Good evening!
Chris here again tonight, as always any predictions or whatnot send to matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
I am still here, all quiet from the Skydome at the moment, plus i'm eating my tea, work finished late :(
First prediction of the night is in, Josh says Devils to win 1-3 with Didiomete and Olson to fight again :E
John from behindthenet says a Devils 2-1 victory tonight :D
Carl is saying a Devils 2-3 victory, Milam to put Hirsch throug hthe net after 10 minutes :D
Wahay, Devils fans have finally made it to the Skydome after fighting their way through roadworks and traffic jams the whole way \o/
Full Devils team is out and warming up, no sign of Danton... :D
Soph and Matt are predicting a 1-4 Devils victory tonight \o/
But Laura says it'll only be a Devils 1-2 victory... :)
Apparently we're without Phil Hill for tonights game, anyone know why we might be missing him?
Martins another Devils fan saying/hoping it'll be a Devils 1-4 victory :D
10minutes till face off! Richards predicting a Devils 2-5 victory :D
5minutes till we win! Keighley predicts a Devils 1-3 victory, Nelson says another 1-5 victory :D
Some fans have only just turned up, but they say the Skydome has no atmosphere whatsoever tonight, MRA style...
According to Spearsy the ref is #27 for tonights game, anyone know who that is? :E
No sign of Domish or the beard in the warmup, although he was supposed to be playing...
Ok, it seems Hicks might be the ref for tonight... And we're off!
Seems we're at least 3mins into the opening period, texts coming through very slowly :(
Confirmed that Hicks is our ref for tonight, at least it's not Darnell
Very very quiet so far, no goals or penalties yet...
First penalty of the night called against the Devils :(
Devils penalty timed at 4:41, Didiomete 2mins for boarding
Oooooh, Birbraer very very close on a shorthanded breakaway, clock stopped at 5:30
Blaze penalty timed at 5:28, Schutte 2mins for hooking
Devils back to full strength, 55seconds of powerplay...
Blaze penalty timed at 7:23, Watkins 2mins for tripping
Blaze back to 4 skaters, 1:30 of PP for the Devils...
Seems Domish and his beard aren't playing... Along with B Leeb who's suspended for being a terrible terrible man... :D
10mins played, both teams back to full strength, Devils fans say a very poor turnout from the Blaze fans for tonight
Seems there's a few people having problems with updates not showing and the score flashing 2-1 every so often, if it's happening try refreshing with a ctrl+f5, we're hoping that might fix it :E
And it's gone very very quiet again, which is sort of the perfect time to check out the player blogs we're running with this season... www.the-inferno.co.uk/blog/
Domish and the beard have been spotted! Limited ice time, but he's playing! Surely if it was concussion he'd need to be out for longer than 6 days?
Blaze penalty timed at 12:57, Guthrie 2mins for slashing
Wahay, good evening to Mr & Mrs Batch :D They're predicting a Devils 1-3 victory...
It's so damn quiet, hopefully Saturdays game is a little bit more exciting than this!
Devils penalty timed at 17:06, Faulkner 2mins for hooking
18mins played, some texters bored out of their minds...
Both netminders looking good says another texter, even Hirsch (somehow)
Some of the texters now revising their predictions down to a 0-1 Devils victory :)
PK killed successfully, and that's the end of a very boring 1st period...
"0-0 end of the first. Nothing to report. Boring." - About sums up the game so far :(
Ryan Finnerty has been spotted at the Skydome... Surprised he's not busy whinging about something somewhere... or offside
The Skydome hasn't got a drop of draught lager in the bar, travesty say our fans :E
But Simms is in the dj box with a bargain bucket, not entirely sure that's true :D
Shots on goal for the first period, 13 from Blaze, 12 from Devils...
Here we go with the second period!
Devils penalty timed at 21:11, Mckenzie 2mins for hooking
Hirsch spills the puck but somehow accdientally saves it on the line, and Devils are back to full strength
"flapping like a fish out of water" :D
Devils first goal timed at 25:02, Birbraer from Batch and Faulkner :D
Another texter says assists were to Blight and Faulkner... Still, it's a goal :D
Blaze penalty timed at 27:09, Giudice 2mins for delay of game
Ok, so announced at the game as Birbraer from Faulkner and Blight, but Devils fans are saying it was definitely Batch with the long pass to Birbraer... :D
Blaze back to full strength
Another Blaze penalty coming...
Blaze penalty timed at 30:45, G Leeb 2mins hooking
Blaze back to full strength, plenty of possession for the Devils but very few shots on the PP
Aaaand another Blaze penalty called...
Blaze penalty timed at 34:12, Chalmers 2mins for delay of game
Devils turn for a penalty...
Devils penalty timed at 34:56, Blight 2mins for hooking
Coventry fans have finally made some noise, although it's not very much...
Ah, Blaze scored a goal :(
Blaze first goal timed at 36:32, B Leeb from Cameron, Delayed penalty goal our fans though, but Devils penalty called straight after goal...
Devils penalty timed at 36:32, Milam 2mins for interference
Devils back to full strength and 1min of the game left, Devils fans unsure if Olson knows how to play hockey
End of the second period, Blaze 1-1 Devils...
10mins of period break gone, no news from Coventry :E
Officials and teams are back out for the third and final period, no sign of Danton...
And we're off with the third and final period, shots on goal for the second announced as 7 for the Blaze, 14 for the Devils!
Devils second goal timed at 43:33, Faulkner from Birbraer and Blight :D
Texters aren't sure if those details are correct, the skydome announcer appears to be using a potato as a microphone lol
Devils penalty timed at 44mins exactly, Mckenzie 2mins for holding
46:20 played, Devils back to full strength, no shifts for Danton yet...
And it's all gone quiet again, Spearsy mentioned that Domish's beard came off worst, he's shaved it off :(
It's all gone very quiet again, what a difference to the game down here!
At least we had the exciting game infront of a big crowd I suppose, should at least help draw people back, which means I best buy my ticket for Sundays game soonish
Roughly 53mins played, nothing happening...
54mins played, Didiomete just quietly getting on with his job whilst Olson skates around looking confused
Devils penalty timed at 54:57, Blight 2mins for interference
Devils back to full strength, not much to report from that PK it seems
And we're into the final 2 minutes of the game, some texters are relieved...
Devils penalty timed at 58:45, Birbraer 2mins for tripping :S
Blaze call a timeout, 58:59 played...
Final whistle goes as Blaze score at 60:00, confusion reigns...
Blaze had pulled Hirsch for the final minute...
Spearsy says they're waiting to see if the goal stands...
Goal stands, final score 2-2 :(
Blaze have reverted to giving man of the match awards rather than this 3 stars nonsense, man of the match for the Devils goes to Faulkner :D
Conflicting texts about the Blaze goal, it was definitely timed at 60:00 but some say Cowley scored, others say Cameron...
Thanks to everyone who joined in tonight, sorry it wasn't more exciting!
We'll be back on Saturday with coverage from the first league game of the season, Gazza272 will be hosting that game :D
Chris out.