Join me (OJ) from around 6pm as MNL brings you coverage of the league encounter between the Steelers and our very own CARDIFF DEVILS
Score predictions as usual (before 7pm face off) to matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Texters have been allocated their duties and are arriving at Sheffield Arena - via pub in Rachael's case
Claire P calls it 4-3 Devils
Warmup underway
Birbraer and Richardson on the ice
It looks as if Michel is icing after all
As is Sestito
Meyers and Jorgensen are Steelers scratches
MacKensie is the only scratch for Devils
It looks as if Rupert Quiney is back at the BBT as the NIHL DEvils take on the Streatham Redskins
It would appear that tonights lines are: BizNasty, Faulkner & Blight: Macrae, Hill & Birbraer; Piggott, Deeds & Davies
Trying to find out if Harding is there
Confirmation that Quiney is icing at BBT
Harding is at Sheffield and they seem to be rotating 4 forwards on 3rd line
MNL will be bringing you updates from the BBT, these will start ***
Warmup over
Ken & Sue Batch thinks Devils will win by the odd goal in seven
Danette Macrae busy decorating while following game on MNL calls it 2-1 Devils
Soph & Matt say 3-2 Devils
Soph & Matt also think there will be a coming together between BizNasty and Sestito
Carl in Gods Country (Carmarthenshire) predicts a 4-2 win for the Devils - WEST IS BEST
Gavin says Devils will win 5-2
5 minute delay to FO
50+ Red Army present at Sheffield Arena
Hannah & Martin in Neath would settle for the points - no matter what the score is
Lights are dimmed
Devils on ice
Andy Carson has the whistle - pealess I hope
Simon L who is bringing his oinlaws to Sundays game calls it 3-1 Devils
Rich is not impressed by Steelers intro - its pants he says
Waiting for Steelers
Finally Steelers venture onto the ice
A game will be an anti climax after all the excitement of the longwinded intro
Texters on duty tonight are Rachael Spearsy, Gavin (& Amy) and Rich along with our regular texter at Sheffield Maria from Doncaster
*** No Brabon for NIHL DEvils - hes banned so Takel is in net and Piggott is backup
Also texting tonight from Sheffield are newbie Sataneight (& family) & Brooke
Anthem time
A long 5 minutes this delay
We are ready for FO
**EINL DEvils are leading 1-0 - scorer Osman
** After 58 seconds that was
We are away for 1st period
*** Redskins equalise now 1-1
Blight has good break but couldn't get his shot away
DeCaro covers @ 1:28
THomas hip checks Davies
Steelers hit pipes
Steelers icing @ 4:01
Fast pace to game, Devils have started well
Its end to end says Maria
Brilliant work by Hill & Macrae but Birbraer shot saved by DeCaro
Game not physical - so far
Osaer save @ 6:27
Steelers goal
@ 6:32
Tait the scorer, assists Sarich & Legue
Osaer covers @ 7:21
Great shift by Deeds
Leads to a shot by Davies - who misses target
DeCaro glove save @ 8:58
Another Decaro save @ 9:34
That save was from a shot by Hill
DEvils penalty - Deeds - tripping @ 10:12
Handbags at benches
Steelers PPG
at 10:22 - Fata assists Limpright & Sestito
Steelers penalty - Hewitt - hooking @ 10:40
*** Devils 1 Redskins 2 @ 12:55
Steelers return to full strength (FS)
Decent pp by Devils says Gavin
Osaer covers @ 12:58
Simms does a reffle when game is in progress - how unprofessional is that
Devils started well but are a bit off the pace at the moment
DeCaro save @ 13:58
Raffle is ongoing
DeCaro saves from Birbraer
Fata dumps Macrae on his backside
Devils offside @ 15:28
Decaro saves from Deeds @ 15:51
Michel & Deeds still niggling each other
Come on U DEVILS we want a goal now - YES NOW
Birbraer makes beautiful drop pas to Marsh but Tyson misses
BizNasty starting to throw hits
Osaer save @ 17:47
Gametime 18:02
Big hit by Hill behind net, Macrae feeds Max - boom boom
