Welcome to MNL coverage of the Challenge Cup game against the Coventry Blaze
The Devils will be ultra keen to win tonight after losing the close game in Coventry last night.
Score predictions as usual to matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Teams on the ice for warmup
No scratches for either team
Danetta MacRae goes for a 3-2 Devils win
Al Beer thinks Devils will win in O/T
Carl travelling to BBT calls it 3-2 Devils
Nia T wants a Devils win, 3-1 would be nice
Hazel thinks DEvils will win 4-2
Warmup done & dusted at the BBT
Simon P calls it 3-1 for the Devils
Simpn thinks Bonnie & Clyde (Hicks & DArnell) will do their best to influence the game
Matt Selby of the Blaze turned the net around so that Deeds couldn't shoot at the open net
Just bury the biscuit in the game Deeds
Stephen B fancies Devils to win 4-2
Officials are out
Blaze on the ice
Hicks & Darnell confirmed as referees
Devils take to the ice
Intro time
Big queue at Box Office
Looks as it a nice number of Blaze fans have made the trip to the BBT
Game starts
Osaer save after 10 secs
B Leeb has a chance but couldn't pull the trigger
Blaze penalty @1.00 - Griffin - high sticks
Marsh shot tipped wide by Hill
Devils offside
Devils pp is very poor
Blaze return to full strength (FS)
Blaze not stretched at all on that penalty kill
Blight stays down after late check - no call
Blight is up
Bayrack and Deeds tangle
5 minutes gone
Puck of of play
Kevan & Sue Batch call it 4-2 Devils
Davies makes Olson look silly
G Leeb flored @ 6:11
Beleskey wastes a good chance
"NHL you are having a laugh" is the chant
Macrae chance blocked by Hirsch
Devils penalty @ 7:31 - Hill - hooking
MacRae shg
@ 8:36
Blaze Goal
Cameron assists Guthrie &Egener @ 9:24 a PPG
Macrae's goal wasa unassisted
Puck out of play @ 11:48
Devils offside @ 12:13
Adams goes close
Piggott stands up to Olson, G Leeb joins in followed by Marsh
No call
Handbags @ 12:48
Now Blight goes close
Osaer covers @ 13:55
Deeds penalised - a silly penalty
High sticks was the call @ 14:15
Scramble in fron of Blaze net @ 15:32
Devils are creating chances (even when SH) but are not finishing
Blaze penalty @ 15:32 - Guidice - interference
Devils back to FS
Davies goes close twice
Now Faulkner goes close
9 secs left on Devils pp
Blaze back to FS
Devils icing @ 17:49
Final minute
Hill floors Bayrack
BBT is unusually quiet
Linesman calls Faulkner offside when he had his skate on the blueline
End of 1st period DEVILS 1 Blaze 1
A quiet period for a Devils v Blaze game
DevilDom impressed by Brit line
Teams are back
2nd period starts
Osaer covers @ 21:27
Blaze have started 2nd period as if they mean business
Osaer needs a new stick
Poggott goes close
SoG for 1st period DEVILS 12 Blaze 9
Blaze offside @ 23:45
Faulkner goes close yet again
Hicks gets in way of MacRae
Hirsch save from Birbraer @ 25:36
Good save Osaer after Guthrie shot
Gametime 26:35
Devils go close again, BURY THAT BISCUIT U DEVILS
Guthrie goes close up the other end
Hill flors Bayrack again
What has he done to you Phil?
Macrae shor rebounds - Harding misses
Blaze penalty @ 29:39 - Olson - x-check
Tony wants me to guess what the Devils pp is like
Well its
Devils go offside twice whilst on pp
Hirsch and his D blocking all Devils shots
Blaze return to FS
Puck out of play @ 32:06
DEeds is quiet, Marsh & Birbraer the standouts
Tony thinks a big hit or a fight is called for as crowd has gone into hibernation
Devvils pnalty @ 33:44 - Piggott - tripping
DevilDom has just realised that Sam Smith is playing for the Blaze
Hes made a big impact!!
Blaze pp is good
Bayrack levelled once again and makes his way to the bench
Devils return to FS
Hirsch save @ 35:46
Deeds goes close
Hirsch save @ 36:36
"Goes close" is Ger-Devils new catchphrase
Its a goal we need Ger
RRebound from Hirsch after Birbraer shot - noone takes advantage
Gamerime 37:40
Good period of Devils pressure
Hirsch save @ 38:15
Harding misses an open net
Devils penalty @ 39:06 - Adams - roughing
Faulkner goes close on a SH brekaway
End of 2nd period DEVILS 1 Blaze 1
Blaze will start 3rd period with 1:06 pp
SoG for 2nd period DEVILS 13 Blaze 6 making it 25-15 after 2 periods
Officials back on the ice
So are the teams
3rd period starts
Macrae breakaway
SHG for Macrae @ 40:53
Devils return to FS
Assist Marsh
Goal was on a delayed penalty
Blaze offside @ 41:52
Crowd estimated as c1500
Hirsch save @ 42:34
From Piggott that was
Osear save @ 43:01
Blight goes close
Devils penalty @ 44:22 - Marsh - delay of game
Osaer save @ 45:35
Olson camps himself in fron of Devils net
Puck out of play @ 45:11
Osaer save was @ 44:35
Birbraer hits pipes
Devils back to FS
Birbraer hits popsts again
Devils penalty @ 47:28 - K Smith - hooking
Macrae goes close on another SH breakaway
Lots of DEvils pressure on Pk
Hirsch covers up @ 49:14
Devils back to FS
This is the 5th season on MNL
In our first season 2008/9 we had a total of 21,478 unique viewers during the season
Devils icing @ 50:48
Crowd given as 1,321
After last night we passed the total for 2008/9 with 21,620
Blaze goal
Awaiting details
Beleskey, assist Griffin @ 51:46
Puck out of play @ 52:15
Birbraer went down after Olson hit
Max goes after Olson then everyone jumps in
All this @ 51:46
Max caught by high stick we believe
More of a mele than a fight
Birbraer is helped off the ice
Awaiting penalties
Slow coming through
No calls yet
Big discussion going on
Birbraer gets match for x-checking
Marsh 2+2 roughing
Olson 2 for roughing, 2 for tripping, Griffin 2+2 roughing
A total joke is the view I am getting
Hirsch save @ 54:03
Blaze Goal
Guthrie I believe
Assist Schutte @ 52:50
Texs are all over the place
Gametime 55:43
Blaze have a 1 minute pp
Osaer save @ 57:13
Devils back to FS
Come on U DEVILS give us a goal
Hirsch covers up @ 57:32
Final 2 minutes
Hill check
Egener checks Marsh to the head
Gametime 58:58
Blaze penalty
Osaer still in net
Egener was given minor for interference
Osaer pulled
Marsh hurt
Macrae goes close
Hirsch covers @ 59:31
Fiunal score DEVILS 2 Blaze 3
Blaze wwre also called for too many men @ 59:11
Troubl on the benches
I cannot report accurately on what is happenning as texts arriving out of order
Blaze surround Devils bench
Bayrack and linesman in a wrestling match
All players finally off the ice
There was a huge fight at end of game Olson v Deeds
Egener goes for Franny
2nd Star - BEN DAVIES
All players got involved as did one fan
All that happenned because of incompetent referess
Our thanks to texters - Rachael, Tony, Ger-Devils and DevilDom
Join us on Thurday when Hull are the vistors to Cardiff Bay
I guess we havn't heard the last of tonights going ons