We;come to MNL as the Devils and BVlaze go head to head in back to back Challenge Cup games
So join me OJ later when the action gets under way - face off is 7pm
Remember as always score predictions to matchnightlive@gmail.com = before face off please
Warm up about to start
Its going to be a nightmare to distinguish the two teams - Devils in Black - Blaze in Navy
What happenned to the convention that you played in light colours at home, dark away or even the opposite way round.
I remember the stick the fans used to give us that we never wore red at home only on the road
No score predictions to MNL so far where are they?
Lets hope we get a bumper crowd in the Tent tonight
I am still on the lookout for sober texters in Coventry on Sunday, if you can help me send me a message to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Sanity prevails, Devils will play in White
Lets hope that the Blaze have more than one set of jerseys.
Stephen fancies a 5-2 Devils win
So do many others Stephen
Warm up enters its last couple of minutes
Derel calls it 4-2 to your beloved Devils
So far this season I haven't had any e-mails from family of Devils players back in North America, there must be some out there?
Legend777 calls it 3-2 Devils, Missus Legend has more faith and calls it 4-2 to the Devils
Jo thinks we will have at least a two goal win, that belief for you
Thats what I want to heat Laurence a 4-2 Devils victory
Zamboni preparing the ice for the forthcoming battle.
Michael Hicks has the whistle tonight
About 40 Blaze fans have made the trip to the Tent
As usual fans slow in turning up
Teams finally make an appearance
Its gone very quiet from the Tent
God atmosphere in the Tent by all accounts
We are away finally
Devils penalty - Matzka
X-checking was the call @ 3:03
It looks like one of those nights with a built in network delay
30secs of pk left
Devils return to full strength
Gametime 5:12
A lot of niggles already
A very open game so far end to end
Devils 1st goal scored my Michel
A shot from the blueline at 7:16 assist Finnerty
Fight was Adams v Selmer - massive Adams win
Penalties on the way
Adams and Selmer get 5 minutes for fighting @ 8:28
G batters Selmer after he mouths off to Matzka
Network is playing up badly tonight
Blaze penalty Owen @ 11:32 - Interference
Blaze Goal - SHG
Blaze shg scored by Fulghum @ 11:48
Assists for Carlson & Zanon
Adams returns for the Devils
Gametime 13:39
Devils penalty @ 16:02 - Matzka - tripping
Matzka beaten for speed so he took his man down
SHG by Phil Hill
Breakaway chance that he took well
Devils 2nd goal scored by Hill @ 17:06 assists for Finnerty and Lyle
A great SHG
Final minute of 1st period
Michel goes close on a sh attempt
End of 1st period DEVILS 2 Blaze 1
Come on the Clan ( 1-0 to them after 1 period at Sheffield)
Whilst the Panthers are winning 4-1 it is Library silence at the NIC
You know thia Aaron Nell on the Blaze team is he anything to do with infamous Steve Nell?
For those of you who don;t know what I am going on about - in 1987 or was 1988 Steve Nell of the Swindon Wildcats signed for the Devils to much publicity and drum banging.
He never appeared and asked if he could be released from the contract he signed and remain at Swindon
Maybe he didn't have a psssport - for a move from Swindon to Coventry you don't need one
Very few e-mails tonight, if you are out there send me an email at matchnightlive@gmail.com
Especially if you know whether Aaron Nell is anything to do with Steve Nell
Tim believes Aaron is Steve Nell's son
Players back on the ice
Steve Nell would have fitted in well in Cardiff especially if Daryl Lipsey came as well
Just imaging the line of Nell, Lawless and Lipsey - the Peewees are bigger
Thanks everyone we have confirmation that Aaron Nell is Steve Nell's son
He a good question for you - Have any other father and son have palayed against the Devils?