Birbraer from Hill & Macrae
Deeds puts big hit on Sarich
Final minute
18:25 was time of Devils goal
Gametime 19;39
Decaro save @ 19:43
End of 1st period Steelers 2 DEVILS 1
My texters cannot belive that they have just witnessed Dave Simms doing a raffle when the game was in play
What is the EIHL going to do about it since the Game Announcer is a match official
We even had a proposal at the end of the 1st period - didn't they realise what the divorce rate is in South Yorkshire
SoG for 1st period 8 for each team
*** At the end of 1st period it was Devils 1 Redskins 2
News from BBT that Dean Smith is the referee for Sunday, with who else I ask
Teams slow coming out for 2nd period
Probably checking their raffle tickets
Officials back
Teams finally appear
We are off for 2nd period
Puck out of play @ 20:33
Steelers offside when clearly not
DeCaro save from Deeds @ 22:37
*** Devils 2 Redskins 3
Decaro saves from Macrae @ 24:34
Devils creating chances
*** now 3-3 at BBT after 30 minutes
Piggott shoots wide
Golove save DeCaro from BizNasty @ 26:11
*** HIHL DEVILS 4 Redskins 3 - Rupert Quiney scores
Osaer save from Sestito @ 27:09
Now Osaer called upon to save
Devils penalty - Macrae
Slashing the call @ 27:19
Decaro folil Birbraer on SH breakaway
30 secs left on Devils pk
Devils back to FS
Good PK by Devils
DeCaro stops a Macrae rocket
Devils now looking the strongest
3 on 2 breakaway - tic tac toe to no avail
Good play nevertheless
Steelers icing @ 31:17
Gametime 31:52
Lucky escape as Osaer looses sight of puck but recovers just in time as it trickles towards goal line
Osaer saves from Michel
Come on U DEVILS give us another goal - please
Devils seem to have lost that momentum they had in the early part of this period, Steelers have come back into game
Devils penalty - bench minor - too many men @34:31
Steelers offside @ 34:42
Deeds serving penalty
*** end of second Devils 4 Redskins 3
Devils looking dangerous on PK
Devils go offside
Devils back to FS
Lets have that equalizer U DEVILS
Devils made 4 attacks on that PK
Awesome PK says Sataneight
Deeds & Thomas clash
Gametime 37:39
Hewitt takes stick to face
Great Osaer save
Steelers pressure
Final minute
Serious Steelers pressure
Devils offside @ 39:56
End of 2nd period Steelers 2 DEVILS 1
Textes bekieve this game could go either way.
So lets have one of your barnstorming 3rd periods U DEVILS
SoG for 2nd period Steelers 10 DEVILS 11 making it 18-19 after 2 periods
*** 3rd period underway at BBT with NIHL DEVILS winning 4-3
Official gamesheet is its usual mess, No Richie listed but he is playing. Chris Hart listed but he is playing at BBT
Officials are out
Forget the EIHL website MNL brings you the news accurately
Devils back on ice
Steelers now out
Puck is dropped for 3rd
Devils penalty @ 40:21 - Piggott - delay of game
Big save Osaer
Goetzen deflects a shot onto post
Devils back to FS
*** Fisher scores to make it 5-3 for the NIHL Devils
Richardson breaks up the pay and Devils clear their zone
*** Now 6-3 Armour scorer
Birbraer is having a stormer says Rich
Devils offside @ 44:43
** Now 7-3 at BBT
Faulkner the scorer
@ 44:49
Richardson & Marsh with the assists
Gone very quiet all of a sudden
Devils 2nd goal was at 44:59 not 44:49
I think we have a network problem
Apologies for this but I am not getting any texts at all
Using another phone there are 5 minutes left
Still 2-2
Carson blows up thinking DeCaro has puck but he doesn't BizNasty not very happy and tells Carson
Faulkner scores assists Blight and BizNasty
That goal timed @ 55:27
Deeds tripped - no call
Gametime 57:03
Gametime 57:39
Final 2 minutes
Decaro looking to go
Decaro gone
Decaro looking to go
Decaro gone
Steelers time out
Decaro gone
30 secs
Final score Steelers 2 DEVILS 3