We shall bring you MNL this Friday evening as the Devils travel to Coventry to take on the Blaze
Those of you without access to Sky join me - OJ - from 6pm for this televised game.
Those fortunate to have Sky can also join me
Score predictions - before face off to matchnightlive@gmail.com
I have had reports that MNL is showing the score from the last game if so hit F5
My texters are now reporting in so coverage will kick off soon
Donna & Megan think Devils will win 5-4
Matthew S calls it 4-1 to the Devils
PAK2305 thinks Devils will win 4-2
Jed in Lisbon calls it 5-4 to the Devils
Jed I will wave to you Tuesday morning as I fly over Lisbon
People are asking if I am in Cardiff or in Tenerife. I had planned to be in Tenerife by now but family matters caused a weeks delay. I'm off on Tuesday in time for CARNIVAL
Scott Matzka in warm up
Sam Smith is icing
Only scratches therefore are the Smith brothers Mark & Kenton
5 mins of warmup remains
That 5 minutes went quick now told warmup over
A thank you is called for my gallant band of texters at Coventry - Rachael, Ross , Viv, Abs, Devils99 and Jimmy Snels
Thanks also to Paul and his brother in Coventry riding shotgun for us tonight
Some doubt on whether Mark Smith is a sratch or nor - will check
Zamboni chasing its tail
Claire confirms no Mark or Kenton Smith
Tim Burrows icing
I think I am going to be busy tonight with my new gang of texters
I left budgie of my list of texters on duty
For Blaze no Tom Ledgard or Owen Fussey but James Griffin added
Mr Carson is the referee
So no dissent from you Devils as he gets touchy about that
Ice ready
Ross calls if 4-1 to the Devils
I must ask Chris is there a rule banning texters from score predictions
Jimmy Snels says 4-1 to Devils and that Tylor looks up for it
£3 a pint has dampened my texters
They should drink it not spill it
Budgie has been on the beer he predicts 8-3 to the Devils
Matzkas in a rainy Port Huron calls it 6-1 to the Red Army
Devils take to the ice
Derek says 5-3 to the Devils
Blaze oon ice
About 40 Dvils fans in Coventry
Ceremonial face off
Anthem time
I hope not all 40 Devils fans are going to text me
Puck dropped we are away
Voth Hill, Finnerty, Weller and Richardson start
Burrows nails Robinsob
Sorry Zanon
Birbraer goes close
Gametime 1:46
Lyle save
We now have handbags by Blaze goal after shot by Finnerty
Zanon hits Hill into goal thats what started it
Voth stepped in
Seems Burrows is getting a regular shift
Devils putting pressure on Blaze
Devils penalty @ 4:52 - Hill - slashing
Blaze ppg @ 5:30
Scored bu Fulghum assist Farmer
Blaze icing @ 5:47
2nd assist for Weaver
Lyle save @ 6:33
Hill goes close
Hill smashes Cowley
Sam Smith hasn't iced yet, Burrows taking his place
Good save by Lyle @ 7:54
End to end at the moment
Big Michel hit followed by save from Lyle
Birbraer and Zanon having words
Scored by Hill, assist Finnerty & Voth
Jaeger in Blaze net appears to be injured
Jaeger OK for now
Lyle save @ 9:32
DEvils goal was scored at 9:04
Jaeger rumoured to have laddered his tights
Birbraer shot @ 10:07 goes out of play
Lee egging Voth
Jaeger save from Weller @ 11:25
Weller @ 11:30
Assist Michel
Slap shot from Weller that Jaeger never saw
Birbraer offside @ 11:47
Gametime 12:02
Jaeger save
Gametime 12:44
Handbaga as lines change
Blaze nets off at 15:12
Burrows getting rave reviews from my texters
Jaeger save @ 15:57
No big hits so far
Gametime 17:30
Last 2 minutes
Voth @ 18:24 assist Richardson
Blaze time out
2nd assist for Hill on Devils 3rd goal
Final minute
Last 20 secs
Lyle save @ 19:44
Devils penalty - Symmonds - hooking @ 19:44
End of 1st period Blaze 1 DEVILS 3
General view of texters - Devils on top in almost total control of game
SoG for 1st period 18 by Devils 13 by Blaze
Teams return to the ice
Sam Smith did not ice in 1st period
2nd period starts with Devils on pk
Net off its morrings
Pressure from Blaze on their pp
Devils penalty - Weller @ 20:48 - delay of game
Lyle save
Gametime 21:29
Devils back to 4 skaters
Now 5 on 4
Adams clears puck
Devils back to full strength
Gametime 23:11
Devils penalty n- Symmonds - roughing
@ 24:27
More Devils fans have appeared
Gametime 24:58
Chambers didn't ice in 1st period, appeared for Blaze 5 on 3 but now seems hes done for the night
Lyle save @ 25:46
Gametime 26:00
20 secs of pp left
Devils penalty - Finnerty - hooking - @ 26:24
Its Lyle save after Lyle save
Macrae fantastic pk
Devils back to full strength
Now keep out of the sinbin
Lyle save @ 29:16
Devils penalty - Symmonds - hooking @ 30:15
Huge save by Lyle
Birbraer clears
Brilliant save by Lyle
Devils back to full strength
Blaze icing @ 33:04
@ 33:40
Assist Birbraer
Blaze penalty
@ 34:10 Soderstrom - holding
Lets have a ppg you Devils
30 secs left on pp
Jaeger save
Gametime 35:44
Blaze back to full strength
Gametime 36:33
Blaze penalty - Owen - hooking @ 36:30
Jaeger save @ 36:38
Blaze fans very quiet
Jaeger saves from Macrae
Last 2 minutes
Blaze back to full strength
Lyle save @ 38:49
Jaeger save @ 39:01
Devils are playing as if they are in a practice session
Gametime 39:40
Sam Smith has had the odd shift
End of 2nd period Blaze 1 DEVILS 4
Time to check e-mails
Hope Thommo is noticing how good our Brits are
If there are any MNL viewers out there going to the Vipers v Devils game tomorrow give us a shout - e-mail to matchnightlive@gmail.com
I am now told that Sam Smith has not iced tonight
Both team back
3rd period starts
SoG 18 by Devils 12 by Blaze
There would be total silence if Devils fans keep quiet
Blaze offside @40:46
Jaeger save from Symmonds
Jaeger save @ 41:16
Finnerty laughing at Blaze players trying to wind him up
Gametime 41:55
Blaze penalty @ 42:03 Robinson - tripping
Gametime 42:40
Jaeger save @ 43:50
Blaze kill penalty
Lyle save @ 44:28
Puck out of play @ 45:07
Lyle save @ 46:24
Jaeger save from Michel
Gametime 48:04
Pelle shoots high
Gametime 48:30
Michel looking for a goal
All we need now if for a Devils fan to win the 50/50
51 minutes gone
End to end but no clear chances
Then Finnerty hits pipes
Lyle saves at 2nd attempt
Gametime 52:33
53 minutes gone
Jaeger saves from Voth
Gametime 54:04
Devils cruising to 2 points
Blaze penalty @ 56:03 - Soderstrom - interference
Devils playing to conserve energy
Last 2 minutes
Other than Devils fans chanting it is qi=uieter than a library
Blaze fans leaving
Lyle save @ 58:07
Devils penalty @ 58:50 - Symmonds - hooking
SHG by Birbraer
@ 59:11
Assist Macrae
Final score Blaze 1 DEVILS 5
Blaze MoM Luke Fulghum
Thats all from me as the Devils go on to Newcastle for tomorrow nights game
Join us on Saturday night for the next edition of MNL thats all from me OJ GOOD NIGHT