Jpoin me (OJ) from arounfd 6pm as MNL brings you the puck by puck coverage of the Clan's visit to Cardiff Bay
Score predictions plus any other comments to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Welcome to the record breaking MNL
Texters duties allocated and we are good to go
Andy forecasts a 6-2 win for the Devils
Rhys calls it 5-1 to the Devils and wants us to say Hi to his mum Rhian ostler
Good 4-2 win for the Bluebirds so lets get a nice win from u Devils
It will be interesting to see how big a crowd we will have in the Tent tonight
Its freezing again I hope that white stuff is not on its way back.
Waiting for my texters to report
Traffic problems I hear, but that is the norm for midweek and Saturday games
Warmup well underway
Swimming Gala causing major car parking problems
No scratches for the Devils
Stephen thinks that after the Bluebirds effort the DEvils will win 7-2
Final 3 minutes of warmup
Where are Keith, Carl etc with their score predictions?
Maybe they have made the trip from deepest West Wales
Warmup finished and Zamboni hard at work
What we need is another winning streak for the next month or so
13 league games before end of Feb win all those and the League title will be in the bag
I have an unterior motive in all this as I want to get back to Tenerife for Carnival
Apparently there will be a delay in the face off
Parking problems I assume
Trying to find out how long the delay will be
10 minutes delay I am informed
Darnell is the referee
Despite the delay the on ice officials are out there
Its weather like this that makes me question why I returned to Cardiff from Tenerife
To host MNL is the answer
Although I could have done that in sunnier climes
Clan take to the ice
Devils intro
Welcome onto the ice your very own CARDIFF DEVILS
Nigel Boniface doesn't ref EIHL anymore
10 brave Clan fans have made the trip
Anthem time
Ready for the off
Game on
I am told Clan we late arriving
Clan go straight onto attack
Devils then exert pressure
Devils shooting on sight
Voth goes close @ 1:40
Symmomds taking his regular shift
Devils finishing their checks
Clan nail a Devil - handbags
Finnerty was the Devil
Then K Smith & Cook have words
Clan hit pipes
Superb save by Lyle as Clan player thought he had scored
M Smith smart steal in neutral zone
Scored by Voth
Voth scores from a rebound after an Adams shot @ 4:26
Assists Adams & Finnerty
Perras floors Pelle - no call
Lyle save
Perras x-checks Pelle Clan breakaway led to that last Lyle save
Voth runs Perras, pretends to slide, Darnell believes him, no call
Voth was really pushed by Clan D but didn't attempt to stop until he hit Perras
Macrae not doing well at face offs tonight
Devils go close
Have you heard about big story in NoW
Clan icing
That was @ 7:51
News of the World story involving Devils I hear
Clan penalty - Bostock - hooking @ 8:35
Weller wrist shot saved Perras @ 8:44
Another Perras save
One minute of pp left
Pelle hits pipes
Voth has a chance on another rebound
Clan finally clear their zone
12 secs of pp left
Clan back to full strength
Handbags in Clan crease
Penalties @ 10:41 Birbraer - roughing
Clan penalty - Wathier - x-checking sametime
Assists Michel & Macrae @ 11:39
Both teams back to full strength
Clan are creating chances
News of the World story will rock ice hockey
Symmonds poke checks saves a certail goal
Voth having a good game at both ends of the rink
Pelle left alone in front, weak shot saved
Lyle save from Cook
Michel flattens a Clan
Gametime 17:42
Last 2 minutes of 1st period
Perras makes big glove save
Krestanovich does all the hard work but shoots wide
Devils penalty - Finnerty - slashing @ 19;23
End of 1st period DEVILS 2 Clan 0
Devils in control for most of the period but Clan are dangerous as they do create chances for themselves
Apologies - Devils 2nd goal scored by Weller
News of the World have been investigating a complaint involving the Devils
