All set up and ready to go, join me (OJ) from 6pm as we await the forst leg of the Devils Scottish trip
Score predictions as usual to matchnightlive@gmail.com before face off please
Texter making their way to the Arena
We can always depend on Donna & Megan being confident a 6-3 win for the Devils they say
Simon reperts there are 100's of Welsh rugby fans in Glasgow
Carl calls it 5-3 to the Devils
It doesn't look as if I can bring you that exclusive story tonight
Been taking to an investigating jourrnalist contact today who believes he has the basis of a hot hockey story but the papers don't want to buy.
One paper said that nobody is interested in ice hockey
I must admit that afterwards I thought I was been quizzed for info not the other way around.
Carl maybe that why irs quiet in Wales they have all gone to Scotland
I hope that those on Bobs Tours have a great weekend in Scotland, what a pity there are not more of them thesedays
In my days we would have 3 or 4 in Scotland plus 1 or 2 in the North East.
The team were always amazed at how many fans ould make thse long trips
JphnWildthing is impressed with the rink and facilities in Glasgow
PAK2305 calls it 3-2 for the Devils
Stephen goes goes for 5-3 as does Ruth
Ruth says that those with a rugby ticket can get £5 off for the Capitals v Devils game on Sunday
There are a number of Devils fans at Glasgow that have travelled independently
A few hundred rugby supports attending the game would be a great help
£3.30 a pint - that should keep my texters sober
The shops in the Mall are distracting my texters
Ger_Devils says it was £3.70 a pint last weekend at the Odyssey
Warmup over
Paddy Power has Devils at 10/11, Clan 9/5 and 100/30 for a tie at end of regulation
Devils winning after scoring 6 or more goals seems to be good value at 4/1
Devils seating plans being restricted
Most of the seats in rink taped off for some reason
Very weird
Have asked by Clan texter why seats are taped off
5 minutes to face off
Referee is Wilson
Close on 100 Devils fans at Glasgow
Chris my Clan texter is at a loss to explain taped off seats
Tylor Michel spoken to, he is not a happy bunny
Finally mystery solved, seats taped off as there is no net behind Devils goal
Anthems done & dusted
We are away
Clan penalty - tripping @ 0:19
Clan penalty @ ):24 = Delay of Game - Walthier
Devils 5 on 3
Pelle goes close
Campbell - hooking was the 1st Clan penalty @ 0:19
Clan kill both penalties
Gametime 2:33
Hectic start to game
Devils offside @ 5:15 - Birbraer
Keith having 2nd thoughts on his 5-2 Devils win after their failure to capitalise on a 5 on 3 for close on 2 minutes
Gametime 5:55
Fairly even game so far
Krestanovich goes 1 on 1 on Lyle
Lyle picks his pocket
Ice looks bad
Like a morgue in the Arena
Only noise coming from Devils fans
Clan are finishing their checks and hitting
Looks as if it could be the biggest attendence so far for the Clan
Weller takes a shift on D
Blaze take the lead in Belfast
Devils are playing a very conservative on the road type of game
Gametime 16:09
Weller double shifting
Clan goal
Clan goal scored by Richardson assist Bruce
Clan goal was against the run of play - but it counts I am sorry to say
Additional assist Noel, goal timed at 17:22
Devils penalty - K Smith - x- checking @ 19:48
It appears that the Devils have come up against a hot goalie once again
End of 1st period Clan 1 DEVILS 0
Devils dominated that period but failed to create clear chances
SoG Clan 14 Devils 10
Hard to believe say texters
I think those SoG are the other was round ie 14 by Devils 10 by Clan
Devils need to up their game this period
Worringly there seems to be a lack of confidence in the team this last couple of weeks
We need to snap out of it quickly
Clan return to the ice
Followed by Devils
We are off for 2nd period
Clan score 2nd
Error by Lyle
Clan goal
THe wheels have come off the bus
Time out DEvils
2nd Clan goal @ 21:09 scored by Bostock assists Krestanovich
Clan 3rd goal scored by Chaumont assist Hayward @ 22:00
Devils seem to be half asleep, correction they are in a deep sleep
Devils seem to have stayed in dressing room
Scottish mountain to climb now
