Stewart (B) roughing @ 2:02
Devils icing @ 3:06
PenaLTies came about after Towe attempted a wraparound and collided with Perras in the Blaze net
Blaze shot deflected high @ 3:37
Blaze start the stronger team
Blaze start the stronger team
Penalties killed
Daniel and Sam both thinks it is going to be close, but win for the Devils
Aubry save @ 4:49
Devils under pressure but not playing badly
Don't forget Tuesday night ASppreciation Evening says you know who
Blaze shot goes high & wide @ 6:03
Tuesday night will be a hell of a night says Glyn
Awaiting more news, only one texter tonite well one sober one
Perras called upon for the first time @ 6:42
Devils starting to put pressure on Blaze net
Devils 1st goal scored @ 9:05 by Hill, assists Voth & Latiluppe
Aubry save @ 9:26
Voth & Lewis come together, penalties on the way
Penaltoes @ 9:26 Voth (D); Lewis (B) roughing minors
Game stopped for repairs to ice in front of Aubry's net
Glyn don't get too exciteted there's another 50 minutes to go
Snowing heavily at Coventry
Outside rink, it not the old Durham rink
The boys in Edinburgh might be home before the Devils fans in Coventry
Must be a massive hole in the ice, they are still working on it
Play finally restarts
Prpich hits pipes @ 9:52 and Perras kicks net off its moorings
Hill shot deflected high @ 10:13
Good end to end game developing
Both teams back to full strength
Prpich shot goes high @ 12:03
Prpich shot goes high @ 12:03
Devils lets have another goal
Where's that goal Devils
Perras save @ 13:07
SNOW WARNING: Mobile reception at Coventry being affected by blizzard conditions
Voth shot delected high @ 13:02
Devils icing @ 13:25
Blaze shot @ 15:01 high & wide
As ex-Cubs we are doing our best
Devils icing @ 16:06
Devils 2nd goal scored @ 16:23 by Towe, assits awaited
Cracking goal by all accounts
Towe skated from Devils blueline to score
Assist goes to Wes Jarvis
Devils penalty @ 18:13 Francis - slashing
Get that Devils PK into gear
Get that Devils PK into gear
Aubry save @ 18:48
Final Minute of 1st period
End of 1st period DEVILS 2 Blaze 0
Just looked at the Traffic Matrix around Coventry and the all say SLOW DOWN HEAVY SNOW
2nd period will start with Devils on pk for 13 seconds
With everyone telling me how great last nights game was I must take in a game soon. Maybe I can rustle up the old crowd to come to a game at the Tent. Its been a long time
Geraint, predictions have to be lodged before the game starts but since you predict a 4-1 Devils win with the extra goals coming from Latulippe and Davies I will let you off this time
I think Elich will net the next Devils marker
3rd period underway
Devils return to full strength
Devils icing @ 21:30
Francis given the 2nd assist on Devils 2nd goal
Blaze ice puck @ 22:07
Devils penalty @ 22:07 Hill - charging
Blaze ppg
Goal @ 22:46 scored by Forsyth, assist Calder
Devils penalty @ 23:04 Maciver - hooking
Aubry could do nothing to stop Blaze goal
With these penalties I can recall what Lawless was like doing his nut on the bench
Penalty killed
25 minutes gone
Perras save @ 25:15
SoG for 1st period Devils 6 Blaze 11 thanks to Sam for that info
Another Perras save @ 25:44
Puck out of play @ 26:19 - no penalty
Blaze go close - hit pipes
Blaze 2nd goal scored @ 27:35 on Devils error
Scored by Sly assists Cowley & ANOther
2nd assist went to Hjalmarrson
Devils coughed up the puck deep in their own end with a crass pass
Blaze penalty ' 28:41 Jamieson - x-checking
Lets have a ppg DEVILS
Perras save @ 29:09
Jarvis tries to dump & chase and puts puck 20ft into the air
Powerplay awful so far
Blaze kill penalty
