Good evening!
Chris here tonight, and as always I can be reached before/during the game at matchnightlive@gmail.com
Texters starting to arrire at the big blue tent finally :)
Stephen predicting a Devils 4-2 victory tonight :)
Jess says Devils to win 4-0 :D
Someone with no name is also suggesting a 4-2 Devils victory :)
No score prediction, but Kevin and Sue Batch wishing the team well :)
It's very very quiet from the rink tonight which is slightly concerning...
Piggot lacing them up for the EIHL team tonight...
Another poor crowd according to texts so far, that's not so good for us :(
Dean Smith refs tonight (Hooray!)
Problems with the ice infront of the away team bench already...
Intro tie in the Bay, Blaze team roll out...
Intro time, not tie, we definitely don't have tie's specifically for the intro...
Devils on the ice \o/
Piggot confired as icing for us tonight, wearing #50 :)
Anthem time :)
Smith drops the puck and we're off!
End to end start to the period...
Park gets a warm welcome to Cardiff, he's on the receiving end of a massive hit from Matzka :D
Blaze have a penalty coming and Jurynec is trying to wind Voth up already
Blaze penalty timed at 2:51, Wood 2mins for slashing
Are the Blaze fans going to be up in arms about Wood slashing one of our players? :P
Giants fans even, the Blaze fans just tell us how rubbish the rink is :P
Blaze penalty timed at 3:59, Guthrie 2mins for tripping, 5on3 time!
Blaze kill Wood's penalty :(
Devils powerplay pretty awful again by all accounts
And Blaze are back to full strength :(
Devils didn't get into the Blaze done despite a 2 and 1 man advantage...
Devils first goal timed at 7:15, Hill from Matzka and Voth :D
Powerplay might suck, but at least we can score evenhanded :)
End to end game, Voth has almost killed Phillips twice now...
Blaze penalty timed at 9:14, Weaver 2mins for tripping
Davies playing very very well once again, just had a very good chance saved :(
Devils penalty timed at 10:15, Adams 2mins for hooking
Blaze came back to full strength, then we scored a shorthanded goal :)
Devils 2nd goal timed at 10:44, Birbraer from Macrae and Richardson - shorthanded :)
Sorry yeah, not shorthanded, that's just me wishing :) Was 4on4 as Weaver was still sitting his penalty :(
Adams v Jurynec
Penalties timed at 13:12, Adams and Jurynec both get 5mins for fighting
Lots of punches thrown by both players, but our texters saying Adams edged it :)
Devils 3rd goal timed at 14:03, Richardson from Birbraer and Macrae :)
Devils 4th goal timed at 14:27, Hill from Voth and K Smith :D
Fans chanting "Can we play you every week" :)
Hirsch finally make a puck stopping save... apparently a genie granted him 3 wishes...
Hirsch makes a pad save, it's a miracle!
19minutes played...
End of the first, Devils 4-0 Blaze :D
Match Night Live! leading the way again it would seem, looking at you on the other forum :P
Long way to go in the game yet, but texters and fans at the game rather happy with that opening period :)
Confirmed that Dobben is tonight playing on defence!
In other scores, Steelers and Braehead seem to be fighting to take the most penalties up in Braehead, but the score is tied at 0-0, although the Steelers will start the 2nd 5on3...
Flyers are leading the Giants 1-0 up in Fife after the first period, if they can somehow grind a win out of this game maybe they've managed to turn things around finally, although they could still do with a couple more imports i'd say... The opening goal came only 2mins into the game in the frozen north...
Edinburgh are beating the Stingrays 3-1 in Murrayfield with their game now in the 3rd period, the last time the Stingrays lost to the Capitals Cloutier had a meltdown and put the whole team on 2 weeks notice, what's he going to do after tonights (probable) defeat?! 5mins to go but all the goals came in the first period...
Dobben playing pretty well in defense, but Batch is the standout player for all texters so far!
Steelers take the lead 33seconds into the second period up in Braehead (boooooooooo) But down in Cardiff, both teams are back on the ice :D
Smith drops the puck and we're off for the 2nd period, Hirsch forced to make a save seconds later...
Shows on goal for the first according to the gamesheet, 12 on Hirsch, 8 on Lyle
Shots even, once again I can confirm we have no shows on the goal...
Hirsch has decided he is infact a netminder and makes a save...
