Join me from 6:45pm. For build up and live updates of the Cardiff Devils v Sheffield Steelers. Game predictions can be sent to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Teams out for the warm up
Devils without Faulkner and Hill. C Jones and S Osman step up from NIHL 1 and C Buglass steps up from the U18's
Steelers seem to be at full strength
4minutes left of warm up. Predictions to matchnightlive@gmail.com
NO St Valentines Day Massacre here - Devils to win 4-3 :-) Gareth from Pershore
Warm up over
Dean Smith is the ref tonight.
Officials on the ice followed by the Steelers
Devils have signed a Peterborough Phantoms player on a 2 way. Will confirm the name later in the game.
There maybe an import being announced tomorrow
Devils on the ice
Hoping that the Devils can stick in there and register a win against all the odds. OJ
Devils being introduced
Anthem time
Spearsy goes for a Steelers win 2-1
Game underway
Batch floors Michel and Frank floors Batch
Gimblett v Sarich. I call it Gimblett win
Steelers pen Sarich 5mins fighting and Devils pen Gimblett 5mins fighting @ 0:32
Quiney from davies @ 1:19
Macrae breaks and pace to Batch but denied and puck cleared
Blight goes coast to coast by save by Decaro @ 2:52
Puck out of play @ 3:39
Batch floors Stephenson
Marsh shot from wide angle, rebound avail but wide @ 4:20
Whitley covers @ 5:05
Big save Whitley @ 5:08
Whitley save @ 6:00
Gimblett and Sarich back from the penalty box
As gimblett went back to the bench- Frank x-checked him
Steelers pen 2mins Frank Elbows @ 6:15
Davies floors Sarich
Nice play by the Devils but bad bounce denies Davies the shot
30second pp left
Macrae shoots wide
Steelers FS
Dead puck @ 9:10
Devils pen Davies 2mins hooking @ 9:19
Lovely play by Marcae and he megs Stphenson and Piggott couldn't. Bury it
Steelers pen 2mins goertzen hooking @ 9:46
Fata having words with Blight
Devils fs
Steelers fs
C jones shot almost deflected goal bound by Batch. Gametime @ 12:40
Devils offside @ 12:43
Puck out of play @ 13:57
Limpwright and Blight having words
Steelers pen Limpwright roughing 2mins @ 14:22
Marsh shoots wide
Penalty shot Devils
Davies was slashed as he was about to shoot
44 seconds left of the pp
Blight close to boarding Frank- no call
Steelers fs
Devils pen 2mins M Smith Hooking @ 16:53
Good save whitley @ 18:01
Tait has a chance but floored by Adams @ 18:40
Devils fs
Puck out of play @ 18:55
Whitley save @ 19:07
Whitley covers after marsh pass is deflected across the crease @ 19:23
End 1st Cardiff Devils 1-0 Sheffield Steelers
Late prediction from Danette Macrae - On the way home from work! 4-2 Devils!!
Teams back for the 2nd
2nd underway but I have to move my ca - trffic warden booking
Steelers goal
Back in the rink. Goal was by Limpwright.
Legue shoots wide
Devils icing @ 23:40
Whitley covers @ 24:37
Some impressive steelers forecheck but leads to nothing @ 25:30
Steelers pen 2mins too many men @ 25:37
Champagne sits then pen
Steelers have a 2 on 1 chance but denied
Batch and Thomas
All from an interference on Batch. Say a Thomas win
Steelers pen 2mins x-check + 2mins roughing Thomas and Devils pen 2mins x-check + 2mins roughing Batch @ 26:27
Steelers pen 2mins fata interference and Devils pen Blight 2mins unsportman like diving @ 27:19
Steelers back to 5
Birbraer goes close
Steelers goal
Poor line change from the Devils
Blight and fata are back from the box
Ferguson From hewitt @ 29:36
Devils icing @ 30:47
Steelers high sticks @ 30:51
Batch goes close and decaro save @ 31:50
Puck out of play @ 32:30
Good to see Jones given plenty of ice time. Same for Quiney
Puck out of play @ 32:30
Lots of steelers pressure but Devils clear and Birbraer shot deflected wide
Gametime 34:55
Steelers icing @ 35:42
Quiney floors Stepehnson
Limpwright all alone on our blue line has all the time in the world. Denied by whitley @ 36:33
Marsh deflected shot goes wide @ 37:05
Whitley save @ 37:27
Batch breakaway shoots wide
Steelers have about 5 chances to put a rebound away but cleared
Gametime 39:00
End 2nd Cardiff Devils 1-2 sheffield Steelers
SOG for the 1st. On steelers :7 Devils :9
Teams back for the 3rd
3rd underway
Puck out of play @ 40:32
Decaro save @ 41:08
Steelers icing @ 41:17
Decaro save @ 41:32
Frnak having words with Quiney
Huge save Decaro @ 41:47
Richardson shot from the blueline denied and cleared. Gametime 42:35
Nice work from Birbraer, Blight and Piggott and Blights shot deflected out of play @ 43:24
Steelers timeout
Puck out of play @ 43:41
Steelers icing @ 44:36
M Smith slap shot deflected and trickles past decaro's post
Steelers offside @ 45:02
Goertzen takes ben out without the puck. Pp coming up
Steelers pen Goertzen 2mins interference @ 45:24
Poor pp so far. 30seconds left
Steelers fs
Whitley save @ 47:52
Devils icing @ 48:02
Puck out of play @ 48:24
Devils offside @ 48:41
Puck out of play @ 49:03
Gametime 50:50
Puck out of play @51:03
Macrae shoots wide
Decaro covers @ 51:43
Steelers icing @ 51:54
Marsh shot deflected and Decaro gets back to his crease to stop the goal bound chance
M Smith shoots wide
Altercation at the benches @ 52:44
Devils icing @ 52:55
No call on Steelers. Faulkner and Francis going crazy on the bench
Two big hits from Gimblett on michel
Birbraer x-check, no call
Officials signal for icing but no call
Whitley save @ 55:33
Faulkner still kicking off on the bench about the no call
Batch in front denied @ 56:18
Gametime 57:00
Gametime 58:00
Gametime 59:00
Whitley pulled
Devils so close
Gametime 59:30
Steelerspen Stephenson 2mins @ 59:36
Slashing the call
Steelers dump the puck
Steelers pen 2mins Frank x-check @ 59:53
Limpwright been called now not Frank
Puck out of play @ 59:58
SOG 2nd period Devils net : 8 Steelers net :6
End of the game Cardiff Devils 1-2 Sheffield Steelers
3rd star: Simon Ferguson
Finnerty moaning at the officials on the bench
2nd star : Quiney
1st star : Macrae
No stats for SOG in the 3rd. Join me this Saturday for coverage of Hull Stingrays v Cardiff Devils.
Thanks for tuning in. Ger-Devils signing out