Welcome to MNL as the Devils take on the Giants for the 2010 Championship title
OJ here in the MNL studio with less than 2 hours before face off
Checked out my texters to ensure they are fit and proper to bring us MNL
I can report that they are although after a late start this morning.
The big advantage for me is that with the game on a Sunday my texters, in the main, have to lay off the sherbert to drive home tonight.
Chris S is my big worry he is on his way already but he is unlikely to pass any pub full of Devils fans, so what state will he be in when he gets to the NIC
It is brilliant to have a Devils v Giants Final at Nottingham
This has upset all the plans for an all Midland Final with the Blaze and Panthers biting the dust yesterday.
The Steelers gathering rust at home
Remember score predictions plus any other comments to me at matchnighlive@gmail.com ASAP
Keith in Aberystwyth has to miss the game as he is off to work, we will do our best for you
Russky calls it 3-2 Devils
We have close of 150 e-mails yesterday and we have had 8 already
In the very first email PAK2305 wishes the Devils the best of luck, is this a good omen as he did the same yesterday
Harry thinks the Panthers supporters should support us and think that the Giants are Steelers in disguise
Proposals for a donkey santuary at the NIC for the day are unconfirmed says Harry
Harry we don't say nasty thing about our Celtic cousins on MNL
If any of my regular texters read this get in touch
At the moment we have Chis S, Devils2001 and Gerr on duty in Nottingham
Others will come out of their drunken stupor before long
Had my lunch going for my pudding
I am back refreshed
Warm up about to begin
Both teams on the ice
Welcome to the Romfo & Birbraer clans who have joined us on MNL
Janet no you can't get Sky on broadband outside UK & Ireland, I hasd the same problem when I lived in Tenerife
No sign of the Michel and Miller families yet
Most users of MNL are fortunate today to have the game live on Sky but for those of you without Sky or living abroad we will try and bring our usual MNL service to you.
My friend in the Fire Service helped us put of the Blaze yesterday today hopeful Dewi the Dragon will see off the Giants
7 minutes of warm up left no scratching we believe for either team
Michel family have joined us
Regular MNL users will know about our growth over the last year, well we need 250 unique users to tune in today to break 40,000 for the season
Warm up completed, which is a bit early for a 4:15 face off
Moray Hanson is the referee
Teams have agreed for video replays with 4th Official
Devils win - "last off the ice"
More Devils fans have made their way to Nottingham
Vipers mascot wearing a Devils sweater
Marc calls it 3-1 Devils
Officials take to the ice
devils being announced onto the ice, Stevie Lyle first
Giants take to the ice
On days like this you feel as if you want to get back on the bench again
Paul Sullivan sings the Welsh Anthem
Vinnie the Viper now in amongst the Devils fans leading the chants
Devils start with Birbraer, Smith & Latulippe: Hatwick & Romfo
Face off delayed for TV
2 minutes I am told
This is going to be nail bitting
Lets get that 1st goal U DEVILS
Puck dropped
Devils fans in full voice already
Play in Devils end
Saves from both netminders in opening minute
Miller, Finnert & VOth on 2nd line
Giants offside @ 1:54
Devils 3rd line - Towe, Michel & Hill
Puck deflected out of play @ 2:45 from Giants shot blocked by Hartwick
Giants started stronger
Murphy save @ 3:33
Now a Blaze fan leads Devils chants
Gametime 4:01
No radio coverage that I know of, try BBC Belfast
Latulippe goes close as Devils create chances
Gametime 5:02
Devils getting into game
Giants icing @ 6:16
Murphy save @ 6:20
Another Murphy save 8 secs later
Finnerty hits cross bar
Gametime 7:03
Both teams playing well
8 minutes gone
Birbraer nail Johnson
Mid way thriugh 1st period Devils have upped their game but some lose passes
Smith showing his class
Puck out of play @ 11:35
Thornton & Finnerty have words
If there is anyone on the i-phone at Walkabout let us know at matchnighlive @gmail.com
Referee has no pea in his whistle
Giants penalty @ 12:23 - Johnson - high sticks
Devils go close on pp
Some stick work from Giants
Devils icing @ 13:30
Giants back to full strength
Devils pp poor compared to yesterday
Gametime 15:05
Giants icing @ 15:48
Devils penalty @ 16:31 Miller - roughing
Lets kill this penalty Devils
Very stupid penalty under nose of ref Hanson
Half penalty killed
Lyle save @ 17:45
18 minutes gone
Devils return to full strength
Lyle save @ 19:04
Giants penalty @ 19:18 - Cheverie 2+2 for accidental high sticks
Lets get that pp into overdrive DEVILS
In the excitment of the double minor I missed a minor to Miller @ 19:27 - interference
Very poor call on Miller apparently
Devils will have to wait until 2nd period for pp
End of 1st period Giants 0 DEVILS 0
2nd period will start with 4 on 4 for 1:27 then a Devils pp for 1:51
Atmosphere not as good as yesterday, I suppose like the team the fans are nervous as well.
