Good evening!
Chris here tonight, hoping the coverage will be as good as usual :)
Afraid we have only one texter up in Dundee, and he's a Dundee fan, so not too sure what to expect yet!
As always though, I can be reached before/during the game here
First prediction of the night in, Carl says a 2-5 Devils win :)
Forgot to add, goals from Pelle and Michel also predicted :)
Anyone else alive out there?
Kevin says a 4-5 Devils win \o/
15mins to go until we have to face the idiot and his team...
I'm not sure Karen, whilst G could step up to Mcmorrow, can we afford to potentially lose another D man?
I guess we can always move another of our scoring forwards to defence, Pelle maybe? :E
Adams has said Voth will not be fighting Richard, so I guess it's safe to rule him out of any fights tonight...
Ger-Devils predicting a 3-5 victory, although you're right, maybe we should just be praying we actually turn up tonight
I've got a horrible feeling tonight will be Dundees first victory :(
Is this Kudrna's first game for the Stars tonight?
5minutes to go and Simon predicting a 3-6 Devils victory, hat-trick for Birbraer :)
Oh, and Mcmorrow to get thrown out for doing something stupid :D
Thanks Richard - apparently Kudrna played last week in the Stars loss to the Braehead Clan
Intro time in the far north!
No idea who the ref is, hopefully it's not Carson though, or Hanson for that matter
Last predicting of the night in, Gareth says 1-3 Devils...
The EPL fans weren't so thrilled at Kudrna when he played in their league, so let's hope he falls apart tonight to help us!
Not one Devils fan spotted in Dundee, but the game is underway!
Come on Devils!
K Smith is playing up in Dundee, so whatever happened last night can't have been too bad
Once again, i'm not sure what we'll be able to cover tonight, possibly only goals and penalties as we only have 1 texter
And that texter is a Dundee fan :)
Approximately 7-800 in Dundee for this game, that's certainly not a bad crowd for a midweek game I guess
Stars score :(
Stars 1st goal timed at 3:16, Maclean from Zarb
Have the Stars ever managed to score on another team 1st?
Thanks to Richard again - Stars managed to score first against the Clan last weekend...
The Clan managed to win that game though, so let's hope we have the same good fortune!
7mins in, Lyle looks very shakey...
What is up with Lyle this season, last season he looked far better than I thought he would, but this season he just doesn't seem to be the same
Supposedly we're going to let some goals in to make it exciting for the home team, then we'll come back and spectacularly win... or something like that
Matzka and Davies playing well so far and creating chances
Devils had a 2min penalty for hooking, but i'm not sure who it was on
We managed to kill it without conceding though, so it's all good
panic over
As Carl just said, we used to concede an early goal last season and then pick ourselves up later on
Macrae got the 2min penalty for hooking previously, thanks PJ :)
10mins into the first, Birbraer playing well and has come the closest to an equaliser so far...
Stars penalty at 12:06. Kudrna 2mins for delay of game
Maclean sits the 2mins for him
Turns out it is Hanson reffing tonight...
At least he can't be as "disgustingly biased" as he is in Edinburgh
Stars score a 2nd :(
Stars 2nd goal timed at 13:34, Hughes unassisted
that was a short handed goal...
What the hell...
So, we're 2 goals down to Dundee, has this happened to anyone else? :(
Stars back to full strength, Devils have missed numerous chances
If we get shutout tonight, will the forum implode?
Apparently we're still just letting Dundee build the excitement before we come back and win...
Turns out Stars have never led 2-0 this season against anyone...
Lyle makes a brilliant save on the line to deny Hughes a 2nd goal, 16:12 gone
According to the fantastically brilliant stats engine we have on the website (thanks Finny and James) Dundee beat us with an average score of 5-2 over the years...
3mins left, Cardiff beat Kudrna but hit the pipework :(
and that's the end of the 1st period, Stars lead 2-0 :(
Not many stoppages in that period, but the hockey was good end to end stuff
Devils looking really tired though in the 1st period...
Lyle will want the first goal back though, he made the save but spilled it and it bobbled over the line...
Shots on goal for the first, Stars-19 Devils-10
The team drove up Kevin, arrived about 5ish I believe?
Ignore that, they arrived about 6pm, after leaving Cardiff at 9am...
Only 1 penalty for each team in that first period, is that some sort of record for games involving us?
Both teams back on the ice...
Nothing of note happened between Mcmorrow and Voth yet
Voth concentrating on playing, Mcmorrow not doing a great deal...
Here we go with the 2nd!
Come on Devils!
Apparently we were the first team to get beaten by the London Racers - when they couldn't even win an argument - unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately that was before my time :)
Seems we lose 3-0 to London after they'd broken the record for the most losses, couldn't have been much worse than a shutout...
It's very quiet from Dundee, so i'm just trying to fill the gaps :P
Devils penalty at 22:02, Pelle 2mins for boarding...
Voth and Zarb have words...
2nd penalty killed, Devils back to full strength
Might as well celebrate something :P
26mins gone, end to end but Devils still not managed to find the net
Closest we've come was hitting the pipework in the 1st period...
