Hello all, Skippy here with MNL tonight as our normal hosts are busy, will be starting coverage at around five with face off at six. Just a quick test now to make sure I'm doing it right (:
Texters are starting to get to Coventry and the team coach has arrived so we are all systems go for later on. Feel free to email in any comments and score predictions on matchnightlive@gmail.com
First Email prediction coming in "after last night could be some penalties but the devils will win 3-2 good luck and a safe journey there and back" from PAK2305 ( sorry no name on the email )
If your in Cardiff and the surrounds and fancy a more social evening than sitting in front of a computer waiting in an update there's two options ( hockey wise) The Pilot in Penarth will be showing the Blaze game webcast or the Devils ENL will be taking on the White link raiders in the tent
If your a Twitter type new to Twitter Luke Piggot might be worth a follow @Piggsie21 ( I'm just rambling really I clearly started way to early)
Ruth thinks 6 - 2 Devils
Jon and Co thinking 4 - 1 Devils again
Jon and Co thinking 4 - 1 Devils again
Clearly way to in the habit of checking MNL, I keep checking to see if there have been any updates...
More Predictions coming in Daniel thinks Devils to win 3-1 with scorers Hill (2) & Voth
Just heard from Bob up in Coventry, about 30 tickets sold in the away block at four so looks like we could have a good amount of people heading up
Keep your score predictions coming in matchnightlive@gmail.com
Latest figures on the away block in Coventry are 70 sold with some standing.. Red Army on the road today it seems
Jess thinks score: 5-3 to the mighty red army but with lots of handbags cos the boys might wanna finish some business from last night! c'mon you red men!<3
Jess thinks score: 5-3 to the mighty red army but with lots of handbags cos the boys might wanna finish some business from last night! c'mon you red men!<3
Red Red Raz thinks 1-3 Devils win tonight
Soph and Matt think that Devils will win (3-2) RED ARMY!!
About half an hour till face off now. We all seem to be expecting a Devils win after last night.
More predictions of a Devils win.. 5-2 devils win and a bench clearence in the 3rd period. devil_bluebird
Carl in Carmarthen is thinking a Devils 3-1 win! With hopefully someone (Voth) smashing the ( you can guess this part) out of Jurynec!!!! #justsaying
Donna and Megan think it will be 2-1 to the devils
In other news Panthers losing 2-0 at the end of the first in Steeler land. Not long till face off now
Natalie thinking Blaze 2 devils 4
No Injuries reported after last night for the Blaze Jurynec has a nice black eye apparently
Texters reporting a low turnout for the Blaze unless they are all in the bar
Ross Venus warming up for the Blaze
Devils are on the Ice about 60 Devils fans in their seats
Mike Hicks is our ref for tonight
Carl's said..Let's hope Voth or Adams can match it with other eye tonight! Well we don't want him looking unbalanced with just the one black eye!! #pandaface
Sue Matzka following along from Port Huron Michigan thinks it will be 4 - 2 Devils.
Anthems being played not long to go now
Starting for the Blaze Kralj Guthrie and Fussey start with Wood & Phillips on D
Game on
Early Icing for the Devils at 2:12
Nothing to report as yet.. Let's go Devils
Blaze Penalty Cowley 2 mins @ 3:45
Cowley pen was for Interference
Goallllllllllll Max scores on the PP @4:46
Score 23 from 26 and 17
The Blaze MNL plays music when someone scores ... I'm amazed..
Blaze shot on Goal end with a Broken stick for Farmer
Blaze Penalty 11 Shea Guthrie Slashing @ 7:36
Come on Devils make em suffer !
Devils go close on the powerplay @8:02
Very quiet at the Skydome
Devils Penalty Matzka Hooking at @9:21
Time for some PK we've had loads of practice there... Kill Devils kill
Amend that might not be a PP still five on the ice
Blaze pen Fussey holding @9:21
Game playing like last night, Devils look stronger, Blaze hitting hard and Hirsch already having a mare @10:00
Devils penalty Adams Slashing @11:10
Delay of Game Kenton @11.41
Blaze 5 -3
Texter on Devils Penalties worried about his battery with Hicks reffing
Devils back to 4 Skaters..
Devils back to full Strength
Good PK from the Devils
Time 14:03 (ish)
Reports saying the PK 5 on 3 was brilliant
Blaze Penalty Phillips tripping @14:31
Phillips Trip was on Voth. Hirsch save on the shot
Devils Power play
Gone a little quiet
Goal from Matzka assist 17 on a four on four ( not sure who are pen was)
Devils back to Full Strength our Pen was to Max for Holding
Sounding like last night part 2
Pierce goes close @18:10 after a steal at the Blue line
Lets go Devils !
