Join me (OJ) from around 6pm as we bring you coverage of the Challenge Cup game between the Devils and the Coventry Blaze
Score predictions always welcomed (before face off) to matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Texters briefed and they are now doing their finger warmup excercises
Ruth predicts that Devils will win 4-1
She on the bus to Coventry
I suppose they are in the pub by now
Soph predicts a close game with Deeds & Olson dropping their gloves
Carl calls it 4-3 to the Devils with Olson having a fight but keeping his helmet on
Warmup underway
Warmup completed
Andrew L says 4-1 Devils
Kevan Batch wamts to know how to link his laptop to his TV with VGA lead. Answers to matchnighlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Vevan & Sue Barch predict a 4-3 win for Devils
Josh's sister has travelled to Coventry but might not be sitting in away end.
Luke B goes for a 2-2 Devils win
Hazel says 5-4 Devils
Viv is wishing for a 5-2 victory for the Red Army
Barrie P says 5-3 with a MACtrick
Elliot goes for a 4-2 Devils win
Where is Aberystwyth Keith these days I miss him
Are there any DEvil players familes out there? If so let us know
No Danette MacRae so far
JohnWildthing is in Canada so we won't have his comments tonight
Lights are dimmed
Good Red Army turnout by all accounts
Danette says Devils will win in O/T
Allen W calls it 5-2 Devils
Tevez puts Man City in front, he dived and accidentally headed the ball into the goal
Welcome onto the ice your very own CARDIFF DEVILS
DJ begging Blaze fans to make some noise
Blaze onto ice
Away block filled by RED ARMY
Who are in fine voice
No news on ref so far, I know its not Dean Smith as he is in Hull
Michael Hicks is in Belfast
Anthem done
We are away
Birbraer, Faulkner & Blight started
And there was silence
2 ref system - Carson & Callaghan
Devils penalty - Davies - slashing @ 2:19
Blaze penalty @ 2:33 - Olson - x-check
Olson call was 2+10 for checking from behind
Red Army are the only ones making any noise
Deeds hits Egener hard, Egener stays down
Egener back but but shaken not stirred
Davies returns
Davies breakaway foiled
Gametime 5:30
Devils penalty @ 5:30 - Osaer
Awaiting confirmation
I think that was a rogue text
Devils penalty @ 6:18 - Faulkner - interference
Deeds levels B Leeb
Devils back to full strength (FS)
Ben Davies got a few nasty checks during that pk
Devils penalty @ 9:22 - Deeds - high stick
Blaze penalty @ 9:22 - Schutte - delay of game
I think the penalty aganst Deeds was incorrect
Yes Deeds is out there
Blaze return to full strength
An inproved pp says Brummy Devil
Devils playing much better than they did in first 2 periods on Thursday
Both Davies & Piggott go close
Brit line causing problems for Blaze
Superb shift by Brit line says Gavin
Ben Davies still having a rough time
Gametime 14:46
Penalties so far minors for Davies & Faulkner (DEVILS), Schutte - minor, Olson 2+10 (Blaze)
One of the Red Army just had a beer shower after a Deeds hit on the boards
Olson is back
Hirsch glove save from Batch @ 16:48
Marsh puts in a good check, gets an elbow in the face - no call
Faulkner, Birbraer, Blight line tormenting Blaze D
Hirsch covers the puck @ 17:46
Venus checks Batch and ends on the floor
Hirsch saves a MacRae breakaway
Final minute
Its been end to end for most of the period, two strong teams evenly matched
@ 19:36 assists Faulkner & Blight
End of 1st period Blaze 0 DEVILS 1
Max scored after a mess up by Olson
Big hello for Lauren who is texter Rachael apprentice
That job creation for you Mr Cameron - we have apprentice texters on MNL
Lauren being the first
Chris S calls it 3-2 Devils
MNL number are on the rise which proves that there is nothing like THE INFERNO - MNL
SoG for 1st period Blaze 8 DEVILS 11
Teams back on the ice
2nd period starts
Schutte rocket hits the cross bar - Osaer didn't see it I would think
No penalties told to get on with it
The thought of Devils new player making his debut against Hull gives me a nightmare
Devils penalty @ 22:48 - Faulkner - hooking
Scored by Guthrie, assist Cameron @23:15
Not a PPG as Griffin was also called at 22:48 - slashing
Bayrack man handles linesman
Guidice 10 minute misconduct + Game misconduct - abuse of official @ 24:09
Both teams back to 5 skaters
It was Guidice who pushed linesman when linesman called Bayrack offside
Gametime 25:56
Cameron going to late check Adams, ref has a word
Apologies asa some of my postings are not getting through eg announcing Blaze goal @23:15
That call on Guidice woke up the Blaze fans
Come on U Devils
Hirsch hold on @ 7:53
Back to the new player and Hull story in a quiet minute
Blaze hit pipes
In the days of the SuperLeague I had to pick up a new player at Manchester Airport and take him to Hull to join up with the team.
