Welcome all to another match night live! If you fancy giving us a shout email us at
matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk - Chris.
Word is that Sylvain Clouthier hurt his hand last night and will not be looking to fight. Hopefully this'll allow us a bit of a free reign!
Tom Darnell is the ref for tonight. At least it's not Boniface!
Phoenix announcer has announced that Gerad Adams isn't icing tonight. Thank God for that :)
Big up to Keith from Aberystwythm ,make sure you keep me updated on the Formula1 result as well! Come on Massa!
Big Hello to Ruth, my fellow texter from last night I believe. Great atmosphere as you say let's just hope we can create some atmosphere from the travelling crowd tonight!
Word from the rink is Phoenix haven't drawn a massive crowd for tonight :( About 40-50 Devils fans have made the journey up there though!
Gone awfully quiet, anyone got any score predictions out there? matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk !
Starting line for tonights game, as picked by the random number generator is Voth, Prpich and Latulippe!
Sounds like Campbell is dishing out some pain already. Great to here, signing of the off-season? Quite possibly says me!
Oooooh! Voth almost with a goal from the get go with help from Prpich!
Phoenixs British netminder Murphy has made a couple of decent saves by the sounds of it.
Big hello to Emily from Barry. Score prediction of 4-3 Devils! Any takers? :)
Murphy saves a shot from Silverthorn on the breakaway! Let's hope he shoots rather than passes tonight!
Penalty Devils! Jarvis with interference. Don't think the Phoenix powerplay is as good as the Blazes which is helpful!
Prpich comes close again! Saved by Murphy!
Ruth says 3-1 Devils! Be good to see that would :)
Massive save for Aubry with a shot from Beauregard!
Another massive pad save from Aubry!
Devils successfully killed the penalty!
Francis goes close at 6:10! Be great to see more goals from the Brit line to disappoint the nay sayers of doom!
Jarvis penalty was called at 3:53 for you stat keepers out there!
3:43 sorry! Don't shoot the messenger!
Even strength game, but the Voth line is playing like it's on the powerplay at 8mins. Now that's what we like to hear!
Keep me uptodate on those F! positions Ruth!
Penalty Phoenix. Kyle Bruce gets 2mins for elbowing at 8:47.
You're right Keith, things can;t get much better than that! Let's hope Massa can hold on!
Any Phoenix fans out there watching? Give us a shout matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
GIANT SAVE from Murphy after a shot from MacIver! At least Darnell won't be giving MacIver a game penalty for not fighting tonight! Ka-Ching!
Penalty Devils! Latulippe holding 11:22
Voth breaks his stick on a massive shot! Fire the stick maker!
Incidently, last weekend we had over 1000 visitors to MNL, go shout it from the rooftops!
Drummer Ricky is correct in wanting that Devils win! Prediction of 4-2! Wrong in wanting Hamilton to win though! Gooooooo Massa!
Devils have killed another penalty! Now why couldn't we do this to Blaze last night. Damn Paul Thompson and his 'special teams'!
Phoenix suffering badly to the Voth line! Come on you Devils!
Team appears to be forechecking very well tonight. Not extremely physical to warrant penalties though. sheer brilliance I think!
17mins gone. Sounds like a good, hard and fast game of hockey tonight!
Penalty Phoenix! Dwight Parrish 2mins tripping at 18:15!
Ruth has it right about the penalty kill! Blaze had 6 players with the addition of Boniface last night! Boooo!
Noooooooo! Goal Manchester Tony Hand unassisted at 19:00
If the goal isn't showing up for you folks at hom, hit F5 and it'll be there!
End of period 1 finishes Phoenix 1-0 Devils.
Hello! to Lee from Cardiff. Score Prediction of 3-4 Devils. Wrongly predicting Hamilton to win the Championship though!
Don't forget the Devils will start the 2nd period with 15seconds of powerplay! Blaze managed a goal last night in that timeframe, hopefully we can do it tonight.
Danny from Cardiff has gone for a 4-2 win for the Devils as well. Empty net goal at 59:32. Very specific Danny, let's just hope it happens. :)
No shots on goal for that 1st period i'm afraid folks!
Big up to nott Simpson! Predicts Voth to score the equaliser in the 2nd period!
Lee is thinking Manchester will win on penalties if it comes to that, but obviously he wants the Devils to win!
Along the same lines, anyone got any rumours/gossip on who the new player might be and when he'll arrive? Email us matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Shots on goal for the 1st period! Manchester=9 Cardiff=11
I'm with Ruth on that one, maybe we can setup a facebook group to have penalties banned? Far too nervous to watch any of them last night :(
Start of 2nd period!
Phoenix kill the 15second powerplay! Silverthorn pulled down when on breakaway, penalties coming!
Phoenix penalty! Alex Dunn 2mins interference at 20:56
Hamiltons moving up the grid! Someone stop him!
OOOOOooooh! Big chance from Silverthorn, unfortunately Murphy gets a glove to it and saves!
I think we have a goal folks! Awaiting texts!
Goal Cowmeadow with assist from Latulippe and Jarvis. 22:45
Hartwick with a massive clearence from the line!
