Hey hey! Hello to everyone out there watching another installment of MNL!
Word is the Devils team only arrived a short time ago and have proceded to get straight onto the ice for warmup!
Don't forget this game will be shown on sky tomorrow night!
So guys, any score predictions out there? Email us! matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk!!
Voth IS NOT dressed to play this game tonight, he's made the trip upto Nottingham but is on the bench in normal clothes. Damnit.
Seeing as no ones emailing, i'm saying prpich, latulippe and campbell to score tonight! Come on the Devils!
Bah. Kerri on the email says Panthers to win 4-2. Let's just hope not, but it's hard to see us winning against a full strength Panthers squad :(
Huzzah! Rebecca on the email says Devils to win 3-2! That's more like it :)
Anyone got any good ideas for banners for Sundays game against the liars, sorry the Steelers? Email us! matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk.
Rah! Carl says Devils to win 4-2 and his girlfriend says 3-2! That's what we like to hear :)
Anne on the email says Latulippe and Teplitsky more likely to score. Definately right on capitalising on the brakaways. Hopefully we can avoid taking any stupid penalties!
Haha Carl, I like the idea of your banner, not sure how long it would be allowed to stay up though. Matsos might cry :)
Wahay! Emily in Barry says Devils to win 4-1. Hat-trick Latulippe!
Only about 14-16 (very specific :D) Devils fans have made the journey up tonight!
As it turns out, i've put Wednesday in the title for the game. Turns out it's Thursday! Sorry folks :)
Tonights referee is Carson!
Rhys on the email is looking forward to Sundays game anyway against the Steelers! Tait, Lehman, Finnerty, Sharpe and Daganais plastered allover the plexi he hopes!
And the Devils are on the ice! Gooooooooooooooooo Devils!
Don't forget to email us with any score predictions or banner ideas for Sunday! matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Joe on msn says Devils to win 3-2. He always uses this score no matter who we play! Change the record mate :)
Wahay! Drummer-Ricky back on the email! Devils to win 5-4! Latulippe hat-trick, further goals from Tyson and Hill!
Hello Pete! Devils to win 4-3 says Pete with MacIver to fight Ndur!
Jed on the email says Devils to win 4-2! Myers to fight Campbell and loooooooooose!
Erm. It seems the game has started, although i've no idea what's happening or what times things have been called at!
Seems Prpich and Richardson had a fight. I *think* Prpich won, although my texts are incredibly vague! Richardson has received a game penalty though!
Drummer-Sean says devils to win 3-2!
Right. Prpich and Richardson had a fight. Still no clearer on who won.
Devils penalty. Prpich 5mins fighting.
Panthers penalty. Richardson 5 fight, 2 for instigating plus 10. 2+5+10.
Fight was started by Richardson. Richardson jumped Prpich after Levers got nailed!
Brad on the email says Devils will win 5-3, Maciver to fight either Ndur or Bergin and give them "a DEVIL of a beating!!!!!"
Right sorry about that folks. Virgin-media liek to timeout my site. Loads of info coming!
First fight was at 2:46. Prpich vs Richardson.
Campbell playing well!
Devils penalty. Hill 6:41. 2mins intereference.
Parley saved Hills shot with his face. Hill got penalty!
Devils penalty. Hartwick 2mins for high stickst at 7:56
Panthers goal! Powerplay goal. Clarke at 8:35.
Devils penalty! Hartwick 2mins at 11:55
Hartwick penalty for hooking.
Devils call a timeout in the first period!
Gah. Not a timeout. Boards around the rink are broken, engineers on the ice!
Goal Panthers! 12:16. Goal by #15. Details coming!
Don't forget, if the scores not showing, f5 the page!
Devils penalty. Tyson 2min slashing at 14:09
Panthers second goal was scored by Molin.
James up in Nottingham says Carson is calling absolute rubbish tonight.
Devils successfully kill the penalty!
Anyone alive out there?! Give us a shout! matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Damnit. Devils penalty. Campbell 2mins elbowing at 16:21.
Anyone keeping track of all these penalties!? What the heck is going on. Really really really need to stop taking penalties if we're to win!
Hello to Hannah who says "Eagerly awaiting some good news!!" I think we're all praying for some good news at the moment :(
A very big welcome to Kris on the email, all the way from Canada! Although he's hoping Panthers pick up the win. Boooooooo :)
Email from Russky! Prediction of 2-2! Although he's wondering if this game counts as a league game also to replace the game that was supposed to be on 30/12/08. Afraid i'm not in the know mate, anyone out there with any ideas?
More Panthers fans on the email! Big hello to all of you. More than welcome especially as you're fellow Steeler haters :)
And that's the end of the 1st period. Panthers 2-0 Devils.
