Good Evening from MNL with me OJ on duty tonight's clash between those close "friends" the Devils and Steelers
Remember to let me know if you are foillowing the game out there in cyber space by e-mailing me at marchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Not heard anything from the Blue Tent except that texters are in place.
Will bring you Team news and whose got the whistle asap
Simon in Plymouth forecasts a 4-1 Devils win
Simon in Plymouth forecasts a 4-1 Devils win
Prpich, Fulton and Cowmeadow not icing for the Devils as expected
Cowmeadow did appear on the ice for the warmup but didn't complete the warm-up
Russky predicts a fight between Finnerty and MacIver or possibly Campbell
Welcome to Keith in Aberystwyth it looks like everyone are getting tuned into MNL early so that they don't miss any of the action
We will do our best not to disappoint you all
Lets hope Merlin (from Carmarthen) joins us as he has left Arthur in Camelot
Merlin can put a spell on those Steelers from up north
A big welcome to my mates in Puerto de la Cruz who can see what I get up to when home in Cardiff
Jeff doesn't think DC will fight his old team mate Finnerty but will hit him hard, which will do me.
Jeff calls a 3-2 Devils win
I have text my texters asking them "Whats Occuring"
Its nights like this that I miss. After spending over 10 years with the team I know what they are going through
Nothing happenning at the TENT at the moment, big crowd
Can one of you out there post the MNL link on the THF and Steeltalk websites for us.
I should have added that I can't post the MNL link as I am still banned/excluded from a number of websites. I must get a new e-mail address oneday.
Michael Hicks has the whistle, I wonder if he will complete the game tonight
It looks like we are going to be late starting
Steelers come onto the ice
The classical original intro being played, Devils mean business tonight
Not the complete old intro but good nevertheless, I have goosepimples
Thank you Kerrie for posting the MNL link on Steelertalk
Cowmeadow dressed and on bench
The tension is unbearable - and the game hasn't started yet.
We are underway
Aubry has to make his first save after 33 seconds
Puck out of play @ 1:31
We may have a problem, mobile networks in Cardiff very busy for some reason
Ben Davies just beat the entire Steelers defence but player had srayed offside @ 1:45
Ben Davies combines with Towe but Matt shots high.
Lines all mixed up with Voth and Latulippe rotating as centres
Penalties @4:06 Towe (D), Cruickshank (S) roughing minors
Derek's dad reports 7" of snow in Vancouver
Steelers penalty - Tait x-checking minor @ 5:12
Campbell and Jarvis go close on 4 on 3
Now 5 on 4 for 40 secs
Steelers kill penalties but Devils pp promising
Aubry save @ 7:27
Steelers ice puck @ 8:23 Devils playing well by all accounts
Remember to refresh if it doesn't do it automatically
Devils Penalty - Jarvis interference minor @ 9:56
Cowmeadow has not iced yet so a very short Devils bench, just like the old days
Hill steamsrolls Sheppard
Steelers penalty - Basiuk tripping minor @ 11:43
Devils on pp
Lehman under pressure from Teplitsky and Campbell in pp
Lehman under pressure from Teplitsky and Campbell in pp
Reports indicate the Tent is at or very near full capacity
Steeler penalty - Dagenais x-checking minor @ 12:42
1 min of Devils 5 on 3
Lewhman saves at 13:52
Lewhman saves at 13:52
Texters agree that Devils are playing very well so lets have a goal
Handbags betweeb Campbell & Basiuk
No success for Devils on pp
Silverthorn flattens a Steeler
Aubry finally called into action with an easy save @ 15:49
Another Lehman save @ 16:02 followed by pushing and shoving
Hill puts another big hit on Sheppard, you big bully (Three times fior a Welshman Phil)
Now MacIver flattens Tait, we will find if they have any steel
Steelers fans very quiet by all accounts
Ben Davies imitating McEwen at his best by skating rings round the Steelers
Aubry save @ 18:43
Final minute of opening period
If you are out there let me know matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Devils penalty - Bench minor too many men @ 19:13 being served by Ben Davies
Aubry called into action @ 19:37
At the end of 1st period DEVILS 0 Steelers 0
Steelers take a shot after the buzzer
Texters have sent updated informatio as follows Devils Penalty - Silverthorn x-checking minor @ 18:43 Devils Penalty - Bench minor too many men @ 19:13