First Period Ends Blaze 0 - 2 Devils ! Get in
In other games Panthers fighting back now 2 - 2 in Sheffield and Caps 1 -0 up on the Clan
Blaze look poor I'm told Devils deserve to be in the lead
Devils second goal was @ 15:04 ( sorry missed it earlier ) assist to Richardson
The Blaze MNL playing " Things can only get better "
Nice to see the Blaze MNL following us (:
Reports in saying that the game is pretty much the same as last night so far.. Lets hope so
First Period shots 13 on Hirsch and 11 on Lyle
First period Penalties very even 8 minutes a team
Just to recap Devils Goals 1. Birbraer from Voth, Richardson @ 4:46 (PP) 2. Matzka, from Richardson @ 15:49
Devils coming back out for the Second
Second Period about to get Under way
Devils penalty @20:38 Richardson Hooking
Gone quiet the PK must be working
Back to full Strength @2:39 Good Devils PK
Blaze with one shot on the PK
Devils goal 3 on 2 break away from 25 assist 27 and 15 @23:20
So that's Hill from Smith and Matzka
Blaze fans very quiet even with the DJ trying to get em going
Cov lose the puck on their own Blue line and Devils score
Scorer MacRae from Pierce @24:45
Time out Blaze
Carls spotted a Blaze fan saying thommo is training them too hard during the week as they seem to be playing on half a tank ?? Any Thoughts on that ?
No updates coming in at four goals up I'm happy with that
Blaze Goal
Blaze Goal timed at @27:43 Fussey
God awful music to celebrate there
Fussey got past Dobbin there to score, Fussey to quick
Blaze second goal...
Blaze Second goal waiting on scorer @27:51
GOAL 2-4 Wood Guthrie @ 27:51
Blaze gone up a gear, report that the first Goal for them was on a poorly timed devils line change
Blaze fans waking up now
Devils Penalty Sam Smith Hooking @32:03
Devils PK sounding good
Devils Pen Matzka Hooking @33:21
Blaze up a gear all pressure on Stevie now
42 Seconds of 5 - 3
Devils back to 4 skaters
Matzka back on the Ice
Lyle making good saves, Blaze putting lots of pressure
About 5 mins to go in the Second
Blaze Goal
Blaze Third Goal @37:01 Guthrie from Kralj and Phillips
Blaze Penalty @37:48 Jurynec
Bryan Jurynec - 2 minutes for Roughing at 37:48
Devils Penalty @38:19 Richardson High Sticks
Blaze Goal
Scratch that was an out of sync message (:
Mixed messages may not be a goal
No goal
4 - 3 end of Second
Right just to confirm 3 - 4 Devils in the lead think there was a disallowed Blaze goal
Sorry about that got mixed messages there
Devils seemed to melt down a bit towards they end of the Period
Blaze scorers 1. Fussey, (Guthrie), 7:43 2. Wood, (Guthrie), 7:51 23. Guthrie, (Kralj, Phillips), 17:01
Devils score details 1. Birbraer, (Voth, Richardson), 4:46 (PP) 2. Matzka, (Richardson), 15:49 3. Hill, (Smith, Matzka), 3:20 4. MacRae, (Pierce), 4:45
Second period penalties 4 for the Devils 1 for the Blaze
We need no more goals from the Blaze in the third the goal music is horrific
Devils coming back out for the third
Devils will start with 20 seconds of PK
Third under way - Devils back to Full strength
Some assists amended for the Blaze goals otherwise quiet from the game
Nothing coming in on the update front
Blaze penalty guthrie interference @ 43:19
Quiet start to the period..
Kenton hits the side of the net @45:02
Side Netting always makes me smirk..not sure why
Nothing coming in
Fans of both teams quiet
Game time 47:25 nothing to report
Burrows with a shot on Hirsch, Glove save @47:25
Goal scored @49:59 Shoes off ! Brad Voth
@53:04 Hirsch saves a shot from Voth
7 minutes left
Having some issues with my connection 5 minutes to go
@55:11 Hirsch save from Matzka
Devils Penalty @56:01
Pen Blaze same time also Slashing Krajl
Last two minutes
4 on 4 for the rest of the game
Voth in the Box for the Devils
1:28 left
Both sides back to Full strength I'm told
Blaze Pull Hirsch
Blaze fourth Goal @59:02
Blaze goal Owen with assists for Krajl and Fulghum
Blaze pull net minder again
Seconds to go
Break away shot from Max misses the goal from the point
3 seconds left
Face off Devils zone
Devils Win !
Final Score Blaze 4 - 5 Devils
Blaze really strong there at the end but just to late
Devils man of the Match Scott Matzka
Hope the updates were ok for everyone ? My first time doing updates so I hope it wasn't to patchy
Blaze man of the Match Matic Krajl
Texters saying a good game
4 point weekend for the Devils.. Bring on Hull midweek !
Many thanks to tonight's texters - Brilliant Job
Thats all from me - Safe trip home everyone who made the trip up