Welcome to MNL as theBraehead Clan visit Cardiff Bay
OJ is your host for this evening as the Devils seek 2 points to round off a great weekend of hockey
Score predictions as usual to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Panthers are winning 1-0 against Steelers
Panthers now winning 2-0
LKets not kid ourselves that the Panthers are doing us a favour - they hate the Steelers - strong word but apt in this instance I believe
Mid-way thru 2nd period and it is Panthers 2 Steelers 0
It is rumoured that we will have a substitute referee tonight - a non EIHL official
Now 3-0 at Nottingham
It is suggested that lino Keiron O'Halloran will referee
David in Belfast predicts a 6-3 win for the Devils and says the Giant fans are happy
We will see, I'd rather the Devils run in than either the Steelers or Giants
Ger-Devils should be in the Diplomatic Service he now on his way to Tent with 6 Clan friends
WArm up drawing to a close
End of 2nd period Panthers 3 Steelers 0
Very quiet on e-mail front I suppose it will be hectic just as the game starts
Teams leaving the ice after warmup - no urgency shown
Zamboni doing its business
My texters are in place its my A Team tonight - Sharlene, Andy, Paul, JohnWildthng and Ger-Devils
Dean Smith will replace Michael Hicks as referee this evening
No Kenton or Mark Smith, Sam Smith announced
Both teams on the ice
Tim Burrows playing
Panthers now winning 4-0
A bit of confusion over Sam Smith one texter says hes dressed another says he is a scratch
Anthem done
Stephen says 5-2 Devils
Devils start with 2nd line
Sam Smith is playing
Away we go
Burrows shoots wide
Noisy crowd tonight at Tent
Steven says Devils to win in O/T
Devils penalty @ 2:14 - Birbraer - hooking
Good save Lyle
Now 4-1 at Nottingham
1 minute of penalty killed
Clan offside @ 3:33
Clan have started well but cannot establish their pp in Devils zone
Lyle save @ 4:10
Devils back to full strength
Clan penalty @ 4:45 - slashing - Phillips
Good save Perras
Lets get this pp working early
Perras saves a Voth tip at 6:11
Clan return to full strength
Devils go close
Devils 2 on 1 - poor pass
Devils offside
Devils peppering Clan goal - nothing to show for it though
Pam calls it 4-3 to the Clan
Clan penalty - Richardson @ 10:49 - x-checking
Marzka misses net when open in front
Michel goes coast to coast - Perras saves
Jed calls it 5-2 Devils
Clan kill penalty
Burrows goes close
Devils penalty @ 13:03 - Matzka - interference
Birbraer goes close with sh attempt
Devils PK in control
Good save Lyle
Devils back to full strength
Only reason it is 0-0 Perras
Clan get away with too many men
Voth scores
Voth assist Hill @ 17:02
Bad bounce off boards led to Devils goal
Perras catches puck, Michel runs him and the Clan jump on Tylor
Perras punches Richardson
Penalties coming
Panthers win 4-1
Minor penaltyies to each team
Michel - netminder interference & roughing
Clan penalties - Perras roughing, Landry - roughing all at 18:16
Last minute
Its 5 on 5 as penalties are coincidental
Clan offside @ 19:58
End of 1st period DEVILS 1 Clan 0
Just noticed this game not due to start for 30 minutes - old age catching up on me
6,508 at NIC for Panthers v Steelers game
Sog G - 12 by Devils; 10 by Clan
Clan return to the ice followed by the officials
Devils now also back on ice
Devils 2nd line start the period
They have earned it over the last few games
Dick & Sue Matzka call it 4-0 to the Devils
Clan ice @ 20:46
Ger_Devils overjoyed - Domino Pizza vouchers being given out at Tent
Devils penalty @ 21:35 - Matzka - hooking
Sue & Dick my texters tell me ref clearly doesn't like Scott - we do
Clan back to full bench
co-incidentals released
Voth playing well
Clan offside @ 22:21
Devils offside @ 22:43
Devils go close on sh chance - Michel
Devils return to full strength
How Michel was on the ice I don't know as he had a 2+2
Perras save
