Right, sorry about that, no one told me face-off was 6:30!! Faced off, Hinks is captain for tonight!
Cardiff seem to be creating a lot of chances, but alas, no goals :( Cornish is trying to goad Prpich into a fight, he hasn't been defeated yet.
Penalty against Cruickshank 2mins at 4:02.
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL for the Devils! - More info coming soon!
For anyone out there watching, got anything to say? email us at matchnightlive@gmail.com or contact us on 07891 93326!
Devils goal at 15:36, Scored by Anderson, assist from Prpich
Prpich missed a chance on goal, any bets on a possible hatrick? :D
Cornish tries to start a fight with Maciver! Result: Maciver laughs :D
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOALLL!! Devils goal scored by Silverthorn, assists being confirmed now at 8:12.
Devils second goal came from Silverthorn, assists from Hartwick and Campbell. Thanks Steve for the correction there :)
Whoever the ref is, they're letting Basingstoke get away with murder it would seem. Trying to find out who officials are now!
Ref for tonight is Thompson
Incase you've not done it yet, be sure to register on our forums! We've got some great ideas in the pipeline and *hopefully* an exclusive interview with Prpich!
Maybe 7mins of 1st period left, seems the infamous black hole of Basingstoke is swallowing the phone signal again :(
Misconduct call on Bison player, no details on who yet!
Misconduct call on Bisons Danny Stewart, no time details yet :S
6minutes to go in the 1st period, come on Devils :)
Cornish is intent on fighting with Maciver, once again he's laughed at. New tactics from Adams? Or is Maciver playing hard to get :E
Stewarts misconduct call was from unsportsmanlike conduct, 12 game ban anyone? :P
Haven't heard anything from anyone out there watching! No one got anything interesting to say? :)
Ok here we go...
Hinks scored another at 19:59, assist from Andersson and someone else.
Cornish gets 10min penalty for slashing Maciver.
Maciver gets 10min penalty for being slashed?!
Bison netminder is very very ropey and the team seem to be all over the place, Devils dominating.
Thompson is letting lots of small things go, resulting in big incidents he's calling.
Latelippe is fitting in very well, very very fast which is a good thing. Word is Cornish is almost dropping his gloves every couple of minutes but is generally being a liability.
End of 1st period it's 0-3 Devils! If you guys out there press F5, some of the comments should fix themselves as I just broke them :E
Just going for a drink guys, keep the emails coming, i'll start pasting them up soon :)
Updates on goals! 1st and 3rd goals were on the powerplay. Shots on goal this period, Bison:6 Devils:16
Email from Russ. For Cornish and MacIver read Maxwell and De Waele!! Anyone remember it? It was hilarious at the time! - Unfortunately I don't think I saw this, any info? I remember Maxwell throwing a hissy fit and stamping his feet at the old WNIR though :)
ih-update has the third goal as : HINKS from SILVERTHORN and CAMPBELL, no assist for ANDERSSON. We'll try and get confirmation of this. Also being reported that all 3 goals have been on the powerplay!
2nd period!
Starts now! Come on the Devils!
Score updates from around the league
Blaze 2-0 Stingrays in 3rd period
Phoenix 2-2 Capitals in 2nd period
Vipers 2-0 Giants in 2nd period
Panthers 1-0 Steelers in 1st period!
2nd period wasn't started on the powerplay for the Devils, Cruickshank came out on Hinks goal.
Looks like we've got a 10minute delay here folks
Word is there's problems with the goals. Game stopped 1minute into 2nd period.
Games is back on!
Don't forget to go vote Brad Voth for the face of Cardiff, he might not be welsh but who cares? :)
Panthers 2-0 Steelers
Poor old uncle Bob, any bets on which Panthers player will be suspended? :D
Devils 4th goal comes from the 3rd line!
COWMEADOW from HARTWICK and TOWE! Goal at 22:44
Final score from Coventry!
Blaze 2-0 Stingrays
Another big up for Latulippe, looks like we might have improved our already amazing team :)
Big up to the G master :D
Devils on the penalty kill.
Silverthorn gets 2mins for hooking, no time details :(
Silverthorn penalty at 25:50, update on below!
Bison goal, no details on who just yet, but a nice goal say the guys at the game.
