Good Evening OJ here at the MNL Hub
By all accounts loads of Blaze fans have made the trip to Cardiff for tonights game
Remember I am waiting to hear from you at matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
MNL has the ONLY coverage of tonights game
Hartwick not icing tonite
Waiting for texters to report in, well the sober ones
Confirmation that Hartwick did not appear in warm up
Michael Hicks is the stripey in charge
Blaze come onto the ice, they are keen arn't they
Blues won, Bluebirds drew, DEVILS WIN?
No emails yet is there anyone out there
Voth is back
Sarah Jane just wants a Devils win, no matter the score but wouldn't 20-19 make it exciting and busy for me
I told you that the Blaze came out early
First puck is dropped
Devils start with Silverthorn, Campbell & Towe
Hill is pushed into Perras and Voth intervenes
Devils bench vewry short with just 11 skaters
TRading standards could have had us for calling that a fight, just new handbags
Were are experiencing communication problems
Blaze Penalty Perras roughing minor: O'Conner hooking minor
Devils Penalty Voth - x-checking minor All penalties @ 1:12
Blaze Penalty - Jamieson tripping minor @ 2:53
Devils playing well
Devils goal scored by Hill, assists Voth & Silverthorn @ 3:24
Devils GOAL
Devils 2nd goal scored by Latulippe, assists Davies & Stone @ 4:31
Awaiting confirmation of 3rd Devils Goal
Correction ony 2 - 0 to Devils
Puck out of play @7:51
Awesome save from Aubry @ 8:17
Blaze Penalty Coleman hooking minor @ 9:53
Lets have a ppg DEVILS
Blaze kill penalty
Blaze miss a clear open net chance @ 12:04
Devils ice puck @ 12:13 to relieve pressure
Welcome to KC in BC and Keith in Aberystwyth, both west of Cardiff
Lets be hearing from you Blaze fans, I can see that you are out there, don't by shy
Devils penalty Voth hooking minor @ 14:25
DC's dad reports snow in Vancouver
15 minutes gone in opening period
Jeff when does Sundin play his first game?
Aubry saves @15:30 then MacIver and Lewis compare handbags
Jeff Campbell calls 4-2 (Home) and 2-1 (away) wins for DEVILS
Devils kill penalty despite a lot of Blaze pressure
Blaze wander offside @ 17:05
Blaze Goal
Blaze Goal scored by Kelan, assist Sly @ 17:31
Blaze Penalty Weaver hooking @ 17:40
18 minutes gone
Thats it for the first period DEVILS 2 Blaze 1
Good 1st period from the Devils by all accounts but they will be severely tested with their short bench
Both team back on the ice
We are away
Francis goes close
Devils Penalty Silverthorn hooking @ 23:03
Aubry's pulling off some cracking saves
Devils kill penalty
25 minutes gone
End to end hockey at the Blue Tent
Thats a nice handbag
Ongoing discussion
Blaze penalty Calder interference @ 26:31
Carter knocked Latulippe off his feet with the puck nowhere
Lets get this pp into gear Devils
Perras makes amazing save to deny Towe
Voth has been on the ice for the full 8 mintes of this period
Blaze kill penalty
Devils ice puck @ 29:44 and Voth finally leaves the ice
Voth must think he is Shannon Hope
Perras now makes a great save to deny Latulippe @ 31:04
Devils under pressure and ice puck @32:28
Ice the puck as much as you want boys but win the face-offs
Devils ice puck @ 32:38
I recall one game where the Devils iced the puck at least 40 times in one period against Sokol Kiev in the European Cup
DEvils goal scored by Campbell @ 33:07
Assists by Silverthorn & Teplitsky
Awesome goal for DC
Devils ice puck @ 34:34
Aubry save @ 37:16
Lewis trying his best to get Voth or Maciver to drop the gloves
Take no notice of him a WIN is what we want
Mass discussion on latest handbags styles afrewr Perras save @ 38:09
Lewis' pink handbag is very fetching
39mins gone, Devils playing well according to Chris
Apparently there are 184 periods of hockey until Christmas
More handbags, Carlsson showing his to Stone, Calder trying to impress Latuliuppe and Voth having a look at Lewis' pink affair
Penalties Latulippe (Devils), Calder (Blaze) roughing minors @ 39:30
Penalties Jarvis (D); Sly (B) x-checking minors @ 39:57
End of 2nd Period DEVILS 3 Blaze 1
3rd period will start as 3 on 3 for 90 seconds
What did I tell you about that Devils classic in the European Cup well Blaze are getting very frustrated by the Devils tactic of icing the puck as Silverthorn & Latulippe have got a close on 100% record on face-offs in our end
I will never forget the look on the Russian players faces as Moria or McEwen were winning the face-offs. It even got to the stage that the defencemen were turning to try and stop the Devils icing as the puck was being dropped. At onetine the referee came over to our bench and just leant against the boards as the bewildered Sokol Kiev team tried to w ork out a solution.
For those of you that don't know the Devils were leading then Sokol equalised and whilst we were content with a draw we carried on in the same vein. Then in the last minute we won a face off in our end Stepohen Cooper stormed up the ice centred and brother Ian scored and we had beaten not one but two Russian Elite teams in three days
My apologies its was Torpedo Ust we beat by a single goal, Sokol were beaten 6-2. 1994 The previos season Sokol had beaten us 11-4 at Riga.
Shots on goal Devils 9 + 9; Blaze 17 + 14
Its apparently 4 on 4
Latulippe & Calder return, don't ask me why?
Second pair of penalties coincidental, nevertheless they should be in the sinbin
Hill has a great chance @ 41:02
Phil Hill goes close again at 42:55
Now Latulippe goes close as Perras keeps Blaze in game
44 mins gone
Aubry save @ 45:29 as Blaze temporarily releive the pressure on their goal
Perras makes save from Latulippe @ 46:52
Loudest cheers of the night reserved for Ben Davies
Easy save for Aubry @ 48:26
Devils Penalty Campbell - boarding @ 48:42
A harsh call by all accounts
Latulippe sh breakway, Perras saves
Perras saves @ 49:43
Devils appear to have a new ploy for killing penalties - ATTACK
50 mins gone
Devils kill penalty
Lets run that clock down
Devils penalty Aubry delay of gamem @ 51:02
Penalty being served by Latulippe
Hicks blows early and Lewis goes spare - maybe he's found out that pink handbags are available for 70% discount on E-Bay
Devils kill penalty with ease
53 minutes gone
Towe steamrollered Kelman who looks stunned
Aubry saves @ 54:03
Texters report that it is a brilliant display by the Devils so far
55 mins gone
Voth has a cracking shot which is deflected wide
Devils ice puck @ 55:30
56 minutes gone
Perras saves @ 56:49
57 minutes gone
Come on you DEVILS
Blaze now icing the puck, they are under immense pressure and no answer
Last 2 minutes of regulation time
59 minutes gone RED ARMY on the move
45 seconds left
Devils Penalty MacIver delay of game @ 59:15
Blaze time out
Blaze lift netminder
Latulippe & Silverthorn miss empty net
Final Score DEVILS 3 Blaze 1
What a win
Blaze MoM Kelman
Our thanks go to Sharlene and Chris our texters tonight at the Blue Tent
Thats it from me folks until tomorrow when the Devils will seek to repeat tonights performance. OJ