Blaze penalties @ 31:24 O'Conner - delay of game: Perras 10 minute misconduct (Being served by Wood)
Perras save @ 32:51
Chris thinks netminders should sit out 10 minute misconducts
Blaze offside @ 33:08
Powerplay stinks
Blaze back to full strength
Devils penalty @ 34:07 Maciver - charging
Lets kill this one Devils
Devils penalty @ 34:19 Latulippe - delay of game
1:49 of 5 on 3 for the Blaze
Blaze ppg @ 34:47 scored by Carlsson, assists Sly & Hjarmsson
Blaze ppg @ 35:17 scored by Lewis, assist O'Conner
Devils Timeout
Voth floors Soderstrom and everyone jumps in
Loads of penalties coming
Still waiting
All penalties @ 35:43
Voth (D) 5 +Game - checking to the head; Maciver (D) 2+2 roughing
Sly (B) 2 - instigating + 5 fighting + 10 minute misconduct
Blaze on Powerplay again
Aubry saves @ 36:37
Devils back to full strength
DEVILS 4th goal @ 38:35
Devils 3rd goal scored by Prpich, assist Teplitsky
Devils 4th goal scored by Elich
Blaze 5th goal at 38:57
Perras was lifted after 4th Devils goal
Blaze 5th goal scored by Watkins, assists Forsyth & Cowley
Blaze 6th goal @ 39:50 scored by Stewart assists Carlsson & Calder
Assist on Elich goal goes to Towe
that is ridiculous 4 goals in 93 seconds, that's like 1988 hockey
End of 2nd period Blaze 6 DEVILS 4
Where is that quiet room?
Yes Russky texters report that the Devils defence is rubbish tonight
Andy @ Coventry says Aubry was bamboozled by the boards for the 5th Blaze goal
This will be a great game to win from this position
Both teams back on the ice
A clean sheet is asked for in the 3rd as we nknow we can score against the Blaze
Final period underway
Loads of changes to the goals, will try and get more info
Blaze all over Devils
On the 3rd Devils goal additional assist for Towe; on 4th Devils goal additional assist for Prpich. I think that all the changes.
Devils penalty @ 42:29 Hartwick - x-checking
Jarvis pushed into Fones net - no penalty called
Blaze penalty @ 43:42 Stewart - hooking
47 secs of 4 on 4
Prpich hits pipes
Hartwick penalty killed, Devils on pp
Hill shot deflected high @ 44:43
Puck out of play @ 44:57, another 46 secs of Devils pp
Devils mess up easy goalscoring opportunity
Blaze penalty killed
Blaze icing @ 26:29
Fone looks beatable if we can get SoG
Devils outshot 13 9 in 2nd period
Aubry save @ 48:10
49 minutes gone
My philosopher of a texter tells me "WE shoot when we should pass, and pass when we should shoot"
Blaze icing @ 49:21
Amazing save from Aubry
50 minutes gone
Devils icing @ 50:52
Fone save @ 51:21 followqed by handbags
Devils passing is PeeWEe standard, correction PeeWee passing better
Blaze almost put puck in own net
Devils passes never reach their target
Adams collides with Fone after push from Blaze D
Fone saves on Prpich breakaway @ 54:28
O'Conner shows everyone his new handbag, no takers
Hill has another shot deflected high @ 55:31
DEvils we need that 5th goal ASAP
Latuliuppe hits pipes- that's no good there is no prize for doing that
Fone save @ 57:47
Blaze go offside @ 58:00
I know what the plan is, score 2 goals late on when this is no time for the Blaze to score two
Final minute
Aubry pulled with 50 secs to go
Devils ice puck @ 59:44 - that was bright
Aubry back on @ 59:44
End of game Blaze 6 DEVILS 4
End of game Blaze 6 DEVILS 4
Truely woeful 3rd period from Devils
No news on Blaze MoM I'm soory but I have lost my texters
Here's to a safe journey home from Coventry for the team and fans who braved the winterly weather
Blaze MOM is Wood who apparently only time in the game was to serve Perras' 10 minute misconduct
Thanks to Chris my texter in chief at Coventry
That's all from me OJ until the next one