Hello all and welcome to Match night live.
Gazza272 hosting for you this evening. Such an amazing game and result last night. Anyone who was there will tell you what a good feeling it was. Hoping for the same this evening.
As always please send all correspondance to matchnightlive@gmail.com today i'm asking for score predictions but also your favourite Devils vs Steelers games at the BBT over the years
The Teams are out for warm up
Mark Hemmings watching MNL from Illinois this evening has it down as a 3-0 devils win!
He also asked if there were any highlights from last night. They can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/sheffieldsteelersihc?gl=GB&user=sheffieldsteelersihc Enjoy them whether you were there last night or not!
Warm up done! Donna Cockram is looking for Devils to put a marker down and win 5-2
Lots and lots of things to keep an eye on this evening in this game
Will Deeds and Michel get aquainted after Deeds called him a coward earlier on today
Big crowd so far at the BBT should be electric in there this evening
Crowd so big in fact the face off will be delayed by 10 minutes to allow everyone to get into the Tent
A few Steelers fans watching MNL tongiht, Glynn M being one of them. He has said he does have a favourite Steelers game at the BBT but It's a bit too difficult to read was written on the email so sorry about that Glynn.... :P
The Intro has started and Dean Smith is our referee this evening
Now big Dave Steeler has joined watching us. he like Glynn M liked the game Steelers brought 4 bus loads down to the Tent and won in OT. Let's hope that doesnt happen this evening. But Welcome to all Steelers fans watching us tonight.
Videos currently playing at the Tent ahead of face off
An undisclosed Devils fan said he got bored waiting to go into the tent so i currently siphoning petrol out of the Steelers bus. Also thinks we will win 3-1 tonight
Steelers onto the ice
Apparantly Pecker still looks like he lives under a cardboard box under a bridge.....Dont ask me I just pass these texts on!
Ceremonial face off time
Anthem time which will be followed by a miutes silence for John Jones
Every Block other than the Sponsor blocks look full tonight
Hill-Maccrae-Deeds start with Marsh and Mark Smith on D
Deeds and Michel have words at the face off
Puck Drops..... and almost immediately we have our first penalty of the game. Mark Smith 2 minutes for high sticks
Osaer makes first save of the game.
Deeds cleared Tylor out at the beginning of the game and no one from the Steelers responded. Looks to be the Steelers keeping their nose clean. Could be a good option for them no point in them playing our game i suppose. dont think that will stop us from trying though
1 minute of PK left as Hill checks Limpwright
Decaro makes his first save of the game. Hill and Fata have hand bags. 11 seconds of PK left
Devils back to full strength \O/
3 minutes played and its an end to end game so far
Blight and Hill go very very close
Devils icing 3:25
Osaer Save 3:28
Diddiomete hits Tait
Michel seems to be being targetted. Getting hit every time he steps onto the ice
Devils icing 4:46
Mackenzie forces a save at 4:56 third line started brightly for us
Decaro looking slightly scrabbly
Chant of Tylor is a sell out ring around the BBT. That ones going to cause a stir I think
Game getting rough. Deeds and Hill both hit Jorgensen penalty on its way
Game getting chippy and Steelers looking frustrated
Hewitt and Hill both get 2 for roughing at 6:31
Faulkner goes close
puck out of play after an Osaer save at 7:44
Both teams back to full strength
Faulkner goes close again after great pass from Birbrear
10 minutes gone. Very entertaining game by all accounts
Steelers offside at 11:03
Diddiomete and Hewitt having words
Birbrear floors Hewitt with a hit to a big cheer. But there is a bigger cheer.....
Devils goal scored by 11. Faulkner assited by Milam
Deeds and Goertzen handbags this time. at 12:46
replies suggest the Steelers D put the puck into their own net, faulker shot and it came off of a steelers skate and in
15 minutes played. end to end again
Osaer save at 15:32
:Steelers penalty. Colin Shields 2 minutes for hooking at 16:02
Lets load up that slapshot mr Milam :D
Blight goes Close
However Steelers than get a breakaway. Osaer stoning Phillips 1 minute of PP left
Steelers back to full strength :(
Devils icing at 18:46
Into the final minute of the first
Decaro saves at 19:19 after a great play from Davies
Steelers looking a bit disorganised and Decaro looking shakey
No sooner had someone text me this. That i get a text saying Steelers goal!
We stood off them and they rattled it in. Osaer no chance
Scored by Jonathan Phillips. It seems throwing the puck from the corner of the rink to the goal is the way to score in these series of games
Goal timed at 19:50 and thats the end of the first
your 2 minute warning until the start of the second. Block 12 have informed me they have enjoyed a gateaux in the period break
and we are off for the second period
Decaro saves at 20:57. Kenton smith has been given an assist on Faulkners goal from the first period
Devils Penalty. Milam gets the gate for Tripping
And Steelers punish us! Osaer couldnt keep hold of the puck and Steelers get there first to tap it in. 2-1 steelers Pecker at 21:59
Batch tries to get something going with a hit on Hewitt
Another Devils player in the box now. Diddiomete for a Bench minor
2 many men penalty 23:15
Good block from Milam then another Osaer save at 24:09
1 minute of Penalty killing left!
