Welcome to MNL for tonights visit of the Hull Stingrays
OJ here in the MNL studio waiting for my texters to get in touch
Any predictions for tonights game emil me at matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
With this cold weather it will be interesting to see how many turn out for tonights game, Hull are not the most exciting of teams in the EIHL
Chris reports that it is freezing at the Tent, well it is an ice rink after all
Chris reports that it is freezing at the Tent, well it is an ice rink after all
No e-mail so fatr tonight, so thaw those fingers out and lets be hearing from you
With Devils fans spread all over the country anyone got snow yet?
Keith in cold Aberystwyth call it a 3-1 Devils win
Waiting for news on referee etc
Torres scores for Liverpool in 89 minute
Maybe an omen of a red success this evening
Tent filling up slowly
Now 2-0 to the Reds
Come on u DEVILS
Thompson is referee
Sam in Pontypool also predicts a 3-1 victory for the Devils
Teams take to the ice
Cameron calls a 4-0 victory whilst says 4-1 to Devils
Elich is wearing 22
No snow in Plymouth, did start snowing in Aberystwyth but has stopped.
1,200 - 1,300 at the Tent this evening
We are off
Latulippe, Hill & Voth start for the Devils
Voth & Kostadine having words after 54 secs
Cruickshank saves from Davies @ 1:20
2 minutes gone, all Devils so far
Some big hits from Prpich
Devils offside @ 2:44
Cruickshank saves from Francis @ 3:31
Devils GOAL
Devils 1st goal @ 5:37 scored by Jarvis, assist Latulippe
Hull playing their normal defensive game
Hull penalty @ 7:23 Gomenyuk - holding
Lets see if the DEvils pp has been iumproved in training
PP good for 30 secs now awful
Hull kill penalty easily
Cruickshank saves again from Davies @ 9:26
Devils penalty @ 10:29 Voth - charging
Play stopped @ 11:25 holes in the ice infront of Aubry
12 minutes gone
Devils pk working well
Devils kill penalty
Hull icing @ 13:12
Devils having more of the play but not finishing - usual story
Cruickshank save @ 14:19
Vith flattens Wilson and invites him to drop gloves not taker
Another Hull save on 15 minute mark
Ben Davies breakaway folied at last minute
Francis flattened onto Cruickshank @ 16:43 then Voth lands on top of the two of them
Game getting more physical
17 minutes gone
Final 2 minutes of 1st period
Hull putting all five skaters between puck and net
This must be a Hunberside technique as the football team does the same
Prpich shot deflected high @ 19:09
Voth & Gomenyuk come together as buzzer goes to end 1st period
Its DEVILS 1 Hull 0 after 1 period
Texters report an uneventful 1st period
Teams return to the ice
Come on you DEVILS lets put on a show for all the loyal fans who have braved the weather
2nd period underway
Puck out of play @ 21:12
Cruickshak save @ 21:38
Aubry deflects puck out of play @ 22:36
Stone very much hit or miss tonight in defence
Cruickshank save @ 23:35
Devils are back in their dump & chase mode
Correction - Dump & DON'T CHASE
Hull icing @ 24:56
Does paint dry in cold weather
Aubry save @ 25:42
Hull are only shooting from Blueline or neutral zone
Another Cruickshak save @ 26:33
28 minutes gone
Elich not featuring very much
Elich not icing very much
Hill misses open net
Aubry save @ 29:44
Nothing eventful in last 20 minutes - no goals, no penalties
Not sure what started it but MacIver went spare
Hull player hit Latulippe, Maciver went ape
Penalties called awaiting details
Gomenyuk (H) tripping, MacIver (D) 2+2 roughing @ 31:02
Ben Davies serving MacIver 1st penalty
Elich now on ice
Hartwick seems to be iciong more than Elich
Davies returns as 1st penalty killed
Davies came of of sinbin goes on a breakaway Cruickshank saves
Devils hit pipes
35 minutes gone
Devils ice puck @ 35:37
Gomenyuk & Maciver return
Hull penalty @ 35:40 Glowa - tripping
Sub-standard pp from Devils
50 secs of pp left
37 minutes gone, fans produce a collective groan
Voth hits pipes on breakaway
Hull killed their penalty with ease
Final minute of 2nd period
End of 2nd period DEVILS 1 Hull 0
Another unexciting game against Hull
Heavy snow in Thames Estuary
Will try and get some other breaking news to keep you awake
I wonder if anyone has left South Wales for Murrayfield already in readiness for next Sundays game
I hope the stewards are waking up those fans that have gone to sleep, hyperthermia is very serious
No e-mails for some time
No e-mails for some time
Teams return to the ice
Third period starts
Devils icing @ 40:45
Elich hits pipes
Hull icing @ 41:45
Hull don't seem to want to cross the centre line
42 minutes gone and the atmosphere in the Tent nonexistant
Cruickshank save @ 42:43
Devils are everywhere in the Hull zone except in front of their net
Sorry about the break in service, technical problems
Devils penalkty @ 45:43 Jarvis - x-check
Penalty killed
Elich hits pipes again
Latulippe misses open goal
Prpich hits cross bar and puck goes out of play @ 50:16
Latulippe hits pipes @ 51:15
Aubry save @ 51:33
Devils all over Hull
Another Devils shot deflected high @ 52:52
53 minutes gone
Loads of shots, NO GOALS
Loads of shots, NO GOALS
Cruickshank save @ 53:54
Glowa compares handbags with Prpich & Latulippe
REf stops game for a hand pass
55 minutes gone and Devils can't buy that 2nd goal
HULL goal @ 55:22
Hull goal scored by Gomenyuk unassisted
Devils icing @ 56:03
Aubry save @ 57:11
Latulippe hits pipes
Final 2 minutes
Devils penalty @ 58:31 Latulippe - tripping
Hull timeout @ 58:31
Latulippe penalty changed to slashing
Final minute
Elich breakaway saved
Hull ppg @ 59:30
Hull 2nd goal scored by Gomenyuk, assists Glowa & Koulikov
Devils 1 Hull 2 Final score
Devils dominate a game but lose but if you can't score that will happen
HULL MoM Kalmikov
Awful performance by Devils by all accounts
Our thanks to Chris our texter
Thats all from me (OJ) until the next time when we hope we can bring you better fare than that on offer tonight