Hey hey, welcome to another fantastically awesome biased and potentially childish (if you're an Edinburgh fan) MNL :)
Chris with you tonight and as always I can reached at matchnightlive@gmail.com
As i've just realised all my bread is stale and I have nothing in the freezer for tea, I need to run down the shops, back shortly :)
When I say stale, I do infact mean so mouldy the rats in the kitchen are refusing to eat it, bad times
Have no fear for Chris is here \o/
Devils turned up 7:30 into the warmup for some reason, not sure why...
Rhodri predicting a 2-4 Devils win :D
Lets hope the Devils win tonight, not sure I can face another facebook implosion... :)
Incase you haven't seen the thread about Inferno branded clothing, check the link out here
Any money raised is being put back towards the considerable running costs of the forum, although thanks to previous donations we're ok uptil the end of the season :)
I've just noticed the score for the Devils appears to be in bold, perhaps it's a sign that we're going to score/win :E
Stone and Adams not icing for the Devils as expected
Chambers and Robinson not icing for the Blaze
With Robinson missing the Blaze fans are probably in tears at Voth already
Blaze down to 9 imports, Hicks is the man in charge tonight
Guess we better mentally prepare for Hicks to call random penalties all night then
Ledgard and Jack Watkins almost missing for the Blaze
I hope Miller has reinforced his stick tonight
Wouldn't want the big baby that is Campbell to have another stick breaking tantrum
Mixed views on the crowd, some saying busy, some just swearing :D
Devils on the ice, wahay :)
Apparently we came out to the muppets theme tune :D
They must have got their intro music mixed up :P
We'll probably be carrying some ENL updates tonight as well, but as i've forgotten the code to change the colour of the text i'll prefix them with ## :)
Blaze on the ice - boooooooooooooooo
Anthem time at the sponsordome, about 40-50 traveling Devils fans
Chances are high we'll break the 33,000 mark for unique viewers over the course of the season tonight, further reinforcing just how awesomely spectacular we are *ahem*
And here we go with the first, Hill, Latulippe, Michel start with Richardson and Jarvis ready to brutally kill any Blaze players that cross the blue line
No wait, we're not off, Lyle has something wrong with his equipment
I think we've actually started now
Straight away the Devils get a penalty...
Devils penalty at 0:46. Latulippe 2mins for hooking
Someone posted on the forum just a couple of days ago how we always seem to start and end games shorthanded...
Devils penalty kill looking good, lots of pressure and creating chances...
Miller had a shot cleared off the line
Wonder if he ran Hirsch to get there :P
Blaze powerplay awful according to PJ Blaze, only move is to pass to Weaver but Devils blocking the lanes
Penalty killed, no shots on goal for the Blaze, several for the Devils :D
Sounds like our kind of powerplay :E
Towe playing tonight on the PK line
Blaze penalty at 3:37. Watkins 2mins for roughing
uh oh, watch out, here comes our powerplay...
Calder breakaway but Lyle saves :D
It's all gone quiet...
Everytime I say that, the texts come through, truely magical :D
Devils powerplay line is still 4 forwards, 1 Defence
Blaze penalty at 4:35. Calder 2mins for tripping
Devils 3on5 for 1:20, we best score!
Devils penalty at 5:19. Jarvis 2mins for interference
Devils 3on4 now, for how long i'm not sure
Apparently Voth did something to cause Jarvis to have to take the pen
Blaze first pen killed, Watkins back
As Blaze pen is killed, Lee tries to Kill Soderstream by firing the puck into his own bench
4on4, Devils failed to get a shot on goal during powerplay
Soderstrom gets hit, Thompson and Chabot just laugh at him
Smith breakaway, but he gets nailed, penalty shot!
Smith misses, but both teams back to full strength now
Smith breakaway, but he gets nailed, penalty shot!
No penalty given to Calder, just a penalty shot to Devils
Voth nails Campbell off the puck and Watkins steps in to protect Campbell :D
Voth vs 2 Blaze players at the Blaze bench
Campbell was skating off for line change when Voth nailed him
Blaze texter says Voth nailed Campbell, Devils texters say Voth nailed Stewart
Penalties for Voth and Campbell coming
Devils penalty at 8:13. Voth 2mins for cross checking plus 10minutes for boarding
Blaze penalties at8:13. Stewart 2mins for roughing. Campbell 2mins for roughing
Seems Voth penalty is wrong, it's 2minutes for boarding, not 10mins
Trying to find out from my texters whether it's 2+10 or 2+2
Whatever happens, Voth and Campbell still arguing in the penalty boxes
Confirmed, 2+2 for Voth. 2mins cross checking, 2mins boarding
Birbraer lucky to not get penalised for slashing
Blaze playing slightly better than the Devils at the moment :(
Stewart and Campbell back for the Blaze :(
Guess it's 2minutes of Devils penalty kill then
Campbell *still* whinging at Voth
Devils penalty at 11:37. Towe 2mins for hooking
5on3 for Blaze for maybe 30seconds?