Devils have decided to give Hirsch a breather and are shooting wide...
Sounds like a quiet start to the period again
Devils penalty timed at 23:58, Burrows 2mins for interference
Davies playing amazing on the penalty kill, Devils creating chances on PK and penalty now killed
Devils getting called for icing, but not given any time details
Someone in block 4 chanting "where's your laptop Thommo?"
Devils icing again...
After Adams gave him several slaps, Jurynec has decided he shouldn't try and windup anymore players :D
Devils fans chanting "Mail order center" at Park :D
34mins played, Devils still leading 4-0 :)
So the Capitals have beaten the Stingrays again, I wonder who's being lined up against the wall after this defeat? :S
Devils very very close after breezing through the nonexistent Blaze defense
Hirsch accidentally makes another save, whilst Dobben plays LD, Adams plays RD...
Devils called for icing once again, this time at 39:00...
Devils are just coasting along, but the Blaze look slightly lost...
End of the second period and it's still Devils 4-0 Blaze :)
Apologies for the delay, someone in my house keeps deciding to download whilst everyone else is using the internet, it's not so helpful :(
Dobben getting good reviews from all texters for his play on D tonight, but again it's Batch who they're all saying is playing absolutely brilliantly tonight
So in other games... Edinburgh 3-1 Hull (final), Braehead 0-4 Sheffield (End of 2nd), Fife 1-2 Belfast (In the 2nd)
Both teams back out for the 3rd, and we're now underway...
Blaze called for icing at 41:30, about time they got called for it :P
Does anyone know if Dobben has played defense before? Everyone is saying how well he's played tonight, i'm wondering if the shuffling of the lines again and Dobben on defense has unexpectedly paid off?
Blaze called for icing again...
Blaze score :(
The horror! THE HORROR!
Blaze first goal timed at 44:40, Farmer from Guthrie
Looks like we have idiots in the crowd, Blaze players complaining about sweets being thrown ontothe ice but a penalty coming anyway...
Blaze penalty timed at 46:09, Jurynec 2mins for crosschecking
Fans unhappy at call after the ban handed out to Frank
It's predicted that the Giants fans won't be up in arms if footage emerges :P
Another Blaze penalty, Owen 2mins for tripping at 48:13
Jurynec back on the ice, although texters tell me he's lousy...
Hirsch makes a save and the handbags are out...
Blaze penalties imminent...
Birbraer and Farmer throw a couple of punches and both get 5minutes for fighting timed at 49:47
Penalty was called on Blaze, Farmer acts like a child and cheapshots Macrae so Birbraer steamed in...
Birbraer absolutely hammers Farmer, he didn't stand a chance :D
Penalties revised. Farmer gets 2mins for interference plus 5mins fighting, Birbraer gets 2+10 for instigating plus 5minutes for fighting
The penalties are a complete mess, 4 texters and different details :/
Apparently Phillips had a penalty at the same time, 2mins for delay of game...
Whatever the penalties were, Devils ended up with a 5on3, but the powerplay was woeful...
Texters say we need that first period intensity back...
Penalties confirmed as Phillips 2mins, Farmer 2+5 and Birbraer 2+10+5
Blaze goal washed out at 54:27
Taken roughly 55mins, but the Blaze have woken up...
Jurynec making cheapshots all over the shop because he's too lousy to play properly...
Attendance of 1452 for tonight, not bad but still below break even point :(
Blaze have given up trying to get penalties and goals... Quitters!
Devils fans chanting "Can we play you every week?!" again :)
Devils penalty timed at 57:25, Voth 2mins for crosschecking
Blaze appear to be passing the puck around aimlessly, Park ran away from Voth when the bigman laughed at him though, 58:24 played
Forgot to add that Blaze goal earlier :( Sorry for confusion
It's all over, Devils win 4-1 :)
A good win there, despite the massive penalty to Birbraer he still gets 1+1 so we'll let the penalty slide, especially as he gave Farmer a beating :)
Blaze man of the match goes to Guthrie...
Devils man of the match goes to... Hill :)
Octobers player of the month went to Lyle also, but that's all from me!
Thanks to Wildthing, Ger-Devils, Sharlene, Spearsy and Diafol for the awesome coverage tonight :)
Hopefully everyone enjoyed, and we'll be running for tomorrows return game back in Coventry :)
Chris out!