Join me (OJ) as MNL brings you the first leg of the Devils Scottish trip
Join me from around 6:30pm
Score predictions as usual to matchnightlive@gmail.com before face off please
Spearsy and one coach of Devils fans have arrived at the rink in Dundee
No news on team and other coach yet
Devils fans have taken over the bar
Ben says 5-3 Devils
Sam Smith Jnr calls it 6-2 Devils leading to a 6 point weekend
Christopher S calls it 5-3 to the Devils
Pat thinks Devils will win 3-2 possibly in O/T
There was a time this week when I thought I wouldn't be able to host MNL as I only got back to Cardiff last night after bring todays meetings forward
I am here to rabbit on
In addition to three of my normal texters JohnWildthing, DevilDom and Spearsy we have Bob the Driver doing his little bit whilst relaxing after taking a bus of bonkers Devils fans to Scotland
Adding a bit of Stars flavour we have oure usual Stars texter - Spaceman
Without them we wouldn't have MNL and I would be condemmed to small talk with the missus, washing up, ironing etc
All I have to put up with now is "Why datcu can't we have Fireman Sam on your screen"
Warmup is underway
Natalies also goes for a 5-3 Devils win
Chelle & Rob in Abu Dhabi predict a 4-2 win for Devilsa as they settle down to a night of MNL
Scott calls it 6-2 to the Red Army
I am now totally mystified as one texter told me warmup had started only for amnother to say there was a delay
Close on 200 Devils fans in Dundee
Our problems I think are due to very poor mobile coverage
Katie from Kts Mobile pet shop calls it 9-0 to the Devils
What planet is she on
Howard T and one week old Jack calls it 6-3 Devils
Warmup now started
Russky predicts a tied game
10 minutes of warm up left
Devils to win in O/T was Russky's prediction
Toronto Keighley predicts a 6-2 win for Devils
If you open your windows I am sure you can hear the RED ARMY at Dundee
Iapologise for harkrning back but this Scottish trip is like the old days
I remember the Devils very first game in the Heineken Premier in 1889 v Ayr played at Glasgow
We could hear the noise from the dressing prior to warm up and thinking these Scottish fans are as noisy as the ones we had in Cardiff, we came out to warmup to be greeted by close on 500 Devils fans
WArmup completed
Spaceman has challenged us to name which current Stars player has played for the Devils against the Stars
I haven't a clue I assume it was during the BIHL cross over games of a few years ago
My bet would be Jeff Hutchins but has be played for the Devils
Face off delayed
JohnWildthing thinks that there are close on 300 Devils fans at Dundee
Soph & Matt thinks Devils will win 3-1
Chelle thinks I am ancient talking about 1889. well my 2 year old grandaughter does recognise me in those old team photos
Angela calls it 4-2 Devils
Zamboni still chasing its tail
We have one answer to quiz so far - John Dolan says Anthony Lewis - checking with Spaceman if it is correct
Yes John Dolan is the correct answeer apparently he quested for Devils in our Non MNL season against Stars as DEvils didn't have enough players
Official are out
Lights out
Devils out to a great ovation from the RED ARMY
Stars fans are going to find it hard to be heard
Chelle got the right answer as well John Dolan played for the Devils against Stars in 2001/2 season
I along with many others wouldn't have known or cared as we were outside WNIR picketing
Game starts @ 7:53
Neil Wilson is the referee
Max Birbraer is the Bench Coach tonight
DJ played music whilst Red Army sang Anthem despite pleas from Stars fans
Devils penalty @ 1:59 - Davies - holding
Kill DEVILS Kill
Good PK by Devils
devils return to full strength (FS)
My texters suffeing from poor mobile signal - JohnWildthing especially
Lots of pressure from Stars no clear cut chances thankfully
devils go close @ 6:30
Stars penalty @ 7:28 - Zarb - holding
Lets have a PPG U DEVILS
Some of my texters are suffering from the effects of sherbert already, what are they going to be like by Sunday at Edinburgh
30 secs left on pp
Stars back to FS
Phil Hill scores
devils 1st goal @ 10:23 - Hill unassisted we think
It is so noisy there the game announcer has no chance neither do my texters
Gametime 12:06
Devils penalty @ 12:46 - Pierce - slashing
Devils PK efficient as usual
Wishart and Frank have words - a brave or silly boy
Developed into a good end to end game
Stars penalty @ 17:41 - Mazur
Holding was the call
Holding stick says another texter so take your pick
Matzka hits pipes @ 18:59
End of 1st period Stars 0 DEVILS 1
Trying to determine who is running Devils bench - one texter says its Max another says Max is not in Dundee
Another suggester it was a Co-operative bench coaching situation
No sign of bus legs during that period
Spaceman says Stars are fortunate to only being down 1 goal
SoG Stars 7 Devils 13
Mandy reports that Max Birbraer didn't travel to Scotland and his opration is scheduled for Monday.
