Make sure you join me OJ from 5pm as we bring you the Stingrays v Devils from Hull
Game predictions as usual to matchnightlive@gmail.com before face off time at 6pm
My Hull texters Keith and Dave J have reported in
Devils have until recent been playing football in the rink car park
A 5-3 win for the Devils llokks popular tonight thanks to Ruth, Donna abd Megan
Carl goes 1 better with a 6-3 win for the Devils
David Mercer sees it 5-3 to Hull
Teams take to the ice for warm up
Many fans in Haoloween fancy dress including some Devils fans
I have pointed out to my Stingray texters that that is how Devils fans dress all the time
Dan lets hope you are right, he thinks Devils will have a poor 1st period but get their act together later and secure a 7-3 win
With nothing on ih-update I can tell you Panthers are winning 2-0
Ger-Devils also goes for a 6-3 win for Devils
Penner & Langdon went toe to toe at Nottingham - called a draw
Panthers now winning 4-1
Trouble between Blaze and Stars in warm up - no further details
Craig Weller is the new D according to some, 95 NHL games for Phoenix and Minnesota. Played in AHL last season
Devils in White, Stingrays in ORANGE
So lets squeeze the pips out of them
Sorry, I did say I would switch the NMLbias dial to medium in view of having Stingrays texters
McMorrow at centre of pushing andshoving during warm up at Coventry
We belive that Carson is the referee at Hull
Warm up over at Hull
A couple of Stingray fans have dressed up as Brad Voth
Ruth thinks they have dressed up as Jimmy the Jock
Tune in to MNL as it looks as if ih-update is down again
Ice is ready at Hull awaiting teams
Not icing for Hull - Mitchell, Lake and Esders
Ruth - you have upset my reporter at the Capitals - Brad Voth doesn't look like Jimmy the Jock, Voth is uglier
Devils take to the ice
Referee at Hull is as expected our dear friend Michael Hicks
Stingrays are out on the ice
Comments on MNL always welcomed send them to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Stingrays sweaters make them look like Steelers in disguise
We are underway
6-8 Devils fans in attendence
Welcome to MNL to the Birbraer clan
Early pressure from Hull results in Devils icing
Only Richardson not icing for Devils
Hull penalty
Uusivirta - inteference @ 1:46
Scored by Voth, assists Hill & Finnerty a ppg
Devils penalty @ 2:26 - Symmonds - holding
Hull go close on pp
Devils introduced to the tune of The Adams Family
Voth messes up a great sh bnreakaway chance
Penalty killed by Devils
Gametime 4:33
Devils are trying to play a quick breakout
Alaright so long as you D stands firm
Giving up neutral zone is a dangerous game
Devils penalty @ 7:15 K Smith - hooking
Hull 2 on 1 - save Lyle
Steelers take a 1-0 lead in Edinburgh
Devils pk seems to be in gear
Devils return to full strength
Great save by Lyle at back post
Devils penalty @11:27 - Adams - slashing
That penalty came after some big hits by both teams
Hull penalty Uusivirta - hooking
@ 12:26
Gametime 12:52
Devils on pp shortly for 1 minute
Devils penalty @ 13:18 - Pelle - slashing
So much for a Devils pp
Devils now have 4 skaters
Gametime 14:03
Stingrays go on pp
Long shot by M Smith saved by Boucher
Devils pk good
Gametime 16:29
Its end to end
Good game by all accounts
Always is when you are winning
Sramble in front of Devils net - cleared
Boucher saves well from Hill
Hicks is referee
Lyle save @ 18:44
Lyle called upon for a series of saves late in 1st period
End of 1st period Stingrays 0 DEVILS 1
Capitals 0 Steelers 1 after 1st period
SoG Hull 12 Devils 13
0 0 after 1 period at Coventry - Fulghum given 2+10 - check from behind @ 17:42
To solve the confusion Hicks is the referee at hull, my texters reported that the game programme had Carson as ref, this was corrected as soon as Hicks came out of his hole
Had their first snow of the winter in Ottawa las night
Is it snowing where you are?
