Welcome to MNL as we welcome our Celtic cousins the Belfast Giants to Cardiff Bay
OJ here in the MNL cubby hole waiting for your score predictions at matchnightlive@gmail.com
Before face off at 6pm please
Well done to all the Devils fans who made the trip to Sheffield last night you certainly made your presence known
What about generating the same noise in support of your very own Cardiff Devils tonight at the BBT it will make a difference believe me.
I assume DEvils will ice the same team as last night ie no Mark Smith and Gerad Adams
Soph & Matt call it 2-1 to the Devils
A one goal win just like the Bluebirds would do nicely
Texters given their duties for tonights game
I cannot stress enough how MNL is reliant on this group of volunteers who make this service possible
Warm up starts
Confirmation that Gerad Adams is not icing
No score predictions I hope that means that we will have a nice crowd at the BBT tonight
Panthers 3 Stars 1 late in 2nd period
We will not be seeing Michael Hicks tonight as he is in Nottingham
Season high of 1,765 viewers on MNL last Wednesday for the game against the Panthers, more that the game attendence
8 mins of warmup left
Lets hope its Dean Smith in charge tonight and not
Jed calls it 4-2 Devils and hopes Voth or Frank beat up O'Keefe
What part of the World are you now Jed? - probably Somerset or somehere close to Penarth
This is brilliant Irish logic Sky says Giants will win 5-2 with McBride and Pelle getting 2 each and Peacock and Loyd scoring the others
I've heard of Bakers dozen this must Belfast Nap
OK Sky we will accept your 6-2 Giants win
Jed is in Riyadh tonight
Keighley in rainy Toronro says 5-3 to the Devils
Keighley my brother in law in Ottawa has snow
It all makes sense now Sky is Jester who we all know can't count
Unconfirmed texts that we have in charge
Ref confirmed as the un-mentionable
Ice is ready aweaiting teams
No text on crowd yet, they are still coming in
Where are our Canadian players families tonight?
They should be back from Church by now
maybe making their way home from last night Thanksgiving party - more likely
Three weeks today and the bearded one will have been and missed my house yet again
I am on duty over Christmas & New Year so don't get arrested or I will lock you up and you will miss seeing your CARDIFF DEVILS
Now Panthers 4 Stars 2 early in 3rd period
Keighley when the snow arrives you will know it believe me
Teams take to the ice
Get ready to rumble
No Doucet for Giants
No Piggot or Harding for Devils and Crisp in for Myers
Anthem time
I am ready are you?
No mesage from THE PILOT tonight - Beci where are you
Anthem done
Loading 1st lines in the stalls
And were are underway
My money is on that we will have more hits in 1st period than we had all game last night
Michelle prtedicts 5-4 to Devils
Puck covered by Lyle @ 1:02
John Frank I am afraid it is that referee although to call him a referee is an insult to the profession
Very few whistles so far
Double save by Murphy at 2 minute mark
Not much of a fight
Voth win though
Fight was @ 3:03
Voth & O'Keefe get fighting majors @3:03
O'Keefe knows who is boss
Unanimous win for Brad Voth
That woke up the fans
Phil Hill has red numbers on his sweater
Lantern Rouge maybe after his gaffs last night
Save Lyle @ 7:02
Spicy game says DevilDom
Nice to see a few hits being thrown
Giants trying to wind up Frank, so far he is resisting
Giants offside as Voth & Keefe return
Keefe trying to have a go at Voth on the bench
Keefe mouthing off as crowd remind him who won the fight
Noe Panthers 5 Stars 4 with 4 minutes left
Keefe is losing it he slashes Voth
Giants penalty - Rebek - roughoing, devils - Matzksa - holding @ 9:57
Lyle save
The lid on this game is going to blow any minute
Devils finally sticking up for themselves
Loads of Giants cheap shots
Gametime 11:30
Devils penalty - Batch - roughing @ 11:35
Giants on pp
Handbags - Matzka & Looyd - no penalties called
Devils return to full strength (FS)
Yes Beci we have already had the Voth/Keefe fight
Giants throw puches at Birbraer
Penalties - Giants McBride: Devils - Birbraer both roughing minors @ 14:33
Birbraer floors McBride after another cheapshot by Giant
Murphy save
McBride penalty was charging
Good Devils pressure but no goals
Gametime 16:00
Puck loose in crease but Voth can't get his stick on it
Birbraer & McBride return
It would appear that McBride had a 2+2 so Devils on PP
Frank goes close @ 16:46
End to end game
It must be a cracking game as my texters are obviously very excited
Lyle save
Confirmation of 2+2 for McBride - roughing & charging
McBride is now back
Lyle save @ 18:44
Giants goal
Matzka going mental with refe as he misses something
Giants 1st goal @ 19:05 scored by McBride assist Pelle
End of 1st period DEVILS 0 Giants 1
Good period for Devils despite being behind, players putting in a big effort much appreciated by fans
SoG for 1st period Devils 14 Giants 17
Both teams are back
Puck dropped and 2nd period starts
Correction to Giants goal now reads Mason, assists McBride & Pelle
Not a big crowd for what appears to be a good game
Gametime 21:40
Giants goal
scored @ 21:38 by Clark
Birbraer took a wicked slash from Keefe our non ref does nothing
Murphy save
no assists announced on Giants 2nd goal
Giants goal
Rebeck unassisted @ 23:05
Apparently puck put in net by Matzka
The wheels have come off the bus
Gametime 24:57
BBT gone into silent mode
Giants offside
Sponsors section seems to be empty tonight again
EIHL gamesheet has crowd as 1199
Where have all the fans gone?