2nd period starts
Blaze goal @ 24:04 - Carlson assists Fulghum & Soderstrom
Devils penalty - Pelle - tripping
Penalty timed @ 27:20
KILL Devils penalty @ 28:12 - Michel - roughing Blaze on 5 on 3 Pelle returns Devils have 40 secs to kill Devils return to full strength Apologies I missed the Balze penalty to Fulghum :@ 28:22 We must identify which mobile network gives the delay in texts Blaze Goal Devils player tripped no call from Hicks - Blaze score Blaze 3rd goal @ 31:55 - scored by Fussey assists Fulghum & Carlson Come on u Devils get into top gear before its too late Tim tells us the Owen Fussey has just broken a Blaze club record by scoring in 9 consecutive games Devils penalty @ 35:58 - Finnerty - 5 + Game - slashing Blaze ppg Hicks has lost control of the game - what a surprise 4th Blaze goal @ 36:10 scored by Owen Assists Weaver & Chambers Finnerty had been acting goonish all night finally got caught Blaze still on pp Gametime 38:16 Blaze Goal Blaze ppg scored by Selsmer assists Zanon & Fulghum @ 38:55 Devils penalty @ 39:38 - K Smith - slashing End of 2nd period DEVILS 2 Blaze 5 That a 4-0 period win for the Blaze in our barn Blaze will start 3rd period with a 5 on 3 for 59 seconds Make that 58 secs followed by 40secs of 5 on 4 I don't know what its like in the Devils dressing room all I know is that in the rare situations like this with Lawless and Heavey as coaches I would be outside tapping sticks even if they didn't need tapping
I remember being asked to leave the dressing room by one coach only for him to come out later and tell me he was finished and to get the team home to Cardiff An that was when we had probably conceeded two soft goals on the road. Devils were sh for nine minutes in that period Things are going from bad to worse Bench penalty against Devils at 40:00 2 + Game Neil Francis thrown out That 2 minute minor can't even start until 40:58 Sam Smith serving Bench minor, Ben Davies serving Finnerty major Brad Voth now on Bench That will not be allowed unless he was on the team list as being on the Bemch 3rd period starts Blaze goal K Smith returns That was after Blaze ppg @ 41:26 scored by Owen Assists Nell & Carlson Devils amazingly are back to full strength Blaze fan comment from Tent - Hicks has ruined this game Devils penalty @ 43:49 - Hill - high sticks According to some experienced and trusted fans some of these calls are utter rubbish Major aside minor penalties are 7 for Devils 2 for Blaze Blaze fall down - penalty against Devils Devils triped - Hicks looks the other way Devils are full stregth - wonders will never cease End to end hockey Apologies just noticed I haven't give you SoG Devils 14 + 8: Blaze 14 +15 As Ger-Devils says at 2-2 it was a good game but now ruined by Hicks for everyone Hicks is having a nightmare he just whistled for offside and everyone (including the linesmen) looked at him in shock.
I hope Andrew that that is not the reason that Hicks is having a go at the Devils, if there is any doubt that that commercial issue lies in the backgroind then the league can't allow Hicks to officate. at Cardiff. Devils bless them are playing until the final buzzer are pressurising Bl;aze for that 3rd goal Very quiet from the Tent The pea must have dropped out of hgis whistle Devils penalty @ 57:39 - Hill - interference Gametime 58:15 Final score at NIC - Panthers 12 Dundee 2 BLaze ppg @ 58:30 - Weaver assist Fulghum That 4 ppg on the bounce As someone asked by e-mail are there any D playing for the Devils tonight No Stephen there doesn't seem to be any icing Blaze penalty @ 59:39 = Aaron Nell (son of Steve) - tripping Devils penalty - Michel 10 + 10 - abuse of official 10+10 means Game Godness knows how many pim this adds up to now Michel's penalty was timed at 59:39 Final score DEVILS 2 Blaze 7 Devils refuse to shake hands with Hicks Blaze MoM - Greg Owen Devils MoM - Phil Hill Stewards escort Hill off the ice Lets hope the EIHL look at the tape, which I am sure they will but will not act In many ways they cannot as there is an acute shortage of referees and losing the incompetent ones only creates problems