Good evening!
Chris here for tonights game, as always I can be reached before/during the game from matchnightlive@gmail.com
First predictions of the night are in, 2-4 Devils victory says Ruth
3-5 win for Russky, this is what we like to hear, and see :)
Kind of expecting another win for this game, but then again Vipers didn't do too badly last game down in Cardiff...
Keith says 3-4 Devils win...
Just realised I don't have a current list of the Vipers numbers and players to hand, this could be interesting if the Vipers website isn't helpful :E
Fortunately the website is good, panic over :)
John predicting a 2-7 Devils victory, that wouldn't be a bad result at all!
Sara saying a Devils 2-5 victory, with another hat trick for Michel, here's hoping :D
Jack Reacher saying a Devils 2-5 victory as well!
10 minutes to go until we start, not sure on the lineups for either team yet...
Only 1 texter for this game, and he's a Vipers fan so i'm going to have to add bias here :)
Very very quiet tonight so far...
Seems Prpich isn't expected in for the Vipers until next week, that's good for us...
Scott predicting a 3-6 Devils victory...
Only 2 minutes or so to go until we start our victory :P
Wilson is ref for tonights game, i've never actually heard of him!
Here we go with the first period though...
This could be frustratingly quiet tonight :)
Apparently, Whitley Bay rink isn't much better than Murrayfield
It surely can't be colder inside than outside, no matter what the outside temperature is though? That's a feature unique to Murrayfield
As I have no news on our team, Steelers 1-1 Stingrays so far
The Stingrays looked awful for most of the game on Tuesday here in Nottingham, they somehow managed to play well against us though...
Devils 1st goal timed at 3:36, Mark Smith from Kenton Smith
Wahay :)
Devils penalty, Finnerty 2mins for tripping at 4:45
Apparently the Vipers have only one 'A' on their team tonight
1min of penalty killed
Another Devils penalty, Adams 2 mins for slashing at 6:22
23 seconds of 5on3 for the Vipers :(
And the Vipers score...
Vipers 1st goal timed at 6:49, Rzeszutko from Sibley - PPG
Another Devils penalty coming...
Devils penalty timed at 7:32, Symonds 2mins for interference
Hopefully we'll kill this one!
1min of penalty killed!
It's gone very quiet...
Penalty killed, texter says Vipers wasted opportunities...
Vipers score a 2nd goal :(
Vipers 2nd goal timed at 10:10, Forsbacka from Carroll and Speer
Has anyone been keeping track of when we can/should expect Richardson back?
About time! Vipers get a penalty :)
Vipers penalty timed at 12:21, bench penalty for too many men on the ice...
Not sure who's sitting that 2mins out for the Vipers
3 more weeks for Richardson it would seem :(
Not too sure how our powerplay is going, but 1min of the penalty has been killed
Devils 2nd goal timed at 14:10, Hill from K Smith - PPG
Forgot the ENL guys were playing tonight as well, they're currently drawing 1-1 with Oxford I think it is
Seems Dean Holland was sitting out the Vipers 2min penalty
Afraid it's gone very quiet again
Voth gets floored by Zajac, apparently he's almost a foot shorter than Voth...
Seems we have a fight, Stewart and Voth go for it...
Or not, the Vipers twitter is just a big lie...
Penalties for both teams after the Zajac/Voth hit...
Vipers penalty timed at 16:04, Zajac 2+2 for roughing
Devils penalty timed at 16:04, Voth 2mins for roughing...
Ah, seems the Vipers twitter person who I assume is at the game, got confused between 2 of their own players...
I'm guessing that puts us on a 4v4 for 2mins, and then a powerplay for 2mins?
End of the first period, Vipers 2-2 Devils...
Texters seem to think the crowd up in Whitley is only roughly 700, they've lost an awful lot of fans moving from the arena if that's the case
Shots on goal for the first, 14 on Effinger, 9 on Lyle
Hopefully our first line can score in this 2nd, would be quite nice to see them stay in the top 5 :)
And Michel of course :)
Can't be long till we're back for the 2nd period...
I'd forgotten we'd had almost 2minutes of powerplay towards the end of that period
We also have 4 seconds of powerplay to start the 2nd before Zajac returns
Trying to find out if we're anywhere near starting the 2nd...
They can't have 20minute period breaks surely
Aha, here we go, both teams back on the ice, apparently they do have 20minute period breaks...
There's been a change to our first goal, should now read...
Devils 1st goal timed at 3:36, M Smith from Matzka and Birbraer...
Seems we're 2mins into the 2nd period, sorry about that...
Our 2nd goal has also been changed!
Should now read...
Devils 2nd goal timed at 14:10, Hill from Voth and Finnerty - PPG
Seems at the end of their first periods, Clan 1-0 Panthers, Stingrays 3-2 Steelers
roughly 24mins gone, scrappy game it would seem
24mins definitely gone, but nothing else has happened... yet...
It's quiet, too quiet...
Vipers twitter saying it's end to end
Hopefully it's more exciting than i'm thinking...
Birbraer jumps Langdon, both get 5mins for fighting, but texters are saying it wasn't a fight...