If that had been snow in Llanelly on Friday night - Parc y Scarlets would have been buried
Devils fans who dressed up didn't win a prize
Teams return to the ice
WE are away for 2nd period
Pelle beats Boucher but hits pipe
A voth shot deflected damages ceiling
Now 2-0 Steelers at Edinburgh
I have nightmares about Hull - explain later
Now 3-0 to Steelers
It was at Hull I tried to register Robert Millette for his first game - I shouldn't have bothered
Hull penalty @ 21:54 Lowe - roughing
The wheels have come off the Capitals bus now 4-0 to the Steelers
Save Boucher a weak shot from point - no bother
Great save Boucher from Voth
Hull return to full strength
@ 24:00
Pelle pops in rebound
Assists Birbraer & Nacrae
All the clear chances seem to be going to the Devils
If you read this Paul its like having two of you - Paul is a Blaze fan who texts for us from games at the Tent
Sam Smith messes up a clear chance
Boucher saves from Macrae
Capitals score to make 4-1 to the Steelers
Devils playing a great road game says Keith in Hull
Its taken them a long time to learn
Boucher making save after save
Stingrays need plan B
Devils penalty - bench minor - too many men @ 27:55
Yes Paul that was a compliment, these two Stingrays texters are calling it as they see it as you do
Lyle called upon to save a slap shot from point
Devils doing well on pk
Finnerty killed 20 secs on his own playing keepe pucke
HULL goal Silverthorn @ 29:41
A ppg wide angle shot trickles past Lyle
Now then get it back u Devils
Against the play but it counts
Glove save Lyle from Dulle
Hull penalty @ 10:44 - Gaisins - hooking
Silverthorn goes close for Hull on sh
Good Hull pk
Hull return to full strength
Nice glove save by Lyle from Kalmikov
Devils 3rd goal scored by Sam Smith, assists Macrae & Michel
Lyle saves from Dulle
Devils 3rd goal was a classic break out of d with trailing player buring the biscuit
Boucher covers up as Devils recover their game
Still an open end to end game but Devils creating the better chances
Gametime 37:16
Blaze take lead at 31 minutes
Hull have upped their game
Hull penalty @ 38:04 -0 Sladok - x-checking
Lets have another one
Its 4-1 to Steelers at end of 2nd in Edinburgh
Devils camped in Hull zone
Boucher save then Hull have sh chance
End of 2nd period Stingrays 1 DEVILS 3
No snow in Aberystwyth or Caerphilly, there wouldn't be any in Caerphilly with all the hot air up there
Yes Caroline were are indebted to Keith and Dave at Hull for their excellent work
Plus Willie Nicholson for his updates from Edinburgh
*** ENL Devils take a 1-0 lead
Dundee tie up the game at 1-1 in Coventry
Paul is our reporter at Coventry
*** 10 mins gone at ENL game still 1-0 to Devils
SoG 2nd period Stingrays 9 Devils 12
Biggest cheer at Hull so far goes to the Cheerleaders for their interval routine
Do you remember the times at the WNIR when the visiting team used to come out in the intervals to see what nonsense Phil Harrison has us doing - me & Heather included
Remember the night Heather was Goldilocks and I was one of the dwarfs
I rember League officials telling us we shouldn't be doing it as it intefereed with the game
Devils will start 3rd period with 2 second pp
Snow seen outside City Hall I am told
End of 1st period at Coventry it is 1-1
Only one set of kids have been brave enough to come to our door tonight
I had stuck a photo of Paul Heavey on the door
I have Mike MacWilliam on standby in case they break through Heaves
Ice is ready for 3rd period at Hull
*** 1-0 to ENL DEvils after 1 period
** ENL Devils playing Chelmsford Chieftains
Players return to the ice
Keith says Stingrays need an early goal if they are to get back into this game
3rd period underway
Hull return to full strength
Run that clock down Devils and get out of town before the Hull bogieman gets you
Save by Lyle
Stevie not giving up many rebounds tonight
Another clean save by Lyle
Light goes on for a split second - no goal
That was the Devils net
Great play by Devils but Sam Smith can't finish it off with a goal
Hull have lots of possession but not creating chances
To keep some of our regulars happy I am trying to find out if Ben is having any shifts
Double save from Lyle
Game has become a bit scrappy with too many icings
Voth playing well by all accounts
Gametime 45:44
@ 45:45
Devils penalty @ 45:56 - Symmonds
Hooking was the call
Lyle makes another fine save with no rebound
Stingrays pp not much cop
Voth & Cloutier have words
There was a loose puck and everyone and their dog jumped in
Hicks didn't go anywhere near, he doesn't like dogs
*** ENL DEvils now winning 2-0
Stars take a 2-1 lead at Coventry
Voth running over anyone in his way Uusivirta goes flying
Hull fire puck over plexi into crowd
Gametime 50:47
Hull looking very tired
Hull goal @ 52:29 - Lee Mitchell
Assist Silverthorn
Simple tap in for Mitchell
Devils penalty @ 52:09 - Finnerty - hooking
Hull have come alive again
2-2 at Coventry @ 48:52
Gametime 54:06
Gametime 54:34
Devils net dislodged
Campbell thown out at Edinburgh
Devils have never stopped skating tonite says Keith at Hull
Gametime 57:14
Phil Hill goes close
Steelers win 4-1 at Edinburgh
*** ENL Devils 2 Chieftains 1
Blaze take 3-2 lead at 54:17
Max hits the cross bar @ 58:57
Lyle save @ 59:54
Final score Stingrays 2 DEVILS 4
Our thanks to Kith and Dave at Hull, they did a brilliant job and we are indebted to them
Hull MoM - Lee Mitchell
Also thanks to Willie at Edinburgh for the updates from there
My reporters in Hull tell me that Voth's performance was amazing and that Macmorrow and Penner should have been there to see how you can intimidate a team without staged fights
Thats all from me OJ until the next time, Chris is on duty next weekend as I go racing