Alan W says Clan to win 3-2
There is no truth in the rumour I was packing in the interval and that was the reason I was late giving the predictions
I have a maid who does the packing
Woops I thought Barbara was coming into the office then
Some of the former players tell me they still have nightmares over when Barbara was team mum
Clan penalty b- Campbell for tripping
Campbell penalty was at 25:06
Devils 2nd goal scored by Birbrar, assists Matzka and Pelle
@ 26:08 a ppg
Handbags after Weller did something
Devils penalty - Weller @ 27:00, Richardson (Vipers) both get roughing minors
Apologies Weller gor hooking minor + cross checking minor
Total confusion wit texts - network
Clan Goal scored by Landry @ 27:28
That was a ppg
Clan offside @ 28:10
Assists on Clan goal for Krestanovich & Cook
Michel on D whilst Weller in sinbin
Clan Goal
Clan 2nd goal scored by Chaumont, assists Bruce & Cook @ 30:11
Weller returns
Clan penalty - Bostock - interference @ 31:05
Perras saves from Macrae @ 32:45
Clan kill penalty
Clan penalty - high sticks - Pelle shows blood but referee calls a single minor
Voth a ppg
@ 34:05
THe high stick call was against Bostock
Assists for Richardson & Weller on devils 3rd goal scored by Voth
Burrows doing very well I am told
Clan stay creating chances
Clan icing @ 36:12
I hope this score is correct as Ger-Devils just texted with amazing Devils goal = 3rd I assume
Devils looking tired says JohnWildthing
Last minute of 2nd period
End of 2nd period DEVILS 3 Clan 2
Check on e-mails called for
Gone very quiet on e-mail front
I am starting to get de-mob happy, racing on Monday, Tenerife on Tuesday
I will be your side of the MNL fence for the remaining league games, I will try and get back fot the play off quarter finals if I can get a flight
SoG for 2nd period 17 by Devils, 6 by Clan
Thats what I was told
The wheels have come of the Blaze bus, they are losing 2-0 at Dundee
The official EIHL gamesheet is full of errors
Teams out for third period
WE are underway
Lets hope the texts in this period arrive in the correct order
Clan penalty for hppking - Waltier @ 40:48
Big pad save by Perras
Give us a goal u Devils
Perras saves a Weller slapshot @ 41:38
Devils go close, biut close is not good enough
Devils hit pipes
Clan kill penalty
Game delayed for repair to ice in Clan goal crease
Game back on
Devils offside @ 42:58
Perras save
Get the next goal Devils
Get it now
Save Lyle
Darren late with his 5-4 win for the Clan
Perras makes big save on a backhand flick
Adams floors Richardson
Richardson, bless him, wanted to fight Weller earlier, Adams had a quiet word with Weller
Devils penalty - Finnerty - interference @ 45:44
Max goes close on sh attempt
Devils offside @ 46:37
Now Matzka goes close
Devils back to full strength
Pelle hits pipes
Perras save on breakaway
Clan are looking for tieing goal
Clan offside @ 49:41
10 minutes to go and it is still end to end
Adams now goes close
Is this a new phrase for my texters
Birbraer hits cross bar
Down a bit, shoot
Clan ice puck to relieve pressure
Gametime 51:48
Devils offside @ 52:07
Pelle almost scores
I will have to ask them what these terms mean
Gametime 53:01
Perras saves a rocket from blue line
Clan could mess up Panthers in play offs
Its still end to end
Devils looking very tired
Devils icing : 55:22
Clan pressure
Perras save
Gametime 57:10
Gametime 57:29
Last 2 minutes
Clan icing @ 58:40
Last minute
Perras pulled
Lyle covers puck @ 59:10
Time Out
Clan Time out
ENG by Michel @ 59:27
Assist Weller on Michel eng
Final score DEVILS 4 Clan 2
Clan Mom - Jon Landry
Finnerty & Voth texters candidates for Devils MoM
Devils MoM - BRAD VOTH
Big thank you to my texters - Sharlene, Ger-Devils, JohnWildthing, Paul & Andy
6 points in the bag after a hectic 3 days
Make sure you join us MNL next weekend
That all from me - OJ - I am now off to the sun