MNL will be with from around 6:30, better still there's plenty of time to get you skates on and get to the BBT.
Waiting for texters to report in
Dean Smith is one of the refs, still trying to identify the other
Rachael has made it to the BBT
Warm up underway
It would appear that the only scratch is Tyson Marsh
Matthew Myers seems to be a scratch
Hazel has the Devils winning 5-3 tonight
Warm up done
JohnWilding & Jon J have also signed in from the BBT
Stephen in France also goes for a 5-3 win for the RED ARMY
Officials take to the ice
Welcome onto the ice your very own NEW CARDIFF DEVILS
Blaze are also on the ice
Where are all my usual score predictors gone
Adam & Tony T have reported in so we are all systems go
I wonder how big a crowd we have tonight
Intros done now Anthem time
I wonder if Stephen Harper, Canadian Prime Minister will make an appearance at the BBT, after all we have a Canadian owner and a full set of Canadian imports
Puck dropped and we are away
Mummy & Daddy Batch call it 3-2 for the lads
Glove save Stewart @ 1:53Cardiff
CJ goes close
Brian Stewart in the Blaze net making save after save
Blaze offside @ 3:23
Its end to end hockey at the moment
Devils icing
Gametime 5:24
Jesse Mychan breakaway shot saved
Tip from Doug Clarkson saved
Poor crowd tonight less than 1,000
Doug Clarkson pushes Rory Rawlyk into net
Devils penalty Trevor Hendrikx slashing
Devils return to FS
Chris Culligan creating a lot of chances
Blaze penalty ' 9:39
Craig Cescon hooking
Blaze have killed 1 minute
Blaze FS
Jon J impressed by Chris Culligan
Brian Stewart standing on his head in Blaze net yet again
Blaze net displaced after scramble
Gametime 12:12
All Devils at the moment : its Devils v Stewart
Gametime 13:24
Doug Clarkson & Jesse Mychan very physical
Ben Bowns covers after disorganised line change
Devils penalty Mark Richardson
1:20 of PK left
Roughing was the call on Richie
SHG dor Devils
Great breakaway by Jake Morissette assist Andrew Lord
@ 15:33
Blaze offside ' 16:55
Ben Bowns covers @ 17:46
Adam says good period for Devils
Final minute
Nice blue line shot by Mark Richardson saved
End of 1st period DEVILS 1 Blaze 0
Teams back on ice
2nd period starts
Brian Stewart covers @ 21:27
Trevor Hendrikx tripping minor @21:45
Joey Martin breaks away poke checked by Brian Stewart
Devils return to FS
Late hit by Mike Egener on Joey Haddad
Egener spears Joey Haddad in groin area
@ 24:29
Slashing the call Joey OK
Considering the small crowd it is very noisy at BBT
One minute of pp gone
Blaze goalb @ 25:54
Rory Rawlyk SHG
blaze clear zone
Blaze score again - MARK SMITH
Devils losing focus
Assists for Tait & Cowley on Smith goal
Doug Clarkson scuffles with two Blaze players
Minors for Doug Clarkson & Kyle Bochek @27:18
Egener not Kyle Bochek - roughing the call
One minute killed
Jereme Tendler breakaway scores
@ 28:30
Bad error led to that goal
Carl Hudson saved by Stewart
Gametime 29:44 as Stewart saves from Jesse Mychan
Brian Stewart saves from Doug Clarkson
BLAZE GOAL '@ 30:17
Another defensive lapse
O'Marra the scorer assist Tanaka
Come on U DEVILS
Brian Stewart save @ 31:44
Devils have lost their shape
Brian Stewart save @ 31:44
Gareth I don't know what has hapenned to Devils
Chris Culligan elbowed no call
Gametime 33:39 as Derek Lee gets interference minor
PPG Chris Culligan
Assists for Walton & Haddad @ 35:25
Brian Stewart save
Lets have another goal U DEVILS
Devils coming back to life after 10 minutes of costly hibernation
Final minute
Great poke check Ben Bowns
Doug Clarkson destroys his stick trying to launch a missile
SoG for 1st 12-11
End of 2nd period DEVILS 2 Blaze 4
That deficit is totally down to some sloppy defending I am told
Officials are back
Come on U DEVILS lets have a great period to send everyone (except Blaze) home happy
Teams are back
Off we go for 3rd period
Blaze icing
Jesse Mychan scores
@ 40:49
Steward rebound buried by Jesse
Assist Chris Jones
Some doubt about scorer
Announced as Martin not Mychan
Originally it was announced as Walton from Haddadf
Clearly that was wrong
Never mind Devils are back to 3-4
Goal now given to Mychan as our texters called
Devils go on PP
One timer from Trevor Hendrikx
@ 43:41
Assists Brent Walton & Joey Haddad
Missed wehich Blaze player had a penalty - don't care we get a PPG - fair exchange
Bullet shot fired by Jesse Mychan
It was Cale Tanaka who got a minor @ 42:20
Devils pressure
Tanaka makes up for it working very hard for Blaze
Nice build up leads to a peach of a goal
Assis for Carl Hudson @ 46:44
Doug Clarkson the scorer
Ben Bowns save
Andrew Hotham & Mike Egener pushing & shoving
James Griffin called for clipping on Doug Clarkson
Nasty that was
@ 48:17
Kneeing was the call
1 minute of Devils PP gone
Blaze back to FS
Brian Stewart stops another Jesse Mychan bullet
Gametime 50:26
Doug Clarkson is OK didn't
Ben Bowns save
Devils icing
Another Ben Bowns save
Lets have another goal U DEVILS
Brian Stewart covers @ 51:34 from Jake Morissette
Gametime 52:20
Brian Stewart saves from Doug Clarkson
Jesse Mychan called for High sticks @ 53:25
Blaze must have bought their pp from the same store as the Devils bought theirs last season
1 minute killed
Devils PK impressing Jon J
Ben Bowns covers
Devils clear zone
gametime 54:29
10 secs of PK left
Devils return to FS
Gametime 56:03
Devils icing
Face off in the Devils zone
Brent Walton from Chris Culligan @ 56:32
Walton dropped his stick in Dev, gets a replacement from the bench and buries the biscuit
2nd assist for Andrew Hotham
Very noisy in BBT
Final minute
You can see the fear in the Blaze eyes when Doug Clarkson gets near them
thats it folks
Final score DEVILS 6 Blaze 4
DOUG CLARKSON looks as if he wants to be here,
Tony thinks Blaze look intimidated when Devils raised their game
Blaze MoM - Rory Rawlyk
Our thanks go to texters, Tony & Adam T, Jon j, Johnwildthing & Rachael
Clarkson & Morissette in the mix as well
Get down to the BBT if you can for Saturdays opening League game against the Hull Stingrays
If you can't join us here at MNL