Good evening!
Chris hosting again tonight, any predictions, general comments or if you need to shout at me when something is wrong during the game, send them to matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
I think the Blaze are down 3 players tonight for definite, Domish and Cowley through injury, Danton who has been blocked from entering the country again (hurrah!), although Giudice is back in the lineup after recovering from injury, i'm sure i'm missing someone there though...
No word from the Skydome yet, although we do have texters on their way
Well, still no word from the Skydome...
It's sort of scary quiet so far, no word at all from the rink...
Well, at least someone is predicting a score, Soph things a Devils 2-5 victory tonight :)
First text of the evening... Blaze penalty, Danton 2+failed visa :E
Aha, here we go, texts coming in :D
Warmup done, no one missing for the Devils, natives fairly friendly... so far :P
Andrew from North Bay, Ontario predicting another Devils win, 3-4 in overtime, Birbraer with the winner :D
As I typed that, announced in the Skydome that Harding not icing for the Devils tonight (anyone know why?) and Myers wearing #15 rather than #33
If you've not already seen it, our latest interview is up on the site, this time we spoke to Paul Ragan! The topic for this interview is... http://www.the-inferno.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6438
Aha, thanks Paul! Apparently Myers has been #15 all season, also predicting a Devils 3-5 victory :D
I think everyone might be hoping it doesn't go to penalties again Hazel :D 4-5 Devils victory predicted though :)
Spearsy predicting a Devils 2-4 victory, Olson and Didiomete to trade punches along with Egener and Adams...
Paddypower had decent odds for Devils and Steelers tonight, so I splashed out and put £1 on both, please let them win :D
Just under 5mins to go... Not sure on away following, but it should be a good number with Red Army Travel taking another coachload up!
Anthem time in the skydome...
Russky doesn't predict the score, but he's hoping for a comfortable Devils win!
Anthem done, both teams stood around waiting for the lights to warm up properly...
Balls, Darnell is tonights ref...
Harding is down on the gamesheet for tonights game, but was announced as not playing...
Tonights chant of choice from the bus is... "If you can't see Danton, clap your hands" :D
And we're off, the puck is dropped!
Seems all the chants are about a lack of Danton :E
Didiomete floors Olson in the opening minute...
First save of the night goes to Hirsch, timed at 3:10
Still not sure it's right that he's saving pucks, the last few times i've seen him he's somehow managed to drop the puck into his own net or rolled it down the back of his head into the net
Blaze with most of the chances so far, Osaer has made a couple of good saves though
Handbags, Didiomete and Olson (I think)
Scrub that, handbags upgraded to FIGHT!
Win for Olson say the texters :( Still, if it spurs the team on...
Again Didiomete couldn't get close enough to land any punches, which is probably for the best as Olson refused to take his helmet off...
Penalties timed at 4:58, Olson & Didiomete both 5mins for fighting
Confirmed that Harding is icing, despite being announced as not icing...
Blaze very close again, our defense is still a little bit all over the shop
Devils penalty timed at 6:51, Milam 2mins for interference
First line confirmed as Birbraer, Faulkner and Blight, second line of Mckenzie, MacRae and Hill, third line of Didiomete, Davies and Adams
I don't know if that Milam penalty didn't happen, it's not turned up on the gamesheet yet...
Oh... It did happen and Devils are now back to 5 skaters...
Almost time for Didiomete and Olson to emerge...
And here they are, both teams back to full strength
Blaze narrowly on top, but few real chances created...
Big save from Hirsch after a good play by our first line, Faulkner so so close...
Devils called for offside at 11:53... And then another Devils penalty, timed at 12:32 M Smith 2mins for hooking
Absolutely no atmosphere inside the Skydome again, Devils fans singing 'shall we sing a song for yoooouuuuuu' :E
Penalty kill looking good so far tonight, Devils back to full strength...
Not a lot happening on the ice, and texters fed up of the stupid Blaze DJ/announcer and his ridiculously loud speakers
Another Hirsch save timed at 15:32
Another Hirsch save, this time from Blight but it's still only our first line creating any real chances
And it's all gone quiet, no atmosphere and a lack of anything amazing happening in the game...
Darnell refuses to call a slash on Didiomete... Blaze youngster runs away looking scared
Mckenzie floored by a check from behind, Darnell waves it off, fans getting slightly wound up...
Handbags! Hirsch makes a save and Didiomete winds the Blaze up...
Into the final minute of the first period
Blaze were called for offside at 18:59
End of the first period, Blaze 0-0 Devils...
"Not a classic by any means" On the plus side, we're not losing :E
Faulkner looking good so far, M Smith looking a bit wobbly, gifted the Blaze two chances... But the game described as scrappy with no interest from the home fans at all...
In case you missed it earlier, our latest interview with Paul Ragan is now up on the website, details can be found by clicking this link
If you can't get to tomorrows game, we'll be running Match Night Live! again, although with it being a CC game against the Panthers (Losing 0-1 to the Steelers in the NIC) it should be a pretty good game!
Both teams back for the second period, and the officials...
The puck is dropped and we're underway! Come on Devils!
Devils called for icing straight away, 20:25...
Waiting on details :) Timed at 21:10 though :D
Devils first goal timed at 21:10, Hill from Mckenzie and MacRae
Blaze called for icing at 22:38
Another 2, 3 or 4 goals this period for us would be nice :D
Devils fans now chanting "Are you breathing over there" - Blaze fans don't reply...
