Good evening from the BBT. Warmup underway
First prediction in from Russky Devils to win by 3
Any predictions, send to matchnightlive@gmail.com
If fans are interested in watching the game, the webcast is available from www.cardiffdevils.com
Full roster for the Devils, Frank takes Clan up to 15 skaters due to 2 injuries.
Three minutes left for warmup
Sorry for the lack of updates. Warmup is over and ice is ready.
Clive Barton goes for a 3-2 Devils win after OT
Lights are out as we await the teams. Officials now onto the ice. Tom Darnell has the whistle tonight
Devils onto the ice followed by the Clan
Anthem done and awaiting the puck drop
Game underway
Davies Hill and Faulkner
Clan with a chance but cleared and Devils go the other end. Clan NM clears and ices the puck @ 0:21
Lord with a huge hit
Adams down after a stick in the face. Nothing called
Myers, Blight and Birbraer out with Richardson and Plumton
Myers with a tough angle shot, rebound to Blight but a dive across the crease from Clan denies the goal
Gametime 2:25
Hill goes cose
Clan dump the puck and bobbles in front of Blais but cleared
Blais covers @ 4:06
Faulkner break away but denied from a tough angle
Clan offside @ 5:14
Devils offside @ 6:05
Clan offside @ 6:30
Jones save @ 7:24
Jones save @ 7:27
Blais save @ 8:20
Devils icing @ 9:19
Chances either end but nothing to separate the teams yet
Blais with a low save from Goldie @ 9:49
Clan goal
10 from 9 @ 9:54
Clan offside @ 10:43
Conboy floors Aarssen
Davies so close to scoring
Devils offside @ 12:20
Faulkner buries it
Faulkner from M Smith @ 12:53
Blais with a low block and cleared
Gametime 15:10
Carriveau shoots high and wide on the break
Clan icing @ 16:01
Blais puts the puck in the team bench @ 16:55
Myers has a chance from Birbraer pass but saved by Jones.
Gametime 17:14
Blais covers @ 17:48
All that was needed was a back door tap in and Devils would be winning
Clan come the other end and Blais saves at full stretch @ 18:25
Big hit from Adams on Moon
Clan pen 2mins Aarssen boarding @ 19:16
Devils go close
Gametime 19:30
So so close from Faulkner, fans were cheering but Jones keeps it out somehow
End of the 1st Cardiff Devils 1-1 Braehead Clan. 1:16 left on the PP for the Deivls at the start of the 2nd
SOG On Blais 12
Teams back for the 2nd
SOG on Jones 12
2nd underway
Clan fs
Jones save @ 21:20
Jones from Faulkner
Gametime 22:00
Devils icing @ 22:13
Clan icing @ 22:59
Devils close after Jones just about clears the puck
Birbraer goes close. Conboy and Frank are having words
Devils pen Adams 2mins x-checking @ 23:55
Blais catches the deflection @ 24:25
Blais covers @ 24:46
Puck out of play : 24:56
Puck out of play @ 25:29
Devils fs
Lord goes close for the Devils
Clan icing @ 26:21
Devils were getting a PP then Ross ties up with a clan player after a hit in the boards on the delayed pp then frank jumps in both feet off the ice
Clan pen Frank 2mins slashing and 2mins boarding
Devils pen Ross 2mins roughing and bench pen @ 26:57
Jones save from Batch @ 28:14
Jones save @ 28:41
Puck out of play : 28:49. Game has gone flat
Blais save @ 29:13
Devils icing @ 29:49
Blais save @ 30:30
Blais save @ 30:46
Clan pen 2mins Goldie interference @ 31:25
Devils offiside @ 31:45
Blais covers @ 31:54
Clan fs
PP has been very poor
Dead puck behind the clan net. Gametime 34:35
Lord with the tip just wide
Puck out of play : 36:07
Devils offside @ 36:39
Devils offside @ 36:48
Delay in play as Carriveau is after Faulkner. Frank comes in trying to ruffle some feathers but Ross steps in.
Clan pen Carriveau and Devils Faulkner 2mins delay of game for both @ 37:14
Davies goes close after nice work from Birbraer and a Devils pp coming up
Clan pen K Smith 2mins hooking @ 38:03
Lord from Marsh @ 38:37
Gametime 39:30
Faulkner had 2 options to shoot or pass but a sparing dive cut off both
End 2nd Cardiff Devils 2-1 Braehead Clan
SOG On Jones 9
Teams back for the 3rd. NO SOG for the 2nd on blais yet
On Blais 12
3rd underway.
Clan goal
Goldie with the rebound as Blais drops the puck
Goldie from Towe and Haywood @ 40:23
Devils pen Conboy 2mins hooking @ 41:23
Puck out of play @ 41:37
Devils offside @ 42:35
Devils offside @ 42:35
Puck out of play : 42:47
Penalty shot devils
How the hell did he save that? Myers had him beat all day but Jones some how gets up and covers
Devils FS
Conboy leaves the box but now back in straight away.
Check from behind and he's been thrown
Conboy pen 5 + game for check from behind @ 43:38
Watching the replays- doesn't look as bad as they've called
Clan goal
Goldie from 64 and Moon @ 43:47 ppg
64 for clan is Champagne
Jones comes up with a huge save again
Gametime 45:09
Blais with a massive save
Gametime 45:09
64 for clan is Champagne
64 for clan is Champagne
Devils pen Faulkner 2mins hooking @ 46:05
Clan goal
Champagne from Goldie @ 46:41
Still 50 seconds of the pk left
Devils back to 5
Clan icing @ 49:50
Clan pen 2mins Frank roughing Devils pen 2mins Plumton roughing @ 50:16
Jones save and handbags in front of the Clan net
Jones blocker save and out of play
Both teams fs
Clan offside @ 53:05
Clan pen Frank 2mins 53:54
Devils offside @ 55:44
Clan fs
Clan pen Frank 2mins and Devils pen Plumton 2mins roughing @ 57:22
Blais [pulled
Clan icing @ 59:03
Devils timeout
Both teams FS . Devils offside @ 59:26
Richardson FROM blight @ 59:42
SO SO CLOSE THEN to tieing it up.
Final score Cardiff Devils 3-4 Braehead Clan
Clan MOM frank not sure whose picked the mom
Devils mom Davies
That's it from me tonight but join us tomorrow for updates from Hull
Ger-Devils signing out