Blaze had big breakaway and texters predict they would have scored if Towe hadn't taken penalty
More penalties :(
Devils penalty at 12:08. Finnerty 2mins for cross checking
Blaze penalty at 12:08. Cowley 2mins for elbows
hole in the ice, game delayed...
Finally we're back on
Blaze playing better hockey so far, Smiths penalty shot went massively wide :(
Well at least Coventry have better ice than Belfast
Man in crease for Blaze, Voth returns at 13:21
If he's going to take anymore penalties I hope he does it absolutely demolishing campbell
perhaps he could throw Campbell at Thompson and take several others out at the same time
Devils penalty at 14:22. Michel 2mins roughing plus 2mins boarding
Not quite sure where that puts us penalty wise, but chances are we'll be shorthanded going into the 2nd period
## ENL Devils 2-0 Haringey Greyhounds at 15:04
Seems Michel tried to kill 2 different Blaze players
Big save from Lyle :D
Devils penalty at 15:38. Finnerty 2mins for slashing
Apparently the penalty came after Hirsch saved the puck, Finnerty decided to slash him for saving the puck
Blaze 5on3 for 40seconds
Devils back to 4 skaters, Blaze had 0 shots on goal during 5on3
Anyone managed to add up all our penalty minutes yet?
Blaze goal at 16:27. Seems Blaze were still on 5on3 due to all the penalties we had stacked up
Blaze 1st goal at 16:27. Calder from Cowley. PPG
Sorry, Blaze 1st goal was Calder from Carlsson
Blaze second goal, again on powerplay :(
Blaze 2nd goal at 17:12. Announced as Owen from Weaver and Calder but all my texters say Fulghum scored on rebound
Devils have 5 players on the ice!
18mins of penalties so far for the Devils
Final minute of the 1st period, Devils decided to try and score rather than kill Blaze players
Devils icing at 19:24 after pass goes wrong
Birbraer takes a knock and limps off the ice, Blaze fans boo him off...
Maybe he should have broke his stick so they could all cheer instead
But that's the end of the 1st period. Blaze lead 2-0
At least we won't start the 2nd shorthanded I guess :E
Texters don't think the Devils are playing as if they want to win :S
## ENL Devils lead 3-0 going into the 2nd period against Haringey Greyhounds
## ENL Devils 4-0 Haringey Greyhounds, Armour with the goal :D
Can't be long till we start the 2nd
Here we go with the 2nd period, Birbraer is back out
Officials fixing hole in the ice again
Texters suspect the hole was formed where Campbell was crying after Voth nailed him :D
Devils had 9 shots, Blaze had 14 shots in the 1st period
Here we go, come on Devils!
Awesome save from Lyle after some good play from Fulghum and Campbell gives Blaze a 2on0 breakaway
Devils offside at 21:52
Devils offside at 23:05 again
Campbell squaring up to Voth at the faceoff, Voth just laughs at him
Devils offside again at 23:34
## ENL Devils 5-0 Haringey Greyhounds at 27:14
## ENL Devils 6-0 Haringey Greyhounds at 31:08
Blaze score a 3rd :(
Blaze 3rd goal at 24:02. Owen cuts open the Devils defence :(
Blaze 3rd goal at 24:02. Owen from Cruickshank and Calder
Great goal from Owen according to texts, Jarvis and Hartwick left standing still
Devils penalty at 25:35. Hill 2mins for tripping
Game described as "going very very badly wrong" by texter
Blaze powerplay is all over Devils, Lyle playing very well but defence not helping too much
Devils kill penalty
Hirsch save at 28:06. First real chance for the Devils for some time. Smith with the shot
Devils penalty at 28:35. Romfo 2mins for elbows
Devils losing the plot, taking penalties and then getting angry
Lyle save with 50seconds of penalty kill left
penalty killed, Devils back to 5 skaters
wonder how long we'll have 5 for...
Blaze really putting the pressure on the Devils
Hill blocks a shot, then another, then another...
## ENL Devils 7-0 at 37:42. Luke Piggot with the goal :)
Brit forwards getting a lot of ice time and looking better than the imports...