Devils penalty at 27:12, Matzka 2mins for hooking :(
Stars score a 3rd goal :(
Stars 3rd goal timed at 27:58. Hughes from Ceman...
2nd goal of the evening for Hughes, this time it was a powerplay goal...
So, Dundee have broken their record for this season 3-0 against one team!
Good thing we didn't have to play a top 4 team more than once in the previous games...
I'll take bets on our excuse for losing this game...
Send any to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Devils penalty timed at 29:49. Michel 2mins for delay of game...
Stars get a penalty shot!
I have no idea why, or how, but it's timed at 31:23
And the Stars score a 4th...
Oh dear indeed...
Stars 4th goal timed at 31:23 i assume, scored by Hughes
That's a hat trick for Hughes
And the Devils are now back to full strength...
Unfortunately I don't buy the traveling issue being an excuse...
All/most of the players will have traveled far further in leagues back home for games
I doubt this is the first time they've ever had to play 4 games in 6 days either
Good thing we've only had to play a top 3/4/5 team once...
Well hey, at least no Devils fans have made the journey up to Dundee so the club won't have to offer refunds as they did when Nottingham beat us 5-0 last season...
For those of you saying the traveling is an issue, or the schedule...
The penalty shot was for a hooking call on Hughes our texter thinks...
Devils have stepped up a gear...
Just over 2minutes left I think...
Adams and Mcmorrow trade accessories at 37:41
It's gone very quiet, I assume the handbags didn't amount to much and we must be nearing the end of the 2nd period...
Ah, penalties to both Adams and Mcmorrow timed at 37:41, 2mins for roughing...
Oh no wait, Adams gets 2mins for roughing, Mcmorrow gets 2mins for boarding...
Devils 1st goal timed at 39:11, Pelle from Macrae
Ooops, if you see the score as 5-0, hit f5, I added a goal to the wrong team through habit... :P
Supposedly the shots on goal for the 2nd period were... Dundee 17, Cardiff 4
My Dundee supporting texter thinks his goal judges are blind... :D
Well at least we've pulled 1 goal back I guess...
Both teams back out for the 3rd period...
Supposedly Stars normally fall apart in the 3rd period, here's hoping...
Voth throwing lots of big, clean hits in that 2nd period...
Our Dundee supporting texter would like Voth to go with Mcmorrow and do them a favour as Mcmorrow is useless...
Here we go with the 3rd period...
Voth comes very close with a massive shot from the blueline, Kudrna just makes the save though...
Oooooooooooooooooooh, Matzka hits the pipework again
Devils penalty at 42:29, Michel 2mins for boarding
Michel nailed Hughes along the boards, Hughes has gone straight to the dressing room, Michel has gone straight to the penalty box...
Ignore that, seems the penalty is actually 2+10 for checking from behind...
Not sure who's sitting the 2mins, but if Michel has been playing D again, we're another D man down...
Do we think Adams will actually give Symonds some ice time now?
Stars score a 5th goal...
I'm looking forward to more excuses on the forums...
Stars 5th goal timed at 44:29, Ceman from Wishart and Suderman
That was another powerplay goal by the way...
how about a competition...
Whoever comes up with the most ridiculous excuse for tonights probable loss, wins the opportunity to ban their mortal forum enemy for a week?
The only rule is, it can't involve big ice, or the scheduling of games...
2 Dundee pens coming!
Stars penalty timed at 46:29, too many men - not sure who's sitting this...
Stars penalty timed at 46:35, Ceman 2mins for roughing...
That's 1:54 of 3on5 for the Devils, we really could do with a couple of goals...
Devils 2nd goal timed at 57mins exactly, Matzka from Pelle and K Smith
Devils 2nd was a powerplay goal...
So we score 1, and then our brilliant defense lets the Stars score a 6th...
As Gareth just said, that about sums up tonight...
Stars 6th goal timed at 47:43, Cartwright from Maclean
And yes sorry all, I meant to say 47minutes, not 57minutes!
Stars are all over the Devils...
Devils penalty timed at 50:03, Symonds 2mins for delay of game
That's him benched for what remains of the game then...
Lyle makes a great save to deny Cartwright a 2nd goal
Devils back to full strength, at least we managed to kill the penalty successfully...
Ah, now this is a good excuse...
The ice wasn't melted enough, we're just not used to playing on a proper surface...
Devils 3rd goal timed at 53:23, Davies unassisted??
3rd goal was indeed Davies unassisted!
Michel must be due to return any moment...
3mins left, Devils have woken up and playing much better...
But is it too little too late?
Apparently it's way too little, way too late...
Can't be long left, not sure we can find the 3 goals needed to take this into overtime :(
But the Stars manage to find another goal, 7-3...
Stars 7th goal timed at 58:08, Cartwright from Dolan
Thanks Karen :) Seems there are a fair few who haven't liked tonights coverage though...
And that's the final score, Stars win 7-3...
Devils man of the match goes to Pelle
Stars man of the match goes to their entire team...
Final shots on goal, Stars 10, Devils 11
That's all from me tonight
Thanks to our Dundee texter, and thanks to everyone that was a part of MNL tonight via email or text :)
And if you didn't like it, tough :)
Chris out.