Good evening and welcome to Match night live. Giants are in town and are 2-0 so far in the tent this season
Russky goes for a Devils loss by more than two goals
Game predictions can be sent to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Kirsty goes for a Devils win 4-3
Devils will also have the webcast live @ http://cardiffdevilstv.net/
Gareth Gardiner goes for a big Devils performance. Devils to win 4-2 and big performances from Lacosta and Conboy
Teams are out on the ice for warm up
Callum Buglass steps up from NIHL1 Devils to the Elite team tonight
Ruth goes for a Devils win 2-1
Andrew Lord is back in the line up for tonight's game. A welcome return
Carl Hussell goes for a Giants 6-1 win with Keefe getting a Gordie Howe
4 minutes left in warm up
Warmup over
Stephen Evans goes for a Devils win. Doesn't matter the scoreline just a win.
Stephen also hopes Conboy looks after the team but stay on the ice for the whole game.
Ice is ready and awaiting the intro
Kevan Batch hopes for a Devils win but more importantly a good performance and the fans get behind the team
Nice and loud crowd already in the tent so far.
Devils are out on the ice
Hicks tonight's ref
Introductions over and anthem time
No sign of Gerad Adams on the Devils bench
Adams is now on the bench
Anthem done and waiting for the puck to be dropped
Game is underway
Devils start with Morissette, Faulkner and Blight. Marsh and Smith on the back end
Giants with Shields, Szwez and Whitecotton
Lacosta save @ 0:25
Next out is Myers, Birbraer and Conboy with Richardson and Plumton
Birbraer shoots wide
Nice work by Birbraer and Myers but shoots wide
Next up Lord Davies and Jones Batch and Smith on the back end
Gametime 2:07
Giants offside @ 3:21
Myers shoots wide
End to end game but no real chances for either team
Giants icing @ 4:01
Marsh turns the puck over but Lacosta does enough to push Lloyd's shot away
Marsh floors Keefe
Gametime 4:45
Lord has a chance but denied
Lacosta save @ 5:27
Devils icing @ 5:39
Nice block by Lacosta from Szwez. Gametime 6:10
Marsh takes a shot from inside the blueline but Murphy saves @ 7:39
Giants have a chance infront but Lacosta denies.
Lacosta with another big save : 7:06
Lacosta covers : 7:34
Lacosta save @ 9:00
Jones shoots wide
Puck out of play : 9:31
Birbraer with a big hit on Sandrock
Devils offside : 10:34
Gametime 11:30
Devils pen Batch 2mins tripping @ 11:42
Good PK by the Devils. 1minute left on the pk
Blight should have had a penalty shot
Giants pen Sandrock 2mins tripping : 12:54
Giants offside : 13:22
Murphy covers : 13:37
Devils will have 1:13 on pp
Devils fs
Devils have a chance but clearance by Giants
Giants FS
Cheverie tries to send it round the boards but Richardson blocks it with his stick and lacosta covers
Gametime 15:19
Puck out of play
Devils pen 2mins Jones delay of game : 15:19
Davies on a breakaway but shoots wide
Another pass inside but Plumton just out of position
Devils fs
Lacosta save : 17:25
PK has been excellent so far tonight
Lacosta with a massive save : 17:37
Final minute of the first
Puck out of play : 19:22
Murphy save : 19:45
End of the 1st Cardiff Devils 0-0 Belfast Giants
SOG : On lacosta 17
Teams back for the 2nd
2nd underway
Murphy save : 20:25
Myers with 2 big hits in a row
Giants icing @ 20:41
Giants icing @ 20:51
Giants icing @ 20:58
SOG on Murphy for the 1st was 8
Piggott out on the ice for his first shit of the game
Gametime 22:30
Giants icing @ 22:44
Murphy save from Faulkner @ 22:48
Birbraer with a bit hit on Elfring
Murphy pulls hit net off
Gametime 24:10
Murphy covers after he bobbles the puck : 24:48
Giants get a penalty shot
Saurette to take
Was exactly like our breakaway
Giants goal
Apologies for a miss spell earlier on tonight. Meant shift
Conboy has got the team going after some big hits
Giants pen 2mins delay of game Elfring @ 25:52
Devils with a few chances but can't bury it
And again just wide
Giants get away with a hand pass in their own zone
35seconds left on the pp
Conboy is flat out after a Keefe elbow. This is dugsting
Quiney left the bench to get Keefe but the refs wouldn't let him near him
Blind side hit from Keefe
Quiney has been thrown out for leaving the bench
Stretcher on the ice for Conboy
Keefe match pen @ 27:43
Quiney 2+2 + game for leaving the bench @ 27:43
Keefe was check to the head
Blight hit the pipes
Devils net off it's moorings. Gametime 28:34
Myers goes close
Lord shot saved @ 29:40
One of Quineys pens served.
Murphy save @ 30:26
Gametime 31:25
Murphy save @ 31:30
Devils will be back to 5 in 13seconds. Will have a pp for 1minute
Devils now FS
Giants FS
Devils icing @ 33:18
Handbags again by the penalty box.
Giants pen D Phillips and Lloyd 2 mins roughing and Devils pen Batch and Davies 2mins roughing @ 33:35
Sorry Davies was x-check
Giants players takes the Devils net off. Faceoff outside the zone.
Murphy save : 34:08
Murphy with another big save
Murphy with another big save this time from Blight
Devils pen Myers 2mins hooking @ 35:27
Giants goal straight off the face off
Szwez from Whitecotton @ 35:29 PPG
Devils pen 2mins tripping Richardson @ 36:27
Puck out of play from Szwez shot @ 38:11
Devils FS
Murphy save @ 39:36
End of the 2nd Cardiff Devils 0-2 Belfast Giants
SOG for the 2nd on Murphy 19
Teams back for the 3rd
3rd now underway
SOG For the 2nd on Lacosta was 5
Murphy save : 40:46
Murphy save @ 41:21
Lacosta covers @ 41:45
Devils called for a handpass
Lacosta with 2 big saves
Faulkner shot is saved and cleared
Murphy covers the puck : 43:03
Devils offside : 43:16
Giants offside : 43:27
Marsh shot blocked
Giants pen 2mins Shields slashing @ 43:30
Morissette goes close
Lacosta denies a 2 on 1 @ 44:45
Marsh shot and rebounded out to Smith who's shot was blocked
Giants FS
Puck out of play @ 47:22
Lacosta pad save and out of play @ 48:00
Devils pen 2mins Davies high sticks @ 48:32
Lord unassisted @ 49:19 shg
Devils fs
Puck out of play : 51:20
Giants pen Mason 2mins interference @ 51:53
40 seconds left on the PP
Gametime 53:30
Devils go close
Giants fs
Gametime 54:15
Stoppage in play for Murphy to get his pads strapped up
Gametime 56:00
Giants icing @ 56:09
Devils icing @ 57:57
Marsh shot deflected wide
Gametime 58:55
Lacosta pulled
Devils offisde : 59:09
Devils call a time out
Lacosta waiting to go
25seconds left
Lacosta pulled
Giants icing : 59:49
End of the 3rd Cardiff Devils 1-2 Belfast Giants
SOG for the 3rd on Lacosta 9
Giants mom Muprhy
Devils MOM mARSH
Great effort by the team tonight despite the loss. Plenty of positives to take from the game.
Thanks again for joining us on MNL. We will be back this Saturday v Coventry Blaze. Ger-Devils signing out