Welcome to MNL as we welcome the Newcastle Vipers to the Tent
More importantly we welcome CRAIG WELLER to Cardiff Bay
OJ here in the MNL box - yes before anyone says it - it is a very big box
Score predictions to matchnightlive@gmail.com
If you can't get to the Tent make sure you join me here at MNL
Greetings from Carl
Where have you been, missed you last nite
Less than 300 tickets left for walk up
Lets gave Mr Weller a good fashion Devils welcome
No score predictions so far, you can't all be going to the Tent
Game delayed 15 minutes
Zamboni has a puncture
Well that a new one
In a way it might be a blessing if we are going to get as big a crowd as some anticipate
Gives me a problem though - the Rioja is going down sweetly
Hopefully I have missplaced the corkscrew
Gareth J calls it 3-0 to the Devils
He also tells me to lay off the wine
Well I have a confession to make - during the last few weeks I have realised how much I miss not living in Tenerife - sun everyday, cheap (although not as cheap as it was) drink, fat cigars, what a life
Stephen calls it 4-1 to the Devils
Personally I think its going to be a cricket score tonite
Warm up finally underway
Midway through warm up
A brave soul calls it 6-4 to the Vipers who they say are much improved after a stern warning about their performance to date
No Stephen I don't think it will be 154 for 2
11-2 maybe
Talking about improved teams the Clan have justy made it 1-1 in Belfast
Devils missing Mark Richardson and Alex Symmonds but welcoming Craig Weller to the fold
Warm up completed
Lets hope there are no more punctures
e-mails very quiet, where are you Keith, Ruth, etc
At the game I assume
Very quiet from the Tent - no texts
Big queues at the Tent causing problems
My texters have finally gained entry
Looks like a bumper crowd
A round of appause at the Tent for those fans who travelled to Nottingham and made their presence felt
Vipers take to the ice
Devils music has started
Fans filling their lungs
Michael Hicks has the whistle
Rendition of boos welcomed him onto the ice
Devils onto the ice to a tremendous cheer
Its a big big crowd
Standing ovation for Craig Weller
Chelsea losing 3-0 to Sunderland
Thats anough glory for the North East don't give them more Devils
Welcome to the Birbraer clan worldwide
Great to hasve you with us
Very respectful minute silence on Rememberence Day
No Schwarz for Vipers
MNL this season viewing figures 60% up on last season
Here we go for 1st period
Weller creams Forsbacka after just 10 secs
Pelle flattens Sample
Lyle save @ 1:28
There are Devils throwing hits which they don't normally - Matzka just threw one
Vipers offside @ 1:52
Weller threw 3 hits in his 1st shift
I suspect that we will suffer network problem's tonite
Cardiff Bay is getting well known for it
Birbraer goes close @ 4:03
Vipers got puck in net but got washed out - high stick
Viper fired in from the wing Kyle saved, puck went high and Viper swung his stick at it
Its end to end but Vipers playing a defensive game in the main
Watch them Devils they are dangerous on the break
Scored by Finnerty assist Voth @ 6:52
2nd assist K Smith
Apparently Vipers netminder was forced back into his goal, puck and all
They are count once given
Gametime 8:43
Crowd around 2,000
Macrae dekes a player but puts it high
Devils penalty @ 11:55 - Finnerty - holding
Hooking not holding
KILL 40 secs left on PK Great save from Ehhinger from Voth Devils return to full strength Three big saves by Lyle Devils having trouble clearing their zone Gametime 15:18 Birbrarer hits Stewart Pelle misses open goal Not like him Effinger is giving up juicy rebounds DEVILS GOAL -- DAVIES Assists Hill and Weller @@ 16:25 Forsbacka taunting Finnerty Ben Davies took Voth's place on 2nd line Don't know whether Voth is injured Vipers penalty @ 17:39 - Sibley - interference Devils pp not out of 1st gear yet Devils offside @ 18:34 Last minute Voth is back on the ice Vipers kill penalty End of 1st period DEVILS 2 Vipers 0 Devils pp needs a service Vipers don't look like scoring and Effinger is very shakey Checks are currently being undertaken to find out if there is a pea in referee Hick's whistle Finished my wine, sticking to coffee now Come on the Clan - now 2-2 in Belfast Ice ready for 2nd period More of the same u DEVILS Its 1-1 between the Blaze and Stinrays in the CC Stephen - her indoors said no more Rioja as I had to pace myself as my son & heir gets wed next Saturday Both teams return to the ice SoG 11 on Lyle: 10 on Effinger We are underway Vipers penalty @ 20:19 - Zajac - hooking Give us a goal u