Vipers penalty timed at 24:59, Langdon 5mins for fighting
Devils penalty at 24:59, Birbraer 5mins for fighting...
Oxford are leading the ENL Devils 4-2 at the moment, 9minutes left in their 2nd period :(
Afraid i'm not hearing anything from the game whatsoever...
I can only assume it's end to end, but neither team have managed to find the net again...
Devils penalty at 28:18, Michel 2mins for roughing
1/3 of the penalties have been roughing so far in this game
Devils 3rd goal timed at 29:26, Pelle from K Smith - SHG
Vipers fans not impressed at all, Devils were miles offside they say...
Still, that's all 3 first line players with points so far tonight :)
Michel penalty killed \o/
Devils score a 4th!
Michel scores a 4th whilst lying on the ice, back hander straight through effinger!
Devils 4th goal timed at 31:55, Michel from Macrae :D
Vipers fans less than impressed with Effinger after Michels goal
More handbags, this time it's Langdon v Voth
Well, at least Birbraer is back...
Devils penalty at 32:44, Voth 2mins for cross checking
I think that's the penalty anyway :)
Ok, that's not the penalty...
Vipers penalty at 32:44, Langdon 2+2 for roughing...
Devils penalty at 32:44, Voth 2+2 for roughing plus 2 for cross checking
Wannabe has just reminded me of this, Voth isn't supposed to be fighting at the moment...
I don't know where people are getting their information from and emailing me, but Voth didn't get a 5minute penalty for anything just then... If it's IHupdate saying that, I have nothing more to add...
Texter says Vipers have just wasted a powerplay opportunity, those penalties were sure over quickly!
Oh wait, it's only the 2min initial crosschecking penalty that's been killed, i think?
End of the 2nd period in Cardiff and the ENL Devils are losing 2-4 to Oxford
I have no idea what's happening with those penalties, but we're about 4minutes after the initial calls...
The texts I had don't make sense, the Vipers powerplay would only just have started, so I don't know what powerplay they wasted...
Anyway, Langdon is back, Voth is back in 2mins
Voth penalty killed, we're back to 5on5!
confusion over :)
That's the end of the 2nd, Vipers 2-4 Devils :D
Shots on goal for the 2nd, 12 on Effinger, 11 on Lyle
K Smith has lost 2 assists so far tonight, originally he was supposed to have assisted the 1st and 2nd goals...
Hopefully for him they won't change the 3rd goal :)
Even the forums are ridiculously quiet tonight, everyone must be out for fireworks or something
End of the 2nd in Hull, it's 3-3, let's hope the Steelers don't win :)
As I typed that, Steelers scored a 4th :(
End of the 2nd, Clan were leading 1-0 against the Panthers, another upset on the cards for the Panthers?
Another wrong piece of information from myself...
End of 2nd, it was Clan 2-1 Panthers, the 2nd finished early though as Bellamy checked Richardson through the plexi...
And as I typed that, Panthers have scored a 2nd to tie the game
Think we're almost ready for the 3rd up in Newcastle
Well, I thought we were...
Ok, so seems the 3rd has started...
Nothing has happened, but we're about 2mins in i think
Devils penalty at 42:16, Pelle 2+10 for checking from behind :(
I'm not sure who he checked...
It's gone very very quiet again...
Ok, the 2minute penalty was killed, we're now 2minutes further in...
Somehow they haven't changed our 3rd and 4th goal details...
Once again I can only assume it's end to end, but there's nothing really happening...
No one is saying anything at all about our game!
Steelers have taken a 3-6 lead in Hull though :(
And Panthers have taken a 2-3 lead in Braehead :(
Maybe everyone has just given up in Newcastle
Devils penalty at 58:47, Finnerty 2mins for hooking
Well at least something is happening in Newcastle...
And that penalty should read 48:47, not 58!
Vipers penalty at 50:22, Speer 2mins for hooking
25seconds of 4on4 and then a Devils powerplay for 1:35...
Devils 5th goal timed at 51:14, M Smith from from Finnerty and Hill
Our 5th goal was of course another powerplay goal :)
Hull lose another CC game, this time 3-6 to the Steelers in Hull :(
And it's gone very very quiet again...
It's far too quiet, there must be something happening in Newcastle...
Something, anything :(
2:55 left, Devils still leading 2-5
Vipers fans don't sound impressed with their team at all
Devils ENL losing 3-5 to Oxford with 3minutes left in the 3rd period...
According to the gamesheet, Devils have scored goals on 2 out of 3 powerplay opportunities...
Devils 6th goal timed at 57:39, Hill from Michel and Voth!
2+1 for Hill so far tonight!
ENL Devils lose 3-5 to Oxford at home in Cardiff :(
Into the final 2minutes of the 3rd period
Vipers score a 3rd :(
Vipers 3rd goal timed at 59:33, Sample from Forsbacka
But that's the end of the game, Vipers 3-6 Devils
Devils man of the match goes to Lyle!
Looks like i'm not going to find out who's the Vipers man of the match is...
So that's all from tonight :)
Chris out.