Aubury makes another 2 huge saves! Sounds like the Phoenix weren't best pleased with that equaliser!
Let's hope Cowmeadow signs with us for next season! One of, if not the best Brit we have I think. If he could play on the 2nd line he'd have a bloody good season I think!
A crate of the-inferno branded beer to anyone out there who predicts the winning goal! Danny has winning goal at 59:32!
Sounds like a lot of line mixing goign on out there! 28mins gone!
If you think you're in with a chance of winning the-inferno branded beer! Email us the timeof the winning goal at matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk !
Ruth says winning goal at 47:27!
Sounds like Towe might have picked up an injury! Silverthorn and Latulippe double shifting!
Russky says we won the Challenge cup on penalties so shouldn't hate them! But I didn't watch them either! I think I may actually have cried that night!
Goal Prpich with assist from Latulippe at 30:23!
Medwyn says the winning goal to come at 44:11 and it'll be Tyson with the goal!
Big poke check from Aubry at 32mins!
Huge pad save from Aubry again at 34mins. Sounds like the confidence is returning! Huzzah!
Drummer Ricky says winning goal at 51:47 From Jay Latuliiiiiiiiiiiiippe!
Russky says winning goal at 59:30, empty net goal from Silverthorn!
Perhaps I should change the rules of this to game ending goal :)
Steelers beating Hull 1-0 after the 1st period! Sounds like Hull are getting some confidence back as well!
Penalty Devils. Prpich 2mins roughing at 34:15
Sounds like the penalty occured after Phoenix player "blatently interfered with Prpich" but Darnell only called Prpich!
2 laps to go in the F!, this could be the best day of my life!
Lee says game ending goal at 57:00 from Teplitsky!
Glock let Hamilton through! Shambles!
Manchester have scored 2 goals! Updates coming :/
Goal Phoenix. Josh Garbutt, assist Luke Fulghum, Tony Hand at 35:59
Phoenix 3rd goal came from Parrish about 36mins. Waiting on proper texts!
Hamilton is only champion because Glock let him through! I demand inquiries!
Phoenix are all over the Devils. Texters at the game say we need a spark or we're doomed!
Ferrari to demand an Inquiry I say. Much the same as i'll demand an inquiry of Devils lose tonight!
End of the 2nd period and it's 3-2 Phoenix!
Word is Voth missed the 2nd half of the period, but doesn't appear to be injured? Anyone out there got any extra information?
Seems to be some confusion with the goals here folks. Texters from the game say 3-2, but IHupdate etc etc are saying 2-2. Awaiting confirmation
Confirmation that it's definately, 100% 3-2 Phoenix! You heard it here first folks!
Well. Things can't get any better now. Hamilton wins the Championship after Glock, who's not even on the same team lets Hamilton through to claim 5th place.
Back to more important items! Anymore folks out there with predictions on game winning/ending goal for the Devils to win a crate of the-inferno branded beer? Branding could be drawn in crayons though :)
Shots on goal for 2nd period! Manchester=11 Devils=8
Changes to the Phoenixs 3rd goal!
Goal Grant Jacobsen, Assist Tony Hand, David Beauregard
3rd period starts and still no Voth :(
MASSIVE HIT by the one, the only, Campbell on Dwight Parrish!
Word is we're playing 2 line hockey with Latulippe, Prpich, Cowmeadow, Silverthorn, Campbell and Hill.
44minutes gone and Phoenix still playing a blinder!
Something must've happened to us, No Voth on the ice and we're struggling badly!
Lee's gone for Prpich to score at 59:05 or Voth 59:55! Any more takers?!
3 huge saves from Aubry!
Voths absence has completely changed the game. What on earth has happened!?
Devils penalty! MacIver 2mins for "being too physical against the tiny Phoenix players" says my text! Proper updates coming!
MacIver penalty at 40:28 2mins interference
Phoenix goal :(
Stone let skater straight in through crease.
Phoenix 4th goal Kenton Smith assist Nathan Ward at 46:49
Texters assume Voth is injured but haven't seen anything to indicate how or why!
Ruth says Tony has prob had ‘A HAND’ in Voths benching! Joke of the night? :P
Tyson takes the puck right into the crease, passes to Cowmeadow who........doesn't score and instead puts the puck straight into Murphys chest. Bugger.
End of the 2nd period and it's Steelers 1-1 Stingrays!
Voth update! He hasn't been seen at all in period3!
Looks like that crate of beer is safely mine for tonight unless we can start scoring again!
Phoenix goal :(
Phoenix 5th goal at 53:04 David Beauregard assist Tony Hand
voth is stood in civvie in the players tunnel. Let's hope he's not too badly injured :/
Devils penalty! MacIver 2mins holding at 55:25
Phoenix goal, powerplay :(
Phoenix 6th goal David Beauregard assist Josh Garbutt at 56:09
Phoenix penalty! Bruce Mulherin 2mins holding at 57:01
Phoenix penalty! Kenton Smith 2mins interference at 57:43
Devils penalty! Prpich 2mins roughing at 58:47
That's it folks. apologies for the lateness, PC broke just as game finished.