Giants penalty @26:26 - Mason - hooking
Let the comeback commence
I suppose the problem is that money is tight and some fans have to choose between the football and hockey, City doing well average over 22,000
Penalties Keefe (Giants) Voth (Devils) roughing minores @ 26:45
Giant down injured
Hes up and skated to bench
Giant has a go at Frank and gets a good punch in exchane
Giants back to FS
Pelle shoots wide
Mason returns, Devils pp was crap as usual
Voth & Keefe return
Murphy save @ 29:05
Gametime 31:22
More handbags
Ypu could have a market stall with all the Giants cheapshots
Murphy save
Ref missing blatant calls
Cheapshote Giants is now the chant
Sadly this is what the Giants is all about
Giants penalty - Kuiper - tripping @ 35:21
I have 8 texters all telling me its cheapshots galore
Then it kicks off after a massive Giants x-check
Fight after Devils goal
Pelle threw the x-check
Ref needless to say picks out Voth
Devils 1st goal scored by Hill @ 36:16 assists Matzka & Voth a ppg
No penalty called on Pelle - WHY!!!
Giants penalty - Crane @ 36:16 - x-check
Devils penalty @ 36:16 Voth 2+2 - x-checking & roughing
Pelle now being targetted
Devils go close
Pelle has overtaken ref as the most unpopular person at BBT
Lyle save
Devils go close as we enter final minute of period
Frank goes very close
Then Birbraer misses a sitter
End of 2nd period DEVILS 1 Giants 3
Peter C the Giants reputation for cheapshots is well documented throughout the league
Video of Pelle's cheapshot shows ref watching if what a disgrace
We know whose pockets EIHL refs are in, where is the News of the World when we need them
I am even having texts from non Devils fans at the BBT
Blaze tie up game at 2-2 in Edinburgh
Teams return for third
Giants fan tells us to grow up, well that is the kettle calling the pot black
Puck dropped for 3rd
Robbie out of Come Dancing
What a shame
Come on U DEVILS lets have a goal or two
Comeback is on
Devils 2nd goal scored by Pierce
@ 44:37 assist Birbraer
Cracking goal by Pierce went past 3 Giants like a knife thru butter - KerryGold at that
Devils on the charge
Penalties Rebek (Giants) Voth (Devils) slashing minors @ 49:06
Whatever G said to them it had had an affect
Come on U DEVILS give us a goal
Gone very quiet
Voth & REbek return
Best game of the season says DevilDom
Giants goal 51:33 scored by Keefe asist KKuiper & Rebek
Save Murphy @ 53:00
2nd period SoG Devils 7 Giants 9
Jon Pelle is not the most popular player at the rink after that cheapshot x-check
Gametime 55:28
Gametime 57:03
JohnWildthing Jnr won Shirt of his Back it is a fix
Giants penalty @ 57:40 - Pelle - high stick
Time out Giants
Blaze win on penalties in Edinburgh
Lyle lifted
Giants penalty @ 59:00 - Keefe - roughing
Time out Devils
6 on 3
Final Score DEVILS 2 Giants 4
Big effort this weekend and not a point to show for it
Our thanks to my texters - Sharlene, DevilDom, Ger-Devils, Damian Diafol, Spearsy, Andy and JohnWildthing
Join us at MNL next Saturday as we welcome the Dundee Stars to Cardiff Bay
Thata all from me OJ until thwe next time