Or an organisation associated with Devils
It involves phone tapping
I believe the SoG for 1st period were 16 by Devils: 7 by Clan
After 1 period the scores in the other games are: Newcastle 0 Dundee 0 Sheffield 0 Belfast 1 Coventry 3 Edinburgh 0 Nottingham 1 Hull 1
Teams back out
Mate says he will e-mail me a scan of NoW story when it gets off the press in 40 mins
WE are off for 2nd period
Devils return to full strength
News that Dundee Stars game abandoned after mass brawl
Devils penalty - Matzka - hooking @ 23:20
Devils return to full strength
Devils penalty - Weller - intefference @ 26:05
Better pp from Clan but no decent shots
Now told that 1st period in Dundee - Newcastle game ended eary after a mass brawl @ 18:52
Penalty killed
Clan icing @ 28:28
Scored by Pelle @ 29:56
Assist Matzka
Stars game has rewsumed after lengthy delay
Clan odffside @ 32:09
Matzka couldn't get on the end of a lvely pass across the crease
Game still end to end but gone a bit flat
Gametime 34:40
Good save Lyle
Devils penalty - Richardson - hooking @ 35:31
KILL 1 minute of penalty killed Ref Darnell takes a tumble 30 secs to kill Voth has sh chance after Cook turnover Perras saves Devils back to full strength Gametime 38:10 Last minute of 2nd period Lyle save @ 39:11 Big save by Perras End of 2nd period DEVILS 3 Clan 0 SoG 2nd period 12 by Devils; 7 by Clan Steelers winning 4-1 against Giants My scanned NoW coming through News of the World have defended their action of scanning MNL texters phones as ice fans all over the UK wanted to know id MNL bias was down to texters or MNL hosts, it says continued on page 11 but I haven't got that page It must be about Chris S as he is the most biased host I just upset our Celtic cousins (and everyone else) Clan return to the ice Devils return Off for 3rd period Gametime 41:00 Save Lyle Voth nails Cook Finnerty shot saved by Perras Capitals have managed just 1 SoG in 2 periods at Coventry Correction EIHL software can't deal with change of netminders its 7 shots by Capitals Gametime 42:34 Linesman cocks up another offside call In many instances the standard of the linos is lower than referees DEVILS GOOAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Scored by Macrae Macrae beat Perras at near post, skating down the wing Goal scored @ 43:59 Assist Michel Clan icing @ 45:35 Devils camped in Clan zone We are hoping to run MNL on Sunday but if there is anyone out there who can help e-mail me at matchnightlive@gmail.com Landry throws a big hit on Sam Smith in open ice Save Perras @ 47:28 Game gone flat Thats OK keep some in reserve for Stingrays tomorrow Birbraer is having a nightmare game Penalties - Adams (Devils) Cook (Clan) roughing @ 50:16 Cuddling would have been a better call Clan offside @ 51:11 Penalties killed All Max is having one of those nights when the puck ops over his stick, bounces when he is going to pass etc I suppose you have to put up with it Both teams return to full strength Run the clock dowen lads 2 goal from Maxi would be a good way to finish Perras saves from Adams @ 54:21 Blatant trip on Birbraer - no call Gametime 57:20 Glove save Perras - from Voth Lyle frezzes puck @ 58:02 Clan ice @ 58:35 Have I got this score correct is it 4-0 or 5-0 30 secs to go in game Game over Final score DEVILS 4 Clan 0 Page 11 of NoW has come through - Yes it confirms Chris S is the most biased host of MNL 2 points in the bag a new day a new streak Clan MoM Brendan COOK Devils MoM - CRAIG WELLER Our thanks to our texters - Sharlene, Andy, Paul, JohnWildthing and Ger-Devils Without them there would not be a MNL Tonights attendence given as 1,627 Make sure you join Chris for MNL on Sunday as the Devils travel to Hull to take on the Stingrays As I said if you know of someone who can help us out from Hull email us at matchnightlive@gmail.com Until the next one that all from me OJ