Devils, MAX are you listerning your family want a goal from you so do we Vipers SHG scored by Hartmanis @ 21:51 I told you they were dangerous Assist for Stewart Vipers have another shorthanded chance foiled by Lyle Vipers kill penalty DEVILS GOAL - HILL Top corner from Phil Hill Devils 3rd goal @ 23:26 - Hill, assist Finnerty Vipers icing Gametime 24:26 Effinger coughed up a big rebound forcing Vipers icing Shaky start to 2nd period from Devils but they now seem to have recovered their composure Drive the net lands Charlie Effinger will see you alright with rebounds He's good like that Gametime 26:30 Devils penalty @ 26:45 - S Smith - slashing Lyle saves a onetimer from point Pelle breaks away, Viper pulls him down Penalty shot at 27:13 Pelle misses Vipers penalty - Forsbacka - tripping At 27:13 The trip was before Pelle was pulled down Another SHG for Vipers @ 28:51 Lyle save but coughed up puck Scored by Mahovsky, assissts Sibley & Speer Vipers return to full strength Conceeding 2 shg against Vipers is unbelieveable Crowd is quiet despite being numerous Effinger saves from Weller @ 30:57 Vipers penalty - Holland - illegal equipment @ 31:30 His helmet fell off and he carried on playing DEVILS GOAL _ BIRBRAER PPG DEVILS GOAL _ BIRBRAER Forsbacka and Voth exchange slashes No more shg and no more silly penalties just pocket the 2 points and round off a good weekend Devils penalty @ 34:59 - Weller - hooking Assists on 4th Deviuls goal went to K Smith & Matzka Gametime 35:13 Devils kill penalty Time of Birbraer ppg was 31:38 Weller running the show, oozing class I can't understand why some updates don't seem to register Will keep an eye on it Devils winning 4-2 that what counts DEVILS GOAALLLLLLLLL - SAM SMITH Devils 5th goal @ 37:46 Assist to Weller on 5th Devils Goal Vipers penalty - Stewart - hooking @ 38:22 1 minute killed by Vipers Devils penalty @ 40:00 - Matzka - x-check End of 2nd period DEVILS 5 Vipers 2 For the Sam Smith goal the Vipers seemed to stand and watch as Smith and Weller played through them Stephen wants to know if Weller is going to be the best player ever for the Devils For me he has a long way to go to beat some of the greats of the past If people say that Moria, McEwen, Matulik etc didn't play in the NHL then Weller has less than 100 games For me it has to be Doug Smail 887 games in the NHL Blaze are losing 2-1 to Hull SoG 10 on Lyle; 25 on Effinger Thats what I am told Travis Brigley is also worth a shout especially as he played for the Avalanche after playing for the Devils SoG confirmed I suppose with that level of pressure you will concede SHG Teams return for 3rd period Vipers start 3rd period on pp So Kill Devils Kill we are off for 3rd period PP after 22 secs of course Vipers go on pp VIPERS GOAL a ppg @ 41:45 Lyle's 5 hole I am sorry to say Scored by Hartmanis assists Langdon & Rzeszulto Blaze now losing 3-1 to Hull Voth misses a hit and goes flying Gametime 43:50 Gone quiet all of a sudden Devils offside @ 45:39 Hull now winning 4-1 in CC Does that help us? Birbraer hits pipes Effinger seems to have recovered his game Is there anyone outy there who knows whether a Coventry lkoss helps the Devils in CC qualifying Matzka desparate to score but to do that he must shoot Vipers icing @ 48:01 Now 5-1 to Hull at Coventry Devils are top of their CC group with Nottingham to come at home Effinger sits on puck @ 50:48 Devils offside @ 51:23 Vipers Goal - Sample @ 52:19 Come on u Devils Assists Carroll & Stewart DEVILS GOAL - VOTH Voth was not even facing the goal swung around and scored Assists to Davies & K Smith @ 52:47 Puck travels across empty Vipers net no Devils can get to it Vipers time out @ 54:52 Change on Devils 6th goal assist goes to Finnerty instead of K Smith Gametime 55:28 Effinger foils Pelle Vipers Goal @ 56:30 Scored by Speer Change on Vipers 5th goal now scored by Mahovsky, assists Speer and Hartmanis DEVILS GOAL - BIRBRAER Assists Pelle & Matzka Timed at 57:40 Vipers lift netminder Gametime 58:38 DEVILS GOAL - SAM SMITH Scored @ 58:56 assist Michel eng Effinger back in net That was Sam Smith's 2nd goal of the night Final score DEVILS 8 Vipers 5 Waiting for news of MoM Whilst we are waiting - big thanks to our texters Sharlene, Paul, JohnWildthing, Andy Blaze and Ger-Devils Viper MoM - Charlie Effinger Devils MoM - Sam Smith Will not be with you for next weekends back to back games against the Capitals but if you can't get to the games join Chris on MNL Thats all frm me OJ as the Devils carry on their march towards the higher reaches of the league table