Sorry for my late arrival at the MNL booth
OJ on duty tonight as we welcome the Capitals to Cardiff Bay
Any game predictions as normal to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Warmup completed
No predictions so far its very quiet out there, but I suppse its mid week and everone making their way home or to the Tent from work etc
I hope I don't have the same problem with texts arriving out of order tonight, it is very confusing.
Will bring you team news as soon as I have any
If there is anyone out there with access to the Dundee v Coventry score drop me updates at matchnightlive@gmail.com
Lets have a good perfrormance from the Devils tonight to keep that momentum going
Capitals take to the ice
10 was the latest count for the Capitals
Capitals are in fact icing 12 skaters + 2 netminders
Brad Voth the only scratch for the Devils
Madsen & Perrault (imports): Dolman, Hay and Steel (Brits) not icing for Capitals
Kike Sahaw a Capital fan calls it 5-1 to the Devils
We are off for the 1st period
Devils have called up Burrows from the ENL Devils
Dean Smith has the whistle tonight
Dundee new defenceman Zarb icing tonight
Capitals penalty @ 1:53 - Schafer - tripping
Come on u DEVILS we want a PPG
Devils 1st goal a ppg scored by Ben Davies
Assist Hill
Time of goal 3:16
Devils 2nd goal scored by Matzka @ 5:50
Assists to Birbraer & Pelle
Devils penalty @ 6:38 - Richardson - holding
Devils looking dangerous on pk
Rebounds galore coming from Capitals nm
Paul text me "This is awful"
Capitals are looking tired already, Devils all over them on pK
Gametime 10:03
Keith I think you should revise your 4-2 Devils win prediction
Scored by Michel @ 11:56
Drilled thru 5 hole
Assists go to Finnerty & Symmonds
Keith now says 8-2
Burrows getting ice time
Dundee are 2-0 up against Blaze
Devils penalty @ 15:39 - Sawyer
Capitals goal a ppg
Capitals goal @ 14:09
It was not announce what penalty Sawyer got
Apparently Sawyer penalty was 2+2 - roughing
Capitals penalty @ 15:39 - Lomas - boarding
Capitals goal scored Taylor assists Cingel & Kim
Devils penalty @ 18:35 - Birbraer - hooking
Capitals now on pp
Last minute
Now 2-1 at Dundee
End of first period DEVILS 3 Capitals 1
Sawyer penalty was after Pelle got hit by a cheap shot and he jumped in
So please don't criticise him for protecting our valuable snipper
end of 1st period Dundee 2 Coventry 1
Who needs ih-update when we have MNL
Blues 16 Connaught 3 - half time
If you often/always use MNL when we run it, please consider donating via the following thread - here - thanks to everyone who donated a couple of weeks back, Unfortunately hosting costs continue to rise with the popularity of MNL, so any help is very much appreciated :) Chris.
Stephen - Devils should win by a country mile, reports that Capitals look tired allready
Sog for 1st period Devils 13 Capitals 6
2nd period starts
Devils return to full strength
Here's a first for you my texter at Dundee happens to be the dad of Capitals D #22
Devils are sitting back too much and cruising letting Capitals to get back into game
Capitals 2 on 1 goal
Devils 4th goal scored by Michel assist K Smith
Capitals 2nd goal scored by St Jaques, asists Taylor & Nicholson @ 22:59
Devils goal timed @ 22:59
Devils bench minor - too many men @ 25:59
Davies serves penalty
Capitals goal was at 22:29, Devils at 22:59 - apologies
Capitals ppg @ 26:33
Capitals penalty @ 26:46 - Fanto - hooking
Devils 5th goal scored by Hill a ppg @ 28:40
Assists to Davies & M Smith on Devils 5th goal
It is getting heated out there
Sawyer wants to go Hutchins doesn't
In case there is confusion Devils 5th goal was scored by Phil Hill, assists Ben Davies & Mark Smith
Save by Caps nm @ 31:48
Michel creams Nicholson @ 33:20
I won't tell his dad
Devils icing @ 34:22
Devils 6th goal scored @ 34:36
Scored by Birbraer assists Matzka & Pelle
Devils 7th goal @ 35:40 scored by Miche;, assiusts Macrae & Symmonds
Tylor Michel's hat-trick goal scored on a delayed penalty
Devils penalty @ 36:51 - K Smith - roughing
Dundee go ahead 3-2
Michel breakawy, he misses
Ailsa - Willie Nicholson took a hit hit from Devils runaway train Tylor Michel
Capitals have a clear 3 on 1 breakaw which the cock up
Devils penalty @ 39:46 - Birbraer
End of 2nd period DEVILS 7 Capitals 3
Penalty for Birbraer @ 39:46 was for goalie interference
He can be arrested for that you know
Capitals net minder also drew a penalty for roughing at 39:46
Penalty being served by Fanto
Ailsa he just took a big hit, hasn't missed a shift after
Dundee 3 Coventry 2 after 2 periods
Both teams back on the slippery stuff
We are off for the 3rd period
Caps icing @ 32:06
Capitals seem to have a shorter bench this period only 11 skaters
Ailsa don't worry Willie is on the ice, we are trying to work out who is missing
Gametime 43:03
Nothing much happenning other than John Wildthing thinking of picking up a Chinese on the way home
Meal that is
Devils offside @ 43:50
Richardson takes a huge elbow no call
If it was huge it must have been a Shannon Hope elbow
Puck bounces over Birbraer's stick on a 2 on 1
Its now 3 - 3 at Dundee
Capitals penalty @ 47:32 - Horne - hooking
G is playing Keith, he's travelling to Aber after the game and wants you to row him across
Capitals kill penalty
Capitals icing @ 49:46
Devils should have scored on that pp
The bog snorkling team from Llanwrtyd Wells have been called up for the Ryder Cup after a severe weather warning
Capitals Goal
2 on 1 led to Capitals 4th goal @ 51:40 scored by Kim, assists Taylor and Cingel
Devils 8th goal scored by Finnerty @ 52:36
Assists on Devils 8th goal go to Davies and Hill
Are you sure that there is no fix on this game, Capitals score then Devils score immeadiately
Looks like spot fixing to me
Caps offside @ 53:23
Devils 9th goal @ 53:38 - scored by Mark Smith
Assists to Pelle & K Smith
Devils 10th goal at 54:55
Lyle off for an early shower
Devils 10th goal scored by Hill, asists Finnerty & Davies
Blaze take 4-3 lead at Dundee
Last 2 minutes
Scored by Tylor Michel
Devils 11th goal at 58:46
Assists for Macrae & Sam Smith
Devils 12 goal scored by Pelle @ 59:53 assists Birbraer and Matzka
12-4 this is like my era
Final score DEVILS 12 Capitals 4
Capitals MoM - Adam Taylor
Devils MoM - Tylor Michel
Our thanks to our texters at the Tent - Sharlene, John Wildthing, Merthyr Devils and Paul
Dundee 3 Coventry 4 - final score
Our special thanks to Willie Nicholson Snr for keeing us up to date with events at Dundee whilst Willie Jnr played for the Capitals. Many thanks
Thats all from me OJ until the next one, I am not sure if we have texters at Hull on Sunday, we will try our best