Join me from around 7pm as we host the Devils Fans Forum.
Just arrived at Dempsey's We will try and cover everything through the night.
Plenty of fans here already, lots of questions expected
I will hopefully cover everything but we have some fans who are writing the notes up and Terry Phillips will be posting in tomorrow's Echo.
I will hopefully cover everything but we have some fans who are writing the notes up and Terry Phillips will be posting in tomorrow's Echo.
Ragan opens the forum.
Fan asks is there any truth in Phil Osaer leaving? Response from G was to ask about 10:05 tomorrow. Also Adams will be talking to other players.
It seems Osaer may have some contacts still in europe.
A fan asks why PR feels it best for him to post on social media when it's best to keep behind closed doors
Ragan saying he's pushed to make statements by fans, put more money in etc.
Ragan saying we've spent the most this season on the team and the achievement is not good enough.
Why is G underachieving?
Ragan doesn't pick the team and not we're not achieving this year. We've over achieved the last 2 seasons. We're spending 4th overall, but crowds like Fife.
Fans backing G saying he does a good job with what he has
Fans asking if Ragan wants G in or Pope. Ragan says he wants G- Fact
Question asking about the fixtures. Ragan replies he's learned a lot and will look to better the fixtures for next season
So much is being said by Raga, we can't cover everything.
Fans can't understand why they're saying we're over achieving. And then questioning G's coaching?
Ragan not appreciateing the fans questioning the budget and why we question that he contradicts itself.
Fans getting very frustrated. I haven't much to update sorry
Fan asked G has been undermined and ragan shoots that question down. Saying G calls the shots but he has had a discussion with Adams.
G has been playing injured this season
Sponsors asking why has it taken so long for their patches to be put on the shirts?
Pope responded saying we took 6 weeks and with staff changes that. So due to Pope not here in the summer due to the Olympics, it get forgot and CH wanted all at once which wasn't possible
Some it seems someone has asked about a call made to Mr Lyle at Christmas about a return. All behind Adams back.
Saying they wouldn't go behind Adams back with recruitment.
Some talk about DCF and no funds for 18's trip to France. This is a trip they've decided on and out of our funds.
Question about costs of DCF- terms of ice time etc. Shot down and told to look at the accounts when published.
Sponsor/fan asking why is it so hard for the clubs to take Dd payments. Lots of change in structure.
No confirmed price of ST's for next season yet but more info soon. Looking at CC included and possibly playoff. Also DD will be available next year. Some teams looking to remove or charge for this facility
Ragan talks about Biz. He spoke about coming back if NHL wasn't back. Was a commerical plan to bring him back but the cost was the issue. Ragan agreed to pay him in April. So the ST cash in March would cover his wages?
Ragan saying it's up to G if we strengthen as someone asked if we would go short benched for playoffs. Ragan confirmed it will be a huge achievement if we make it.
Fan questions why single trips to Scotland? And 3 countries in 3 days. Response was arena team call the shots.
Paul Sullivan been offered to do the fixtures meeting. He's agreed to do this and take Neil Francis with him
Paul Sullivan been offered to do the fixtures meeting. He's agreed to do this and take Neil Francis with him
Fan asking if any budget left. G answered possibly
Fan asked if new rink will go ahead as schedule and will the builders say no we can't do it when 2 houses done. Greenbank are tied into a contract.
Biz wages reported as £1500 paid by the Devils not CH Sports as asked by fans
Forum still going on but I'm about to leave. 30mile drive home. Some fans have made notes so expect them to post on here. Also the forum report will be in the Echo tomorrow.
One more question to post. Playoff tickets: Asked if the clubs will get control again. Nic has issues with the way it was done last year. Risk by clubs taking the money from Playoff tickets and then using it so league have a delay on getting it back.