Devils have hardly left their zone, 33mins gone :S
Well that came out of nowhere
Voth with the goal :D
Devils 1st goal at 33:07. Voth from Finnerty
Sorry, goal should read Voth from Miller and Finnerty
And then we take another penalty
Devils penalty at 13:37. Hill 2mins for tripping
That should of course read 33:37 :)
Blaze powerplay not so good, Devils penalty kill rather good :D
Devils back to full strength I think
Hirsch spills a shot from Latulippe but Hill can't quite reach it before Hirsch bellyflops onto it
Blaze penalty at 36:57. Owen 2mins for interference
Devils powerplay not so good, Blaze have had several chances so far
Birbraer finally gets on the ice, roughly 38mins...
Well that's nothing short of a miracle, a powerplay goal!
Devils 2nd goal at 38:45. Finnerty from Jarvis and Birbraer
PPG :)
Blaze penalty at 39:31. Cruickshank 2mins for cross checking
Devils much better towards the end of the 2nd period after Blaze dominated opening minutes
Seems cruickshank decided to push Towe into our net after Lyle had saved a shot from Owen
Texters hope our brits have shown the imports up
## ENL Devils leading 7-0 as they start the 3rd period
Some good news, a Devils fan just won the chuck a puck!
General consensus is, if Hicks had been running the chuck a puck the child who won would be in the penalty box
## ENL Devils 8-0 Haringey Greyhounds at 43:04. Luke Piggot with another :)
Not long till the 3rd period I do believe :P
## ENL Devils 9-0 Haringey Greyhounds. Shorthanded goal!
Teams back on the ice, come on Devils!
Devils 9 shots, Blaze 16 shots in the 2nd period
Here we go with the 3rd, Devils start with 1:30 of powerplay
Final score in Newcastle... Vipers 1 - Stingrays 7!
## ENL Devils 10-0 Haringey Greyhounds at 53:03
Devils offside at 42:27
Devils playing slightly better so far, Lyle still standing on his head
Where on earth have our defence disappeared to these last few games
Blaze seem to have started really slowly, Devils should be capitalising on this!
Devils 3rd goal at 44:45
Devils 3rd goal at 44:45. Michel from Hayes and Lyle!
## ENL Devils 11-0 Haringey Greyhounds. Dancey at 56:44
Come on Devils!
## ENL Devils 12-0 Haringey Greyhounds! Fisher at 57:41
Glad we've got all these youngsters coming through the ranks, not so sure an increase in the import limit for the EIHL will be a help though!
Hayes, Towe and Michel looking very good :)
48mins played, 12mins left to win
## ENL DEvils 13-0 Haringey Greyhounds. Final score
As DevilDom just put on the boards, Panthers 3-3 Steelers at the moment, and we really don't want to play the Steelers in the playoffs !
Blaze take the lead again at 48:06 :(
Blaze 4th goal at 48:06. Weaver unassisted?
## Final ENL goal came from Luke Piggot, so that's at least a hat-trick for him tonight!
Blaze 4th goal at 48:06. Weaver from Cowley and Henry :(
Blaze icing at 49:10
50mins played, come on Devils!
We need to win just to stop the damned Blaze from getting the points
Good save from Lyle denies Stewart
Miller looking a bit lost tonight :S
Disclaimer: That comment had nothing to do with the forums
Word from the game is that when in the penalty box, Voth and Campbell agreed to fight towards the end of the game...
goal mouth scramble and Voth charges in and buries Hirsch...
no pens :D
Blaze icing at 54:06
Devils frantically trying to find that 4th (and 5th goal)
Blaze dumping puck out of zone, Devils firmly in control
5mins to go, come on Devils!
Devils icing at 56:22
Lyle save at 56:33
Hirsch save on the line after rebound!
Devils getting closer :E
Latulippe was the player who thought he'd scored :(
Voth takes a penalty in the last 2mins, penalty kill till the end :(
Devils penalty at 57:55. Voth 2mins for interference, throws his stick in anger :E
Nope, Voth gets 2+10 at 57:55
2mins for boarding plus 10minute misconduct
Voth hit Lee to get the boarding call, Devils fans go nuts at Hicks
Into the final minute of the 3rd :(
Another big save from Lyle
Blaze penalty at 59:13. Lee 2mins for hooking
Devils call a timeout after Blaze penalty
Not sure if Lyle has been pulled or not, texts very confusing :E
Puck out of play at 59:42. Faceoff in Blaze zone
That's it, Blaze win 4-3 :(
Shots on goal for the 3rd, Devils 17, Blaze 9
Devils man of the match goes to Smith
Seems Michel may have deserved that more...
Blaze man of the match goes to Weaver
And that's all from me, off to finish coursework :(
Chris out.