Cardiff called for icing at 23:30, Osaer pass couldn't be reached, all Devils upto that point this period!
Blaze equalise :(
Blaze first goal timed at 24:24, Guthrie from Cameron and Griffin
Blaze goal somehow bounced off Osaers back and ended up in the net, not quite sure how or what happened
Blaze penalty timed at 25:12, Egener 2mins for tripping
Not a good powerplay, the Blaze are back to full strength already! Hirsch didn't make a save...
Blaze called for icing at 7:23
Devils pushing forwards and Hirchs net magically comes off it's moorings, timed at 28:39
Previous icing time should obviously have been 27:23, the odd clock at Coventry confuses everyone :P
Marsh and Olson I think!
Texters say it's turned into chaos, the Blaze fans are even making some noise!
Olson skated into the crease, cross checked Didiomete. Marsh jumped in and held his own against Olson, penalties coming...
Marsh fared better than Didiomete against Olson, but texters saying the cross check that started it all was ridiculous
ok, lots of penalties...
Blaze penalty timed at 30:37, Olson 2mins for cross checking + 5mins for fighting + 2+10 for instigating
Devils penalties timed at 30:37, Marsh 5mins for fighting, Didiomete 2mins for charging (what?!)
Does that make it 4on4 or do Blaze end up with a powerplay? No reply from texters yet :E
Another Devils penalty timed at 33:37, K Smith 2mins for slashing...
Whatever was the case before, Blaze now have 1:52 of 5on3...
Because Devils had another penalty called, Faulkner 2mins for delay of game!
Maybe Darnell feels bad for calling such a big penalty on Olson! Devils penalty kill looking good, although Blaze have hit the pipes...
Not sure what's happening, hopefully we'll be full strength shortly though!
HUZZAH! both pens killed, Faulkner and K Smith back :D
Faulkner and Sam Smith having a dig at each other, slashing away whilst shouting at each other, maybe Faulkner is telling him he didn't deserve that player of the week award... :P
Another Devils penalty! K Smith called 2mins cross checking at 37:04
Terrible call from Darnell, but the gamesheet has just updated to show a 10min misconduct for Olson!
I don't know if that misconduct can be right...
K Smith has lost his temper though, a stupid slash on selby and he picked up the 2min penalty, game is improving although still no atmosphere
Puck goes into the Blaze bench timed at 37:51
Ah, the misconduct is the 2+10 bit of the instigator penalty, apologies for confusion :)
End of the second, Blaze 1-1 Devils...
"Much better period, bit of passion from the home team. Not exactly bleeding blue, but maybe a little paper cut"
Texters feel this could go either way, Osaer playing very well with our dodgy looking defence!
In "Europes greatest rivalry" or some other such nonsense, the Panthers are losing 0-3 at home to the Steelers! At least my bet might pay off, would be nice if the Devils could win as well though...
The NIHL1 team are currently winning 7-2 against Streatham in the BBT!
Here we go with the third period, hopefully the final period!
Olson looks a little bit damaged after his fight with Marsh...
Shots on goal finally on the gamesheet, in the first Devils had 13, Blaze had 11
In the second, Devils had 15, Blaze had 12
Puck hits one of the retired shirt banners, play resumes in the Blaze zone, not sure what time though
Another terrible call from Darnell, this time Blight is caught up in Darnells make believe world and gets 2mins for roughing, timed at 43:37
All gone quiet...
Another good penalty kill from the Devils, but fans slightly worried by the number of penalties we're taking...
Thanks Nigel! End of the second in the BBT and the NIHL Devils lead 8-2! Devils scorers: Osman 2, Scarborough 2, Armour 2, Stone and Lockwood 1 each
Darnell finally calls a Blaze penalty, bench penalty for too many men, timed at 47:36
Olson finally emerges from the penalty box at 49:37, loud boos from the Devils fans, no noise from the Blaze fans
Which also means Blaze are back to full strength, no word on how many shots we took on that powerplay, if any...
Devils hit the pipework, then Didiomete called for offside :(
Devils putting some pressure on the Blaze finally, at least according to texters, offside was timed at 50:48
53mins played...
I don't want another overtime game :(
Just one more goal, in our favour of course... please?
56:17 played, face off in the Devils zone...
57mins played...
Into the final 2minutes!
Devils called for offside at 58:43, fans getting nervous!
Into the final minute, please not overtime!
And that's it, the third period ends 1-1 and we're into overtime again :(
All 5 texters have asked for no penalties :E
Puck is dropped, here we go with another overtime! Devils called for a penalty straight away, bench penalty for too many men timed at 60:40 :(
Blaze call a timeout on that penalty...
Texters slightly outraged that we managed to get a too many men penalty in overtime...
And another Devils penalty, M Smith 2mins for delay of game timed at 60:53...
Texters are reporting it as 5on3, so I wonder if Hirsch has been pulled? It doesn't matter though, Blaze score the winner...
Blaze second goal timed at 61:40, G Leeb from B Leeb
Well there goes our record of winning the first competitive game up in Coventry every season...
That final goal also counted as a powerplay goal *sigh* :(
Additional assist given on the Blaze second goal, now reads G Leeb from B Leeb and White
I think Blaze have reverted to man of the match awards rather than this stupid 3 star system, although with all the presentations they have we could be waiting a while...
Seems all the texters left damn quickly after another overtime loss, so no news on man of the match awards for either team sorry
So i'll be back tomorrow for the home game against the Panthers, hopefully a slightly better result! :(
Chris out.