Join us at MNL from 6pm as we bring you the league encounter between our very own DEVILS and te Sheffield Steelers
Score predictions, before Face Off, to matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Very quiet on the predictions front
Lets hope our luck is better than the Bluebirds. Ipswich took a 1-0 when the ball was clearly punched into the goal ans the referee and his assistants missed it. Obviously there are sight challenged officials in football in addition to those we have in ice hockey
Assume warmup underway - awaiting confirmation
Andrew Roberts in North Bay, Ontario predicts a 3-2 for the Devils in O/T
Jed says 4-2 Devils
Reports of massive queues for parking at BBT
I wonder if there is an event at the Pool
Gareth J will accept any Devils win whatever the score
Thats the way Gareth
Debbie B thinks sin bin will be overcrowded tonight and Devils will win by a single goal
None of my texters have reorted in yet, well none from inside BBT
Rachael says warmup completed
Lewis O calls it 4-2 to the Steelers, well he is a Steeler fan, and thanks for your kind comments on MNL
There is nothing like MNL anywhere else in the UK, Europe, The World, The Universe
There are 100s of millions glad that that is the case
It is reported that Robert Quiney makes his debut for Devils
Hazel in sunny Southend calls it 4-3 to the DEVILS - who else
Lights dimmed at BBT
Robert Quiney weares #2
Officials onto the ice
Steelers on the ice
WElcome onto the ice your CARDIFF DEVILS
Tom Darnell is the man in charge
Rod says 5-4 Devils
Devils wearing pink armbands for April Jones
Minute silence for April Jones and ex Zamboni driver
Anthem done
Game under way
DEvils penalty @ 0:42 - Didipmete (Deeds) - charging
Devils PK containing Steelers
Devils kill penalty and return to full strength (FS)
Gametime 3:22
Devils playing well @ 5:47
End to end, both teams playing a physical game
Penalties @ 6:04 Tait (Steelers) roughing: Deeds (Devils) - tripping
Steelers offside @ 6:56
Both teams back to FS
Blight nisses after a 3 on 1 breakaway
Puck out of play @ 8:34
Looks like a decant crowd at BBT
Osaer covers @ 9:05
Good atmosphere at BBT says JohnWildthing
Steelers penalty @ 10:14
Stephenson - tripping was the call
A PPG for Devils
@ 11:02 Hill, assists Faulkner & Macrae
Puck out of play @ 11:32
Osaer save @ 11:53
Steelers penalty - Michel
Interference @ 12:49
DeCaro save @ 13:46
Lets have another PPG U DEVILS
Steelers retutn to FS
All quiet from Cardiff
As they say No News is GOOD NEWS
Devils penalty @ 16:07 - K Smith - tripping
Devils back to FS
Faulkner shoots wide
Final minute
DeCaro glove save @ 19:33 from Faulkner
Another DeCaro save @ 19:46
End of 1st period DEVILS 1 Steelers 0
Apologies for the late posting of period score
SoG for 1st period DEVILS 13 Steelers 12
Officials back on ice
Devils return for 2nd period
Steelers don't seem to be keen to re-start
Finally they re-appear
2nd period starts
Batch floors Michel
Michel gone to dressing room
Kevan that boy of yours done good
Devils penalty @22:48 - Batch 2+10 for check to the head
That seemed to be an afterthought as original texters posted that it was seen as a good hit
Thanks for your comments Paul
Penalties @ 23:36 Legue (Steelers), Blight (Devils) both roughing minors
DeCaro save @ 24:37
GAmetime 25:30
Steelers penalty @ 25:32 - Stephenson - hooking
Blight returns
Another PPG I believe
PPG @ 25:41 scored by Faulkner assist Blight
My usual Goal announcement went into outter space not to be seen
Its the excitement of Devils scoring PPG - its getting too much for me
No News again, can we have another goal U DEVILS I know I am getting greedy but Please Please
Gametime 32:53
Deeds goes end to end but nothing to show for it
Steelers offside @ 33:07
Steelers offside again @ 33:43
Hill goes close
Clan beat Capitals 4-1
Batch has served his 2+10
Devils offside @ 37:57
Steelers Goal
@ 38:20
Scored b y Stephenson assists Sarich & Hewitt
Final minute of 2nd period
DeCaro save @ 39:28
Ebd of 2nd period DEVILS 2 Steelers 1
SoG after 2 periods DEVILS 28 Steelers 23
Devils back on the ice
Stellers back as well
Darnell has words after another late return to the ice by the Steelers
3rd period starts
I don't know why its gone quiet again
Somethinf must be happenning
2 of my texters I know are conserving their batteries
Its end to end
Devils penalty @ 42:53 - Piggott - x-checking
Piggott assessed 2+10 for checking from behind
Deeds breakaway Decaro save
Devils back to FS
Gametime 46:02
Great save Osaer
Devils penalty @ 47:28 - Davies - hooking
Davies returns
Gametime 50:02
I hope I got all that correct, network playing up, sending texts thru in batches
Decaro save @ 50:29
Attendance given as 1,673
Another DeCaro save @ 51:12
Slapshot from Marsh that was
Osaer save @ 51:39
DEvils penalty @ 52:15 - Batch
Tripping was the call
Darnell not calling anything on Steelers
1 minute killed
Devils clearing their zone well
Devils back to FS
Piggott has served his 2+10
Gametime 55:44
Its happenning again - Orange network
Last 2 minutes
Final minute
Steelers penalty @ 59:11 - too many men
Final score DEVILS 2 Steelers 1
Steelers did call atime out @ 59:12
Devils win by scoring 2 ppgs - who would have believed it
3rd Satar - JOHN DeCARO
2nd Star - GERAD ADAMS
Final SoG DEVILS 34 Steelers 37
Our thanks go to texters - Sharlene, Rachael, JohnWildthing and Ger-Devils
Join me tommorow as the Devils travel to Coventry to take on the Blaze
Face Off is 5:15 so join me from 4pm - Good Night - which it was