Clan goal @ 26:25 scored by Landry
2 on 1 shot through Lyles 5 hole
Scored by Matzka assist K Smith
@ 27:31
Devils now seem to be half asleep, half awake
Coach Adams seems to be on a mission to wake up team
Walker clear for Clan but misses badly
No passion, no heart says JohnWildthing, where are the Devils who went on that winning streak
In bed asleep it seems
Clan have closed up shop, happy with what they have
Gametime 37:00
Lets have a goal u Devils before the buzzer
Devils seem to try to up their game but no chances created
Chaumont goes clear and misses
Please note the subtle difference these are misses by Clan not saves by Devils
Handbags @ 39:15
Devils penalty - Voth @ 39:53 - roughing
A stupid penalty I am texted
That penalty was at 39:13
Bruce was at the other end of Voth roughing
I cannot post what my texters are saying about the Devils performance
As DevilsDom puts it - "10 hours on a coach to watch this rubbish, can't see a way back for the Devils now"
End of 2nd period Clan 4 DEVILS 1
Bob Coaches puts it as " Our D has gone AWOLagain. They are thinking of their night out after"
These is a remedy for this - ask the rink management if the Devil can have a post game skate and skate them till they drop, they will be too knackered to go out then.
These are pro hockey players whose efforts are less than what Rec players put in after a hard days work
SoG in 2nd Clan 12 Devils 8
Simon says it is the worst ever he's seen the Devils play
Devils are taking a hammering
Claire that is an interesting thought, the Devils are having a practice on how to come back from 4-0 down befire 2nd leg of CC Semi
3rd period underway
It will be a good game to win BUT
I should have kept my mouth shut
DEvils are shocking
Clan 5th goal scored by Bostock @ 40:43
I will be shot for saying it but when a team implodes like the Devils have in recent weeks the puck stops with one man - coach
That 5th Clan goal is now credited to Cook, asists Bostock & Krestanovich
In ice hockey since Noah played the coach carries the can
I was unfortunately in the dressing room twice when the Devils coach resigns because his team failed him
No passion, no desire - NO BEER
I am told Adams is trying to gee up the team, Symmonds is the only player that is blameless
Devils penalty @ 45:31 - Weller - slashing
Clan penalty for hooking at sametime
Now 4 on 4
Clan penalty was against Wedderburn - hooking
Voth in sinbin along with Adams
5 on 3 for Clan
I am told that Adams got a double minor for interference and Voth a double minor for roughing @47:53
Sinle minors they were
Clan Goal
It is so bad that this is embarrassing
ppg for Clan
Texters are laughing instead of crying
Some Devils fans are leaving
6 th Clan goal scored by Landry assist Richardson & Cook
More handbags
My texters are beginning to desert their posts, who can blame them
The question being asked is Where is Finny to defend this load of ****
This is going to kick off any minute now
Devils maybe frustrated but what about us poor sods
Or those dedicated Devils fans that have soent £200+ to see this load of rubbish
Devils penalty Smith 2=2 - holding & roughing, Clan penalty - Walker - roughing
@ 51:44
Half the Devils fans have left to chants of "Cheerio" from the home fans
Gametime 52:13
Clan score 7th goal
DEvils fans bus driver has said he is leaving @ 9:45
7th Clan goal scored by Krestanovich, asists Hayward & Chaumont
That last goal was @ 55:21
My texters organising has gone to pot, some have left the building with Elvis
Big pile up in front of Clan net, when dust settles roughing minors for Phillips (Clan) and Smith (Devils)
Those penalties were at 56:11
Devils penalty - Finnerty - high sticks
There was a tripping minor to Bostick @ 58:00
Finnerty was 2+2 for accidental high sticks @ 58:55
DevilsDom says he feels ashamed to be a Devils fan
Teams do lose but not in this gutless fashion
Last minute of game
Come on ref put us out of our misery
Walthier slashing minor @ 59:15
Final score Clan 7 DEVILS 1
No news on MoM well MoM for the Clan anyway
Thats all from me OJ until the next MNL on Sunday as the Devils take on the Capitals
Clan Mom - Krestanovich; Devils MoM - ? Smith