Not a physical game so far - its what the Doctor odered with thre games in three days and a limited bench
2nd period starts
Scored by Dolan
waiting for details of goal
Stars 1st goal @ 21:04
Assists - Hutchins & Mazur
Texts have died up completely
Macrae @ 24:55
Waiting for assists it so noisy when Devils score
Assists Pierce & Hill
Franny has been in touch confirming that Max has his op on Monday morning.
He also confirms that it is a bit of a Co-op on the bench with bench duties being shared between Adms, Matzka and Macrae
Stars penalty @ 27:15 - Mazur - slashing
Franny asked me to say Hi to all MNLers on his behalf
Sars penalty @ 29:25
Zarb - high sticks
Should have been 2+2 as Sam Smith goes off bleeding
DEvils PP is the usual sub-standard affair
Vanderveeken fires a cannon @ 31:12
Devils penalty @ 31:25 - S Smith - interference
Puck out of play @35:54
Devils 3rd goal scored by Kenton Smith @ 34:10
No assists announced
Please accept my apologies if some update out of order but I try to correct for delayed texts if I can but not always possible
Assists on Devils 3rd goal go to Matzka and A N Other
Vanderveeken gets nailed no call so he wants blood now
Its Hill & Pierce with the assists on Devils 3rd goal
Phill Hill on gamesheet for all three Devils goals (1+2)
36 minutes gone
Gametime 38:20
Devils controlling game
JohnWildthing says Jamie Vanderveeken is having an awesome game
It might be the "Bow" talking mind you
End of 2nd period Stars 1 DEVILS 3
Hopefully we will have a Stars view on the game from Spaceman shortly
SoG for 2nd period Stars 8 Devils 15 making it 15-28 after 2 periods
Spaceman confirms Vanderveeken having a good game as is Matzka although he messed up a great chance in final seconds of 2nd period
Ice ready
Teams are back
3rd period started
Even the referee commented on the fantastic atmosphere the RED ARMY brings to a game
Game stopped for some reason!!!!
Off we go again
Gametime 43:00
Its all Devils at the moment
Give us a goal U DEVILS
Goal wiped out @ 44:21 - net off its moorings
No goal for Sam Smith
gametime 45:23
I hope the RED ARMY "voice" will last 3 days
I somehow doubt it
Borders Devils you better get to Murrayfield to add your voice to the RED ARMY on Sunday
DevilsDom just sent me a photo of the scoreboard
Burrows goes close @ 47:27
One way traffic in Devils favour at the moment
Gametime 50:50
Devils been plaing 3 line hockey all game
Bob the Driver tells me Stars have a 5 on 3
No texts giving penalties!!!
Bob corrected it to 5 on 4 - lets hope he is a better driver that counter
Devils penalties for Richardson & Frank (10 minute misconduct)
Stars penalty @ 51:14 - Hughes - slashing
Franny is that 6 misconducts for Frank, does he now miss a game
I believe both terams are at full strength
Frank & Richardson (x-check) penalties were @ 50:54
Pierce fires over @ 54:50
55 minutes gone
Gametime 55:21
Gametime 57:39
Final score Stars 1 DEVILS 3
Thats 2 points 4 to go
Devils MoM - Stevie Lyle
SoG for 3rd period Stars 6 Devils 8 making it 21-36
Franny believes Chris Frank has 5 misconducts so is OK for Fife
Stars MoM - Brent Hughes
Our thanks to the Stars very own Spaceman, JohnWildthing, DevilDom, Spearsy and Bob the Driver for texting us tonight
Also thanks to Franny for keeping us informed whilst he is on maternity watch
Thats all from me (OJ) join us tomorrow at the Devils venture into the Kingdom of Fife
I just hope they pick up those members of the RED ARMY that fell in the battle with the sherbert and Bow