Devils have to kill a 5 on 3 for 43 secs then a 5 on 4 for 30 secs, you can do it DEVILS
Officials back on the ice
Steelers getting frustrated by Devils physical game
Latulippe, Jarvis and Teplitsky entrusted with Devils 3 on 5 powerkill
Aubry makes easy save @ 20:41
Now Devils on 4 on 5 powerkill for 30secs
Devils kill penalty
Now get us that go ahead goal DEVILS
Steelers go close on 22 minutes then ice puck @ 22:12
23 minutes gone, game has entered a dump and chase phase
Phillips attempts hit on MacIver and bounches off
Lehman save from Jarvis @ 25:40
Steelers can't or avoiding to hold onto puck as Devils hits anything that moves
Lehman save now denies Latulippe @25:48
Steelers penalty - Crickshank boarding minor @ 26:13
Steelers taking frustration out on Towe & Davies
ineffective pp so far
Steelers kill penalty
Handbags says another texter
Hill (D) and Basiuk (S) roughing minors @ 29:01
Goal Steelers @ 30:14 scored by Thomas
Assists Cruickshank, Dowd
Bullet of a shot for Steelers goal
Bothy teams back to full strength
Steelers offside @ 32:02
Lehman hit in face mask : 32:37
Aubry saves @34:07
Devils seem to be having a restive 2nd period
Devils penalty - Latulippe - x-checking @ 35:02
Good crowd but on the quiet side, they must do their bit for the cause
Devils Penalty - Towe interference minor @ 35:28
Steeler throw big hit on Latulippe
Steelers hit pipes
Steelers penalty - Legue 2+10 checking from behind @ 37:18
Finnerty trying to get Devils into a fight
Final 2 mins of 2nd period
Devils powerplay awful
Steelers kill penalty
End of 2nd period DEVILS 0 Steelers 1
End of 2nd period DEVILS 0 Steelers 1
End of 2nd period DEVILS 0 Steelers 1
Don't know what happenned but if you don't know the score it is DEVILS 0 Steelers1
3rd period underway
I have a feeling that this game will go to OT
Lehman makes save @ 40:29
Steelers ice puck @ 41:24
Flat start to 3rd period
Lehman saves from Ben Davies @ 41:52
Voth misses on great opportunity to tie up the game for the Devils
Latulippe hits pipes @ 43 mins
Aubry saves @ 43:21
Steelers almost gift Devils a goal htting pipes of their own net
Ben Davies flattened by Sarich
Ben Davies flattened by Sarich
Devils penalty - Latulippe hooking minor @ 45:04
46 minutes gone - Sharp still waiting for his first shift
Steelers penalty - Talbot hooking minor @ 46:36
Devils will have 90secs of pp
Devils finally start taking shots
Voth misses empty net
STeelers Goal @ 48:54
Steelers goal scored by Talbot, assist Phillips
Now we have an uphill struggle
Devils Penalty - Francis slashing minor Steelers Penalty - Thomas roughing minor both @ 49:07
Devils Penalty - Francis has additional minor for roughing
Midway through 3rd period
Devils have had plenty of chances but not clinical in front of goal
Aubry saves @ 50:57
Steelers go on pp
Russky says we don't look like scoring
52 mins gone Devils slowing down, tired legs syndrome
Atmosphere not like Sheffield games of old, more like a game against Hull
Lehman save @ 52:58
Devils net dislodged @ 53:09
Devils Penalty - Stone holding minor @ 53:09
Aubry save @ 54:02
Keith if you in Aberystwyth blow and Simon in Plymouth sucks maybe we can get the puck in the Steelers net
Aubry save @ 54:47
5 mins left for Devils to turn game around
Devils kill penalty
56 mins gone Steelers finishing much the stronger
No atmosphere at the Tent which is a shame for a big game like tonights
Final 2 mins
Devils alltime record 3 goals in 25 secs
Devils offside @ 58:20
Coments such as "Games hyped beforehand then poor performances" heard
Devils time out @ 58:50
Aubry pulled
Devils go offside @ 59:02
Fight between Voth & Lehman, well thats what I am told
Handbags not a fight
Final score DEVILS 0 Steelers 2
For his brush with Lehman Voth gets penalty
Jarvis hammers Sharp at end of game
Sharp hits linesman
Sharp bleeding throws water bottle at MacIver, misses
Bench clearance
Latulippe & Talbot fight broken up by players
No details of penalties yet
Teams sent to dressing room
Ref and linesmen have also left the ice
Well the game sucked but the last two seconds were fun according to Chris
No penalties to be announced, we will have to seek them on the Devils game report I suppose
No MoM announcements
I wonder if Sharp triggered this as the fight or non fight between Voth and Lehman was nothing to get excited about.
Well we do have MoM after all Steelers Lehman Devils Latiluppe
Thanks to Chris and Russky our texters tonight
Thats all from me OJ until the next time