SoG for 1st period 7 by each team
Devils we are proud of you whatever happens so come out and play your normal game, don't worry about mistakes everyone does them
Does anyone know how many are at Walkabout
3 minutes to 2nd period
Officials back on the ice
Teams back on ice
Simon says Scoot Romfo have a brilliant game
Puck dropped
Lyle save to start 2nd period
Giants offside @ 20:57
Devils icing @ 21:14
Goal Giants
Giants goal @ 21:21 scored by Bendedict, assists Phillips & Walsh
That was a 4 on 4 goal
Devils now on pp
Far too many mistakes by Devils
Finnerty goes close @ 23:04
Giants return to full strength
Giants icing @ 24:24
Murphy save @ 24:56
Giants goal seems to have spurred on Devils
The off season is long when you lose a Championship Final
Michel nails Phillips
Giants icing @ 25:22
Another Giants icing @ 25:40
Lyle save following a Giants 3 on 2 breakaway
Gametime 26:22
Fantastic Murphy save @ 26:39
It seems that it will need something special to get past Murphy
Gametime 18:44
Sorry 28:44
Hanson is turning a blind eye to most things
Murphy save @ 28:52
Chris S the impovrished student did not win 50/50
Gametime 30:06
Devils are marginally on top but cannot get biscuit past Murphy
31 minutes gone
Its good to have two British netminders of the top class.
Devils penalty @ 31:18 - Miller - interference
Lyle saves @ 31:25
I will never forget when I told Lyle he was playing in the European Cup, he was just 13 years of age
Giants 2nd goal a ppg @ 31:38 - Awada, assist Cook
1st Devils goal @ 32:04 scored by Birbraer assists Hartwick & Latulippe
Murphy save @ 33:13
Giants icing @ 33:21
Devils fans have woken up now we are on scoreboard
For those of you who don't know Stevie Lyle was voted top netminder in that European Cup
34 minutes gone
Another thing three out of 4 netminders on duty today are Welsh
Lyle save @ 34:40
Nathan Craze for Giants and Lyle & Michael Crisp for Devils
I am rabbiting on as I am nervous
Devils icing @ 35:08
Jeff Smith has a lot to answer for with all these Devils produced netminders trying to emulate him.
Murphy (not Welsh) saves @ 35:31
Giants Penalty - Cheverie - slashing @ 36:18
Boarding was the call not slashing
Talking of Welshnetminders where is Clarkson these days, I tried to look him upin Lake Placid a couple of years ago
Gametime 37:02
DEVILS GOAL a ppg I believe
Scored by Birbraer @ 37:39 assist Richardson
All to play for now
Lets keep rolling on U DEVILS
Devils offside @ 38:04
Finnerty nail Cheverie
Final minute of 2nd period
Corey NEILSON Gassed at Nottingham
Rumour not confirmed by official sources
End of 2nd period Giants 2 DEVILS 2
Wildthing says all momentum is with Devils out working them all over the ice, DEVILS must get next goal
For those of you in North America I believe you can get the game on justin.tv Search for hockey and you find Sky Sports 2 Try it
Devils out shot Giants 17 8 in that period
http://www.justin.tv/davros1#r=5JTHYyA~ Is the link to the Sky transmission
2 minutes to go before 3rd period
Everyone back on the ice
Waiting for TV
Let me know if link works
We are away for 3rd period
Devils icing @ 41:06
Un confirmed runour that Jason Stone won 50/50
Puck out of play @ 41:24
Giants penalty @ 41:52 - Phillips - hi stik
Voth goes close on pp
Lyle's net off @ 42:16
1 minute of pp left
Giants back to full strength
Gametime 44:03
Gametime 45:03
Giants in control
Poke check by Stevie Lyle
Giants offside @ 46:09
Gametime 46:28
Towe sets up Hill save Murphy
Giants icing at 47:26
Lyle save
Handbags @ 47:56 no penalties
Gametime 48:02
Momentum now with Giants
Gametime 49:04
Devils have to survive this pressure and then go for winner
Gametime 50:27
Devils have been penned in their zone for 5 minutes
Devils Penalty @ 51:15 - Towe - slashing
Lyle save @ 51:53
Gametime 52:04
Gametime 52:35
Devils return to full strength
54 minutes gone
55 minutes gone
Gametime 56:05
Gametime 56:48
57 minutes gone
Murphy save @ 57:27
Final 2 minutes
Lyle save @ 58:26
Last minute
Hand pass in Devils end
Gametime 59:26
End of regulation Giants 2 DEVILS 2
10 minutes O/T of 4 on 4
Ice being resurfaced I think
No resurfacing SKY delay O/T
Devils start with Smith, Birbraer, Hartwick & Romfo
WE are off for O/T
1 minute of OT gone Murphy save
Latulippe & Hill were second shift
Save Lyle @ 62:03
Gametime 62:37
3 minutes of OT gone
Gametime 65:01
Both teams on their knees
Save Murphy @ 66:04
Gametime 67:07
Finnertty shoots high
Save Lyle @ 67:39
Gametime 68:03
Its end to end shot after shot in turn
Gametime 68:25
Last minute
Miller goes close
Save Murphy @ 69:43
Its penalties to decide
End of O/T Giants 2 DEVILS 2
Unlike last nite theuy are preparing ice for penalties
Ice ready
Smith misses hits post
Cheverie misses
Jarvis misses
Walsh misses for Giants
Smith misses, 1st pen was Birbraer
Sxwez misses, Lyle saVE
bBirbraer misses
Cheberie scores
Belfast win
Final score Giants 3 DEVILS 2 after penalties
Congratulations to the Belfast Giants
Our thanks go to Chris S, Devils2001, Merthyr Devils, Wildthing and Simon our texters at NIC
Good safe trip home to all the fans in Nottingham
Game SoG Giants 38: Devils 36 - that shows how close it was
Giants MoM - Brandon Benedict - should have been Murphy according to texters
Matt & Fleur Burge on the ice
Thats all from me OJ I hope that you have enjoyed MNL all season as much as I have enjoyed being your host. Next season is only 5 months away with a beautiful summer (you can but dream) to look forward to. OJ