That was?
It has gone quiet
If you know who that was send it to matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Good save Osaer
Gametime 32;26
2nd ref is Keiron O'Halloran not Callaghan as I was told earlier
Blaze penalty @ 33:19 - Schutte - hooking
Get the pp into overdrive U DEVILS
Glove save Hirsch
1minute of pp remains
Blaze return to FS
Hirsch covers up @ 35:22
G Leeb misses from in front @ 36:27
Hirsch covers up 10 secs later
Devils penalty - Adams
An awful call by all accounts
Tripping was the call @ 37:03
Blaze goal a ppg
Awaiting details
Blaze ppg scored by Scutte assist G Leeb @ 38:08
Lets get it back before the buzzer U DEVILS
Both Leebs got an assist n the Blaze' 2nd goal
No texts coming through
Mystery - has 2nd period finished or has Coventry been attacked by aliens
Devils penalty @ 39:06 - Birbraer
At the end of 2nd period Blaze 2 DEVILS 1
Gavin is the only texter getting through to me , hes on EE network like myself.
We frequently have problems with the networks but never as bad as this
Has anything major happenned in the East Midlans I ask
Hooking was the call against Birbraer
Teams are back
We will continue with just 1 texter until others make contact
Ruth if you are watching MNL at Coventry e-mail us
SoG for 2nd period Blaze 10 DEVILS 15 making it 18-26 after 2 r
3rd period starts with Blaze on pp
Osaer saved
3rd period starts with Blaze on pp
Devils back to FS
Blaze penalty @ 42:45 - Cameron - slashing
Come on U DEVILS give us a PPG
45 secs left in pp
E-mails are getting through but no texts
Devils still on pp
Hirsch save
Penalty killed
A bit of a scuffle @ 47:25
No call
Weak shot from Adams held by Hirsch @ 48:08
Faulkner offside @ 48:25
Blaze shot goes high and slightly wide
MacRae slammed into boards
Stu skates off unassisted
Blaze penalty @ 49:02 - Chalmers - interference
Come on U DEVILS we want a PPG now yes now please
Olson on the prowl
Blaze clear zone
Blaze back to full strength
Devils go close
Gametime 52:46
Chris S any thoughts on our trouble or is it just Coventry Icedome
Hirsch saves from Hill
Devils offside @ 54:39
Lets hope this game finishes before the delayed texts flood through
Puck out of play
Osaer covers @ 55:26
4 minutes left
Final 2 minutes
Come on U DEVILS we want a goal
Devils go close
Net dislodged @ 58:42
Final minute
Time out - DEVILS
Wonders will never cease Blaze fans making some noise
Osaer lifted
Hirsch save @ 59:22
Big save from Faulkner that was
Final score Blaze 2 DEVILS 1
Great attempt by Devils to equalise in final minute
All the texts are now coming through
here are lots of them probably 100 texts
Devils MoM - Stuart MACRAE
Blaze MoM - Mike Schutte
The player I picked up at Manchester Airport was no less than ROBERT MILLETTE
I should have left him in unclaimed luggage
Our thanks go to Amy & Gavin who were the only ones managing to get their texts through
Many thanks to our other texters who through no fault of their own became lost in ciber space - Brunmmy Devil, Tony, Laura & Rachael (+ her apprentice Lauren)
A special thanks to Ruth for getting e-mails through and lending her phone when we realised what the problem was.
Why only those on the EE (Orang/Tmobile) network got through I don't know
Also was it coincidence that all the delayed texts came through as soon as the final whistle went
Whilst I had a 100 + texts when the game finished I am now getting Rachael's texts
There must be techies out there who can explain whats happenning. This could endanger MNL in total
Thats all for us at MNL, join us tommorrow night as its the turn of the Blaze to visit the BBT