Text from the game! "Carson is totally one sided with penalties. He might as well put a canary yellow jersey on". Bah.
Hello Norman on the email! Good to know we've got the Blaze fans behind us as well! Let's just hope we can turn this around. Taking far too many penalties at the moment though :(
Carson is supposedly calling nothing against the Panthers whatsoever :(
Email from Pete! "yes this counts as league game if drawing end of 60 that counts for cup then overtime and pens for league points" Thanks Pete!
Carl on the email says Devils penalties 6, Panthers penalties 1. Bah!
Richie on the email is promising me that all the penalties will be against the Panthers for the 2nd period. I'm holding you to that :)
Steelers on the email! Oi! Nooooooooo! Surprisingly saying Panthers to win. Booooooo
Dannys back on the email! Hearth says Devils to win 5-3. Head says Panthers to eat us alive. Really hoping you're not right there Danny :/
Jon on the email says Devils to win 3-2! COME ON YOU DEVILS!
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! The Panthers have a "rather fetching" cut out mask of Danny Meyers in their programme tonight! What the deuce?!
Lee in Notts wants to wish us lack against the Steelers on Sunday, but hopes his team win tonight. Bah :)
Norman again on the email says Prpich and Teplitsky to make it 2-2 end of 2nd!
Liam on the email says Devils to win 4-3!
And we're onto the 2nd period. I believe we're shockingly starting this period with a 5on5!
Aha! Shots on goal from 1st. Devils=8 Panthers=12
No penalties called yet! Amazing!
Panthers penalty! #77 2mins slashing at 23:13. Details coming!
#77 for Panthers is Corey Neilson.
Levers is off the ice injured! Apparently had to crawl off. Not sure why!
Turns out it might just be a broken skate for Levers!
Richard up in Nottingham says the Devils are playing "shockingly" Uh Oh. :(
It's all gone rather quiet. I suppose that's a good thing, at least we've stopped taking penalties. Just need to start shipping goals :D
DAMNIT. Goal Panthers. Molin at 30:45
As Andy on the email says, it sounds like the Devils are crashing out of the Challenge Cup without putting up a fight...
Panthers penalty! #29 2mins hooking at 32:08.
Word from the game says we don't even look like we could score at the moment. Texters blaming Carson :(
Panthers #29 who took their last penalty is Joe Graham.
Devils really struggling, passes not connecting at all. Maybe we should focus on Sunday from here on in :(
ARGH! Panthers goal. Bergin scores at 35:24.
Once again, if the scores not showing as 4-0 Panthers, hit F5 to refresh :(
Texters are saying they're thinking of coming home early the Devils are playing so badly :(
I think every score prediction received tonight has been wrong. Shambles! But as Danny says, there's always the Playoffs, and the BKO :P
And that's the end of a rather disappointing 2nd period. Panthers 4-0 Devils.
Lots of emails, all asking where our goals could possibly come from, where our team have gone and what the heck are we doing? No answers from me folks sorry :(
Shots on goal for the 2nd period. Devils=5 Panthers = 13
Texters are saying our team looks incredibly slow compared to Nottingham and have no idea where we might be able to get some goals from. :(
Carl suggesting on the email that we're really missing our captain again, with no players to step up and take the role over :(. I'm with you on the BKO Russky, but at least we might be able to win it :P
Geraint on the email says Devils to lose 4-3. Prpich x2 and Latulippe to get consolation goals. But we need a win!
"Players on the ice for the 3rd period of pain" Direct from the game guys :(
As Anne says, we should remember we're a Captain and a 2nd line forward down. The weekends games with (hopefully) a full squad there can't be any excuses if we lose in the same cicumstances!
Ben Davies is getting ice time! Huzzah! Let's hope he can make an impact, Lord knows we need it :(
Don't forget to check out our forums for away game travel information! Bob The Driver is doing a bloody cracking job this season of getting it all organised! So rather than drive, why not try the funbus(TM) :D
Not a whole lot of information coming through i'm afraid guys. At least we're not taking penalties or conceding goals I suppose :(
Devils penalty. Latulippe delay of game 47:51. 2mins.
Devils successfully killed the penalty. Hooray!
Panthers are taking absolutely loads of shots, Aubry seems to be doing a decent job in net though!
Towe gets the goal at 51:59. JUST 3 MORE TO GO!
Hill gets the assist on Towes goal. COME ON YOU DEVILS!
Panthers penalty. Bergin 2mins hooking at 53:12
Wow it's quiet tonight. I think our texters are rather disheartened tonight :(
And it's the final 2minutes at the game. Looks like Devils come crashing out of the Challenge Cup. Bit of a bummer with all the great stuff happening off-ice :(