All set up ready to go
Make sure you join me OJ from 6pm onwards
Score predictions as usual to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Fans will be glad to know that the team entered Scotland at around 3pm so will get to the rinkk in good time
Game time in 90 or so minutes so its time to finish of the tea, put the beer on ice (optional) and pull up a chair as we give you hockey from Glasgow as we enter the 2nd week (or is it third) of the modern ice age.
Moray Hanson has the whistle tonight so lets hope he keeps his pea underused
Score predictions to matchnightlive@gmail.com before 7:30 face off
PAK2305 calls it 4-2 to the Devils and wishes everyone a safe journey home
Ruth cheking if we have moved, no prediction from her yet due to cold weather
Carl are u out there I had a funny e-mail from you earlier suggesting you were in sunnier climes
My Clan texter's bus just crashed into a car - everyone OK thank goodness
Devils are at the rink
Angela goes for a 5-3 win for the Devils
No prediction from me tonight I am still enjoying the success of my 12-0 prediction last week.
Ruth calls if 4-2 Devils
To avoid confusion send your predictions to matchnightlive@gmail.com
We were hoping that matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk would have been back up but there seems to be cobwebs in the system somewhere
It will be interesting if Dundee can get to Cardiff on Sunday, I assume their biggest problem is getting to the Forth Bridge.
For those of you in Dundee it is now raining in Cardiff and thawing
Warm up underway at Braehead
Tonights MNL coverage will not be as comprehensive as usual as we are down to just one texter - Chris Devlin, a Clan fan who is armed with two mobiles
Our gratitude goes to Chris who has stepped into the breach and I must say is as keen as mustard
David in Belfast predicts a 5-1 win for the Devils
Panic starts to kick in, lost contact with my sole texter
Warmup now completed
David I hope all games are played this weekend, Devils got to Glasgow OK today
Phil calls it 5-3 to the Clan, bless him
Carl says 6-1 to the Devils, thats more like it
Gareth thinks tonight will be a pivotal game to determine whether he are title contenders
Now snowing in Llanelli
There is a severe weather warning for South Wales with heavy snow working eastwards
Ice is ready awaiting teams
Teams slow taking to the ice
Teams finally appear
Braehead Arena like a morgue
We are away for the 1st period
No 1st minute goal for the Devils this week
Snowing in the Alps (Caerphilly)
NNo news is good news I suppose
DEVILS Goal @ 3:31 Matzka, assist Birbraer
No news is good news
Penalties Clan Phillips hooking . Devils Finnerty - holding stick @ 3:53
Devils in control of game
Clan penalty 2 minute roughing, Devils Voth 2+2 roughing
Clan on pp
Devils return to full strength
Apologies no Clan player identified and no gametime given
Devils now under pressure from Clan
Gametime 13:03
Devils penalty @ 13:30 - Michel - hooking
DEvils PK squad in action kill penalty
Gametime 16:43
Dareen in Ohio says its snowu=ing thee and he predicts a 3-1 win for the Devils
Devils penalty - Finnerty - hooking
Apologies Finnerty penalty was at 17:00
Ruth is that Rhys Meredith?
Devils return to full strength
Andrew snaps Carl's 6-1 Devils win
Had neglected to bring you all the predictiona
End of 1st period Clan 0 DEVILS 1
Clan improved as game went on but best chances go to Devils
Ger-Devils who has been pigging out at an Indian Restaurant predicys a 4-2 win for the Devils
We are indebted to Geraint as he found us our texter at Braehead - Chrius Devlin
Smalles crowd to date at Braehead
2 Devils fans spotted at Braehead
Glynne wants 2 points and a 4-2 Devils victory, but I am sure he would take the 2 points with any score
Teams back for 2nd period
Gone very quiet
No news is good news
It worked last time
Devils creating half chances apparently
We must up the tempo as it will make the trip home much more bearable
Devils have gained ontrol of game but have nothing to show for it
Clan rooted in their end zone
Come on u DEVILS give us a goal
Devils hit crosbar
Clan penalty @ 28:01 - Chaumont - interference
Lets get that pp into overdrive u Devils
Clan return to full strength
Nice to hear that the Devils D is very organised
Clan playing a dump & chase game which is unusual for them
Gametime 15:03
Devils still dominant @ 37:15
Devils penalty @ 38:00 - Pelle - interference
Game stopped due to damage to plexi
Play resumes
Devils 2nd goal scored by MacRae assist Michel @ 38:32
That 2nd Cardiff goal was a SHG
Perras at fault for goal I am told
At the end of 2nd period it was Clan 0 Devils 2
3rd Period starts
Come on Devils lets cash in the 2 points, a quick ccarry out and onto the bus
Gametime 44:02
Clan still resorting to dump & chase
Awaiting full details
Scored by Matzka assist Richardon @ 45:53
Glynne is a goon
Not happy with 2points on the road he wants some bigs hits thrown
We have to look after our Celtic cousins from the north as we want them to take points off our rivals
Starting with the Capitals on Sturday night when the Giants hit the Scottish Capital
Devils penalty @ 47:25 - S Smith - slashing: Michel 10 minute misconduct + Game- abuse of official
Lets kill this penalty Devils
One minute killed
Lyle playing well
4th Devils goal @ 53:51 - Finnerty assist Hill
Glynne says this is the best Devils team for years, I will have to go and have a look for myself
Gametime 55:51
Lets run that clock down, start the engine - driver
Its all downhill home to Cardiff
Last 2 minutes
Gametime 59:02
Devils penalty @ 59:16 - M Smith - interference
Final score Clan 0 DEVILS 4
Too easy says Chris our Clan texter
That is Stevie Lyle 3rd shut out in less than a month
Clan MoM - Bruce
Devils Mom - Scot Matzka
Our thanks to Chris Devlin our texter at Braerhead
Godd 2 points , safe journey home for the team and those 2 Devils fans spotted at the rink
Thats all from me OJ, join me on Sunday night when hopefully the Dundee Stars can get through the snow to the Tent in Cardiff Bay