Devils back to full strength :D
Steelers offside at 25:45
Looks like Steelers have settled into this game and Devils passing not looking as slick as last night
Good save Osaer at 26:40
And another Osaer save at 27:18
Steelers far more threatening at the moment :(
Osaer is going to be arressted after the game for Mugging Fata! Screams of outrage from Fata after Osaer saved at 28:22
The ice at the tent is getting worse. the puck is now crawling rather than moving.
Legue 2 minutes for slashing at 30:11
1 minute of powerplay gone. 1 shot taken :(
Steelers back to full strength :(
Steelers the better team at the moment
35 minutes gone. game seems to be more quiet but it's always dodgy to say that.
Limpright gets floored which rises the ire of coach Finnerty
game is end to end. But Steelers looking to have more of a cutting edge.
Mark Smith called for holding at 37:25
1 minute of penalty killed
Final minute of the second period
The charges are piling up against Osaer he has robbed another steelers player at 39:14.Devils also back to full strength
And the end of the second period is brought around. Felt like the ice was tilted sheffields way that period
Bit of a shock result currently as Edinburgh are 3-0 up against Braehead
Coventry also had a bit of a scare having to score in the final minute to beat fife 4-3
Teams back out. Being told the Steelers version of Michel isnt the Michel we all remember
Steelers ice 40:11
Decaro save 41:15 more like it Devils keep it in that end thank you very much
sadly the Steelers now have the edge again :(
And they convert :( 3-1
Smith apparantly blew the whistle before the Steelers scored. few unhappy texts coming through
Puck was under Osaer play whistled down steelers somehow get the puck put it in and given
Tylor Michel credited with the goal
Being told we look a different team to last night.
Devils fans want a call on the Steelers for an infringement on Adams. Not given
Steelers offside at 45:37 and Goal now credited to Phillips not Michel. Faulkner then hits the post :(
goal timed at 46:36 Faulkner from Adams
Osaer save 47:50. Need to get back down the ice Devils!
Steelers icing 49:01
Hewitt is put ion the box for interference
Steelers time out
Goal timed at 51:34 Faulkner from Marsh and K.Smith a PPG
Devils penalty :( Batch 2 minutes for slashing at 51:45
1 minute left of Penalty Kill
Devils force a decaro save at 53:20. Blight the man to force it
Michel asking for a call after being on the receiving end of yet another check. 53:33 minutes gone in this game.
Devils back to Full strength :D
Deeds and Davies go close. We have 5 minutes remaining in this third period.
Osaer save at 55:08 game getting rough by all accounts.
Decaro save at 56:03. Faulkner the stand out for the Devils tonight.
Hill shaves the post with a shot. Rumours paint came off
Sadly the ice is influencing what could have been an even better game. Getting worse and worse as the game goes into its final phases. 57 minutes played
I notice a lot of updaters on Twitter this evening bringing you news slightly later than us. Meaning once again MNL is the best place to get your Devils score updates :D however everyone who does them on Twitter or anywhere else deserves a big pat on the back as well!
LAst 2 minutes of the game. Finnerty going apolectic on the bench asking for calls. Smith not interested.
Decaro saves from Blight 58:23
Osaer saves at 58:57. Texters feeling sick with nerves, well chris Stone is at least.
Devils offside at 59:09
Steelers called for offside 59:18! gives you an indication of how back and forth this last minute is!
Birbrear Goes Close
Steelers wasting time running down the clock
And thats it. OT we go to, in the context of the weekend I think we can be very very happy with 3 points. But let's hope for 4!
Faulkner, Blight, Marsh and Mark Smith are the unit we send out.
OT has started
Devils go close
61 minutes played
sorry make that 62 now! we are still looking threatening
2 minutes left end to end hockey
Puck out of play after a Birbrear shot at 63:29
Steelers penalty for too many men on the ice. Devils power play for last minute.
TIme out called by G
Ashley Tait is getting ejected. Prusumebly for mouthing off. Meaning that we need some sort of party as i have been waiting 10 years for that to happen. Mouth!
Michel will now sit the penalty.
Faulkner goes close
Fata slashing Blight nothing called
Penalties it is! Now MNL cant take many updates all at once. So for these shots I will be writing the results of the sessions. So you will get one message saying the Devils shot outcome and the Steelers. This will be the best way to make sure you get all the results :)
Let us hope and pray the class of 12/13 is better at shots than the previous bunch.
Ok so first round. Sheids miss. Faulkner Misses
Round 2 Pecker Misses, Milam Misses
Round 3 Limpright Misses, Blight misses
Round 4 Shields Scores, Faulkner SCORES!
Round 5 Pecker Scores, Milam Misses. We may as well throw in the towel on Penalty shots again then!
Final Score Cardiff Devils 3 - Sheffield 4 Although I think if you take into account the come back this evening and 3 points I think we all would have taken that before the game. I also think we have proved we can compete in this conference.
Well that's it from me. the 3 stars of the game were 3rd. Phillips (sheff) 2nd Osaer and 1st Faulkner. Thank you for joining us this evening join us next week right here at MNL. And enjoy your week it sure is great to have hockey to look forward to on the weekends now :D