Join me from 5pm onwards was MNL bring you the end episode of this weekends clashes between the Devils and the Clan
Send your score predictions as usual to me (OJ) at matchnightlive.gmail.com to arrive before face off please
Just checking on my texters
Russky thinks the Devils will triumph 4-1
Warmup in progress
Apparently no sign of Scott Matzka
If he was injured in 1st period last night my texters didn't notice - I apologise
Gareth says Devils 3-0
Mark D calls it 4-0 with a massive scrap won by the Devils
Steelers 1 Flyers 0 after 1 period
Devils been told to change sweaters and will wear their CHallenge Cup white
Michael Hicks made them change out of Black. To be honest I am surprised that this hasn't happened before as the rules say that the Home team must wear the lightest colour sweaters
Warm up completed
Keith calls it 4-2 to the Devils
Ice looks awful as usual
Predictions slow tonight
Ruth have you finished your Marathon yet?
This is my last MNL for a few weeks, No I am not off the New Zealand by racing and South of France are calling
Another small crowd at the BBT
Had a good winner today - I took 85/1 on him although his SP was 50/1 - Kie 14:40 at Kelso
It helps to pay the bills
Michael Hicks as expected is the ref
Scott Matzka appears to be a scratch through injury
Lucy Fur back for the Devils
Jed calls it 3-2 Devils after OT
Teams on the ice
DElay for some reason
Maybe waiting for 6pm
FO delayed for vital maintenance I am told
Away we go for 1st period
Lyle save
John there is a cracking goal in the footie
Devils go close again
DEvils go close is a standard message on my keyboard
Clan icing after a period of end to end hockey
Clan wonder offside at 3:12
Devilk creating chances - bury that biscuit please
Now Devils go offside
Save by Clan - Suomalainen (Suo in future)
Apologies but Mobile Network problems has reared its head already
Devils with most of the early pressure
Gametime 7:02
Scott Matzka is ill apparently not injured
Clan penalty coming
Galbraith - hooking @ 7:14
Need to shoot more on pp
Clan return to full strength (FS)
Gametime 10:50
Clan penalty @ 11:29 - Zajac - interference
Suo save
Clan kill penalty and are back to FS
Gametime 15:02
Steelers 3 Fife 0 after 2 periods
Scramle in front of Clan net
Scramble even
Clan penalty @ 16:07 - Wedderburn - delay of game
How many pp opportuniities do you need Devils?
Voth floors Bruce
Kyle Bruce went for Voth but ends up flat on the ice
Voth might be in trouble here
Clan penalty - Bruce - roughing @ 17:15
Voth 5 + game for high sticks @ 17:15
Hit F5 if MNL is showing last nights score
Devils 1st goal scored by Pierce, assists k Smith & Macrae @ 18:00
Final minute of 1st period
Clan back to FS
Clan on pp for 3 minutes
End of 1st period DEVILS 1 Clan 0
Voth was deemed to be unlucky to get 5+Game for high sticks as all he did was raise his stick for protection when Kyle came steaming ib after Voth had delivered a legan hit on a Clan player
As Andy says Matzka is ill and Voth is confused after that call
As Bruce was given a roughing minor he was clearly the instigator
Matzka now reported as having mild concussion - a head ache - should be back next weekend
Clan's Bayrack didn't ice last night or tonight - still waiting for visa I am told
Latest scores - Blaze 1 Stars 2; Steelers 3 Flyers 0: Stingrays 0 Panthers 0; Capitals 0 Giants 0
Teams are back
2nd period underway
Devils 2nd goal @ 21:06 scored by Adams assists Birbraer & Daves - a shorthanded goal
Devils go close
Lyle save
Devils back to FS
Clan penalty @ 25:42 - Bruce - Roughing
Lets have a PPG U DEVILS
Puck out of play
Gametime 28:44
Devils pp unit is not firing on all cylinders
Clan penalty @ 28:52 - Krestanovich - hooking
S;lap that pp into overdrive
Devils shot blocked and puck goes out of play
Clan return to FS
amtme 31:03
Lyle save
Clan icing
Devils 3rd goal @ 33:47 scored by Macrae assist Richardson
Steelers 5 Flyers 0 - final score
Macrae goes close again
Suo save
Devils looking for their 4th goal
I told you it was coming
Devils 4th goal @ 38:32 scored by Pierce assists Birbraer & Dobben
Final minute od 2nd period
Devils penalty @ 39:38 - Adams - holding
End of 2nd period DEVILS 4 Clan 0
A good solid 3 goal period
JohnWildthing if you are tuned into MNL let me know, missed my star texter tonight
Ice ready
teama back on ice
3rd underway
Clan goal
Clan goal scored by Campbell assists Wedderburn & Phillips @ 41:48
Clan penalty @ 42:55 - Jorgensen - hooking
Devils hit pipes
Another Clan penalty coming
Clan penalty @ 44:36 - Krestanovich - tripping
Devils 5 on 3
Scored by Richardson @ 44:45
Correction 44:46
A ppg
Devils ppg was scored on a 5 on 4 Clan back to Fs
Assists on Devils 5th goal go to K Smith & Pierce
Galbraith thought about going with Chris Frank but chickens out
Suo save
Myers replace Lyle in Devils net
Time of n/M change 51:15
Clan Goal
Clan 2nd goal @ 53:18 scored by Krestanovich assists Campbell & Bannister
Devils still pushing for more goals
Myers save
Another MYERS save
Suo save
Last 2 minutes of game
Final minute
Low key ending to game
30secs left
Final score DEVILS 5 Clan 2
awaiting Devils MoM
Our thanks go to our texters tonight - Sharlene, Ger-Devils, Any and DevilsDom
Thats all from me OJ until the next time