Good evening everyone!
Chris here tonight, if it goes quiet it means my internet has imploded again, so lets hope that doesn't happen!
As always, I can be reached before/during the game at matchnightlive@gmail.com
First prediction of the night in, Jed in Jordan predicting a win, no score just a win :)
I wonder if that's our furthest viewer tonight, anyone out there further away than Jordan?
Kevin and Beth predicting a Devils victory but only by 1 goal!
After the Stars lost to the Capitals last night, a team we demolished 12-4 at home, i'm kind of hoping we demolish the Stars as well :)
In the pregame interview, Francis has said they'd rather see Mcmorrow on the ice, I assume that's because he's next to useless...
Keith from way out west is predicting/hoping for a 7-1 victory :D
10minutes to go till we start, I have no idea who the ref is though!
5minutes to go and it's very very quiet :S
Seems there's not a great crowd at the tent either, so where the heck is everyone!?
Both teams are out, and all my texters are alive, panic over :D
Hicks with the whistle tonight, could be worse, could be Carson and his nervous twitch that results in match penalties :E
Seems we have a lot of Guildford Flames and Basingstoke Bison fans at the game tonight...
And the Bison mascot for some reason :)
Anthem time at the big blue tent!
Seems Mcmorrow hasn't travelled with the Stars for this game
Fans in tears that they won't get to see Mcmorrow dancing on the bench
or not :P
Well this is going to be interesting, some texters are no longer texting and others are telling me the game has started :E
Michel has gone close, I have no idea what time though
The one time I say we don't have problems with coverage, everyone has gone awol
So, no one is replying to anything, I don't know what's happening in the game or how long we've been going for :(
Apologies to everyone if this goes from bad to worse, not had these problems for a while :(
Not quite sure whether it's worth carrying this on to be honest, not getting anything through about the game :(
Ok, seems the texters are alive
Sorry for the delays :)
Devils 1st goal scored at 6:09, Macrae from Davies and Adams
Devils penalty at 6:57, Michel 2mins for roughing...
Devils Gal Macrae
That has to be a joke? Since when has Michel been known to try and rough up other players?
Big save from Lyle at 7:03!
I'l leave it to you Chris OJ
Birbraer nails someone mid ice, not sure who
It was a Dundee player though :)
And now it's gone horribly quiet again :(
Devils back to full strength
Devills penalty
Michel roughing @ 6:57
Stars aren't playing like a last place team according to one texter
A pretty boring encounter so far it would seem, lots of stoppages as the puck keeps leaving the ice
Lyle has to change his mask after a direct hit
7:20 left in the first period...
Oj here in the Cardiff MNL studio, Chris is having problems with his internet connecxtion so I will take over
Texter being told to text me instead
OJ is taking over for me, afraid my internet keeps packing up :(
Just incase the game does get exciting, it's best for OJ to run this!
Lyle called upon to make a smart save after M Smith broke his stick
Gametime 15:44
Game much slower than last night
Dundee penalty
Dundee hooking penalty At 17:26 # 37
Cartwright that was
Get that pp into gear u Devils
Dundee back to full strength
Dundee penalty @ 19:27 - x-check
Suderman that was going to the sinbin
End of first period DEVILS 1 Stars 0
We should be OK for 2nd period I now have a Stars team roster
SoG for 1st period 8 each
Not a very exciting game by all accounts
Hardly any hitting although Max had a massive open ice hit on an unlucky Star
Ice ready
Reasonable crowd (C1700) at the Tent but they are vey quiet
Both teams return to tyhe ice
THey took their time I must say
More 2nd gear hockey on the way according to The Stub
we are off for the 2nd period
Stars reurn to full strength
Stars icing @ 21:28
Lyle save afte some nice play by the Stars
I cannot repeat what my texters are saying about the quality of this game
Kaufman save on a Sam Smith breakaway
Devils 2nd goal @ 26:25 scored by Adams, assist Finnerty
Hill with 2nd assist
Scored by Michel assist Macrae @ 27:29
Maybe this will wake up the crowd
Sam Smith given an assist on Devils 3rd goal
Capitals 2 Stringrays 1 latest score from MNL Edinburgh reporter
Stars penalty @@ 29:22 - Cartwright - slashing
Stars major penalty slashing on Finnerty
That was Zarb 5 + Game @ 29:56
Zarb had stood out as the Stars best player now he's gone for the night
Lets have a couple of goals on this 5 minute powerplay
It pays to be greedy
2 minutes of pp gone - nothing to show for it
Capitals 2 Stingrays 2 after 2 periods
Stars back to full strength
What a pathetic effort on pp
Big punch up
Symmonds led to sinbin, more to follow
More of a hug than a fight says The Stub
Waiting for details of penalties
Don't know which Star player fought Symmonds but Symmonds dropped him
Satrs McLean and Nebus get minors for roughing @ 35:28
Symmomds minors for boarding & roughing
That doesn't make sense if two Stars players are done for roughing in an encounter with Symmonds surely one is Third Man In
Our pp was Sh**e on the 5 minute major
5 on 5 is the message I am getting
Devils 4th goal scored by Sam Smith assists Macrae & Michel
Time of goal 38:23
Sam was alone at the back post for a tap in
End of 2nd period DEVILS 4 Stars 0
Don't believe what ih-update tells you
Hull take a 3-2 lead after 45 minutes
Call on Zarb maybe a bit harsh but it was a clear 2 handed slash
Ice is ready
Hull score a SHG to lead 4-2
Teams back
We are off for the 3rd period
Video evidence shows that Pelle scored when the puck went through the net and nobody claimed it
That was before Devils 3rd goal
Devils penalty @ 40:28 M Smith - boarding
Lyle called upon to make a series of saves
34 secs to kill
Stars Goal
Lyle makes save and is pushed out of crease and puck goes loose
Stars penalty - Hughes - tripping
Penalty was at 43:18 for clipping not tripping
Stars goal was at 42:27 scored by Cartwright assist Ceman
Get that ppg u Devils
A bullet from Kenton Smith I believe
A ppg
Timed @ 44:29 assists Birbraer & Pelle
Capitals claw 1 back with a ppg now Caps 3 Stingrays 4
The games you can't get on ih-update you can on MNL
Gametime 50:04
Devils fans taunting Makaway for some reason
Capitals 3 Stingrays 4 - result
Devils fans taunting Makaway for some reason
Gametime 50:04
My texters tell me that the Capitalks werre a much better team than the Stars
Gone very quiet
Suderman battered Birbraer
Stars penalty @ 52:45 - Suderman 5 minutes fighting and 2+10 for instigating
Devils penalty - Birbraer - 5 minutes for fighting
Gametime 53:12
Stars Goal a SHG
Scored by Ceman
Goal timed at 53:31
Gametime 55:37
Devils return to full strength
Max fughting a big D, still he's big enough to look after himself
Narrow win for Suderman say the judges
Stars penalty @ 59:34 - Makaway - x-checking
Thats it folks DEVILS 5 Stars 2 - final score
Devils MoM Stuart MACRAE
Our thanks to our gallent texters Sharlene, The Stub, Andy Blaze and John Wildthing in Cardiff and Willie in Edinburgh
Join us again next weekend as the Devils have back to back games against the Blaze
Thats all from me OJ until the next MNL production