Game will be underway shortly
Game underway
Save by Devils NM
Shanahan from Griffiths @ 2:06
Slough offside @ 4:11
Good block by Buglass to deny the 2 on 1
Devils hit pipes
#9 Raffelli shoots wide. Lots of Devils pressure
Griffiths denied close
Howells go close
Gametime 8:30
Slough pen 2mins Delay of game @ 8:52
Slough save @ 9:06
Devils with lots of pressure but slough 2 on 1 break but saved @ 9:28
Slough fs
Randall goes close
Gametime 12:35
Archer back hand denied @ 12:40
Scramble in the Devils net but saved
Devils pen #9 2mins boarding @ 13:42
Shanahan goes close short handed
Price dumps the puck and almost scores. Devils fs
Randall with some good skill work denied @ 16:39
Latchford sets up Griffiths but hits the pipes
Devils offside @ 17:36
Slough pen 2mins Slashing @ 18:38
Griffiths from Archer #9 Raffaelli @ 19:31 ppg
End 1st Devils U18's 2-0 Slough
Teams back for the 2nd
2nd underway
Slough goal
No D for the Devils and Whiting with a big save @ 21:14
Whiting save @ 21:49
Devils player dives to get to the puck and takes Slough netminder out, nm retaliates by throwing his stick at him- no call
Slough icing @ 26:00
Slough pen 2+ 10 checking from behind @ 26:11
Slough netminder throwing his blocker at the devils players again now the slough players abusing parents.
Slough epn netminde garcia match pen and devils pen match pen #9 Rafaelli @ 26:43
Game back underway
Slough back to 5
Slough save @ 28:41
Nice back hand pass by Howells not buried
Slough offside @ 30:23
End to end and Devils looking the better team.
Two chances for Shanahan and latchford but nothing to show for it. Gametime 32:45
Slough pen 2mins holding @ 33:36
Latchford hit the pipes
Slough back to 5
Price goes close
2 chances for the Devils again but kept out @ 38:06
End 2nd 2-1 Devils
Teams back for the 3rd
3rd underway
Slough pen 2+10 check to the head @ 42:24
Morris from Shanahan@42:28 ppg
Price from Griffiths @ 44:21
Shanahan with a great breakaway but shoots wide
Slough pen 5+ game @ 45:51
Was for abuse of official
Devils offside @ 46:59
Price from Buglass @ 47:44 ppg
Slough save @ 49:28. 1:23 left on the pp
Devils in the crease
Slough pen 2mins delay of game @ 50:31
Slough back to 4
Slough back to 5
Randall @ 53:51
Slough icing @ 55:23
Handbags in the Devils net @ 56:58
Devils pen Morris 2 mins roughing @ 56:58
Slough offside @ 57:54
Whiting save @ 58:04
Devils pen Stanton-Lewis 2mins tripping @ 58:28
Devils back to 4
Whiting covers @ 59:06
Huge save Whiting @ 59:17
Whiting save @ 59:55
Slough thought they scored but was kicked in
End 3rd Cardiff Devils U18's 6-1 Slough
Mom for Slough : #71
Devils MOM : Whiting