Welcome to MNL for the visit of the Belfast Giants
OJ here in the MNL hot seat waiting for MNL texters to report in
I suppose they are all in the pub watching the Ireland v France game
I suppose they are all in the pub watching the Ireland v France game
Please remember to e-mail me at matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk if you have any comments on tonights game
Chris says it is frezing at the Tent
Chris says it is frezing at the Tent
I hope that is not an indication that we are going to have technical problems tonight as I expect to be very busy with a physical fast game
Carl calls it a 3-1 Devils win with goals from Prpich, Voth & Elich
No news on referee yet, but it is not Boniface
Tom Darnell has the whistle tonight
Teams take to the ice
Adams wearing #55, Rushton # 91
Good crowd in tonight
My texters Chris & Sharlene eager for the puck to drop
Its gone very quiet for some reason
Looks like there is a problem with the officials, there were 3 now there are only 2
We are off
Devils start with Davies, Elich & Prpich
Aubry called upon to make a save after 28 seconds
Another Awbry save @ 1:03
2 man system being used to run game
Shot from Latulippe @ 2:28 deflected high
Giants penalty @ 2:44 Walton - holding
Devils putting pressure on Lyle in Giants net
Lyle save @ 4:07
Prpich playing well
Can't help with the radio link, but if you post on the Forum I am sure someone can tell you
Giants kill penalty
Giants ice puck @ 5:01
Devils penalty @ 5:52 Hill - tripping
Aubry save @ 6:27
Devils penalty kill on song tonight (so far!!!)
Devils back to full strength
Great Devils PK
Hill wanders offside @ 7:59
Adams hitting anything that moves when he takes a shift (limited shifts at the moment)
Stone hits the pipes
Glad you are all enjoying the MNL service
10 minutes gone
Giants go offside @ 10:43
Devils playing really well, 12 minutes gone
Giants skater puts body on the line to stop a Francis shot destined for the Giants net
Lyle save @ 13:02
Elich has a clear chance but passes instead of shooting
Someone should have a word in his ear, he was brought in to shoot
Aubry save @ 14:27
Rushton all elbows
Giants net off its moorings @ 14:41
15 minutes gone
My texters tell me Devils are playing brilliant - BUT NO GOALS
Devils penalty @ 15:39 Francis - delay of game
We now have 3 officials as Michael Hicks joins as linesman
Devils kill penalty
Aubry save @ 18:04
Voth takes out Thornton midice and has words with Rushton
Rushton fails in his attempt to get Voth to drop his gloves
Final minute of 1st period
Devils offside @ 19:19
Game has suddenly become very physical
Lyle save @ 19:30
Lots of mid ice hits
End of 1st period DEVILS 0 Gianys 0
England are crap at rugby and cricket (all out for 51)
SoG for 1st period, Devils 17: Giants 10
Does anyone know whether there is BBC radio coverage tonight? If you know whats happenning post on the forum
Teams back on the ice
Come on you DEVILS give us a goal
2nd period starts
Elich hits cross pipe
Devils 1st goal scored by Latulippe, assist Davies @ 20:39
Ben Davies broke clear of breakaway draws Giants to him and delivers a perfect pass for Latulippe to score
Aubry save @ 21:56
I wonder if Ben is the new Lawless, same size or is it Vez
MacIver floors Morrison accidently apparently
Giants have upped their game
Aubry save @ 23:51
Lyle saves from Voth @24:10
25 minutes gone
Handbags between Prich & Burgoyne @ 25:50
Darnell not calling much
Hill cracking shot hits pipes
Hill shot off a Latulippe feed on a 3 on 2
Adams floors Rushton in midice, Rushton wants to fight anyone & everyone
Best hit seen at the Tent ever
Must be the #55 shirt as it was in Stephen Cooper class
Giants cant handle the Devils hitting
Devils 2nd goal scored @
Goal @ 29:30 scored by Teplitsky, assist Francis
Burgoyne floors Davies, Prpich hits Rushton, Rushton fights Jarvis and loses
Multiple penalties on the way
Rushton ejected, lost his sweater
Whilst we are waiting, Francis fed Teplitsky deep in Devils end and Tyson skates the length of the ice to score
Penalties @ 30:04
Burgoyne (G) 2 roughing, Rushton (G) 2 for illegal equipment; 5 for fighting + GAME
Devils penalties Prpich 2+2 elbows; Jarvis 5 fighting
Still 5 on 5 after all that
Will check penalties for you later
Devils ice puck @ 33:17
Aubry save @ 33:23
Devils penalty @ 33:23 Aubry - intewrference, being served by Davies
Burgoyne back for the Giants
Prpich returns for the Devils
Devils penalty Maciver - roughing @ 34:40
Devils pk for 43 seconds
Aubry has problem with pads
I don't know whether it is an "illegal equiopment call"
They are stll showing the Adams hit on Rushton on the video screens
They are measuring Aubry's pads
Must have been an equipment problem as Aubry is back in net and no call on play
It is 3 on 5 not 4 on 5
Davies back on the ice after serving Aubry's penalty
Maciver back
Now 5 on 5 as Devils kill penalties
Final 2 minutes of 2nd period
Aubry save @ 38:23
Final minute of 2nd period
Giants now having to use D Johnson as a winger
End of 2nd period DEVILS 2 Giants 0
Sharlene says Ben Davies is having a great game
Devils outshot 13 - 9 in 2nd period
£rd period underway
First save of 3rd period made by Aubry @ 40:15
Lyle saves from Hill @ 40:30
Lyle saves from Latulippe @ 42:33
Lyle save @ 43:57
Giants looking tired
Devils still hitting anything that moves
Devils ice puck @ 44:41
Pace of game has dropped markedly
Giants miss empty net
Aubry save @ 47:01
Giants getting frustrated, taking cheap shots
Devils penalty @ 47:15 Prpich - boarding
Latulippe keeps puck in Giants zone for 30 seconds on his own, brilliant
Voth shorthanded breakaway foiled
Latulippe then brteakaway on Devils PK
Devils kill penalty
Impressive display by Devils by all accounts
Giants penalty @ 49:50 Macmillian - hooking
50 minutes gone
Devils should have more than two goals to show for their domination of game
Devils all over Giants
Giants kill penalty
DEvils get puck in net but goal rightly disallowed as there were at least two Devils players in the crease
Lyle saves from Prpich @ 52:28
Aubry save @ 52:39
All of you out there chant "WE WANT A DEVILS GOAL" as loud as you can, its OK the men in white coats are off duty tonight
Giants Phillips dislodges Aubry's net @ 53:07
Aubry net off again @ 53:15
Latulippe shot deflected high & wide
55 minutes gone
Giants decide that puck is "hot" so they are passing it before they are flattened
Now a Giants goal disallowed
There were 2 Giants in the crease, must be small Giants as crease is not that big
Burgoyne floors Prpich mid ice to cheer up his team
57 minutes gone
Aubry save @ 57:34
Giants getting too close to scoring for comfort especially considering last Sundays game
Final 2 minutes
Prpich misses cross crease pass
Final minute
Devils ice puck @ 59:07
Giants timeout
Giants pull Lyle with 53 seconds left
Aubry save @ 59:27
Prpich misses empty net
Lyle back @ 59:51
Final score DEVILS 2 Giants 0
Two good points and a good game for those fans who ventured to the Tent on a bitterly cold night
Giants MoM Phillips
Our thanks to Chris & Sharlene MNL texters this evening
Thats it for this evening, please join me for Sundays game at Coventry when hopefully the Devils can harvest another two points OJ