Bison goal from Chambers at 28:20, there goes the shutout :(
Another penalty kill for Devils - MacIver 2mins cross-checking at 28:59
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOALLLLLLLLLL! - Latulippe scores, time details coming shortly :)
Goal updates! Latulippa from Campbell at 31:01
Goal update! Silverthorn from Hinks and Prpich at 32:43
Devils on the powerplay again. Bisons Cruickshake gets 2mins hooking @ 36:10.
Jarvis and Cowmeadow are by all accounts having a bloody cracking game!
More updates from around the league
Vipers 4-2 Giants
Phoenix 4-3 Capitals
Panthers 2-1 Steelers
End of the 2nd period!
Devils are all over the Bison, surprised we haven't scored more goals
Bison are trying to put some hits in but just don't seem to have the size compared to us
Cruickshank is trying to goad Hartwick into a fight but keeps getting laughed off
Andersson has got a hell of a slapshot on him
We're doing everything we didn't do properly last season, passing, penalty killing, powerplay goals, looks like we've put together one hell of a team :)
Devils will start the 3rd period on the powerplay, not sure who's been inned though.
Goal updates from around the world!
Panthers 2-3 Steelers
Come on the Panthers, can't let Uncle Bobs team get another win :(
A big welcome to all the guys out there watching the 1st night of MNL, especially DCdad, nice to see you on the forums and bloody great to have Campbell playing for us :D
Soundwave has asked us to post our new song for next time the steelers come to town.... Same tune as The Adamms Family...'your captain was a devil....your coach was a devil....your owner was a devil...but you're not having me!
Message from Hana on who'll be the Panthers player to be banned..."The thuggish, hooligan who no doubt jumped from behind the poor defenseless Finnerty in an unproked attack! Or in other words the guy that fought finnerty in the first minute! :D" Thanks Hana!
Update from Steelers game from Mark... "Apparently according message I ve had from off ice official at game Hewitt shot the puck at corey during the warm up and cory punched him. 12 match bans ? or will it be a police incident as the game hadn t started"
The 3rd period is starting now! Let's bring it home Devils!
Bison goal from Cornish, time updates coming! Bison have come out into the 3rd firing on more cylinders, however Latulippe is supposedly playing amazingly.
Bisons 2nd goal details! CORNISH from CHAMBERS and HUGHES @ 44:18. Devils on the penalty kill now, Jarvis gets 2mins for hooking.
Correction on last penalty. Jarvis 2mins tripping at 44:49! Devils on penalty kill.
Other scores!
Phoenix 4-4 Capitals
Vipers 4-3 Giants
Panthers 2-3 Steelers
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAALLLLL! - Devils 7th goal scored by someone, unsure who. Seems a few handbags have been thrown.
Devils 7th goal comes from.....Prpich @ 50:52!
Devils 7th goal details! PRPICH from HINKS and HILL.
Bison player has thrown a wobbly in the penalty box. Sticks and gloves have been thrown, said player recieves 5min penalty + match. Details coming shortly!
Cruickshank and Prpich nose to nose after the goal, Shanker gets match for excesive roughnes. Well done Pirps!
Devils on a 5minute major powerplay, how many goals are coming? :)
"Bison netminder facing more rubber than Chasey Lane" - Thanks for that one James. No goals on the powerplay however :(
Panthers 3-3 Steelers - looks like it could be a doubley good night, come on Panthers!
final minute of the game! WE'RE GONNA WIN! DONT WANNA BE A LOSER GONNA WIN!
Bison #8 has received match penalty. RED ARMY, RED ARMY, RED ARMY, RED ARMY
Cornish 2mins slashing @ 59:41 - RED ARMY!
Phoenix 4-4 Capitals. Man of the match and extra details coming soon.
Devils mom - Prpich!
Bison mom - Chambers.
Game finished with Devils on a 5 on 3 powerplay
Cornish tried to fight Francis at end of game, and was laughed off.
Points breakdown! Hartwick, 2 assists, 2 pts; Towe, 1 assist, 1 pt; Hill, 1 assist, 1 pt. Prpich, 1 goal, 2 assists, 3 pts; Campbell, 3 assists, 3 pts; Silverthorn, 2 goal, 1 assist, 3 pts Hinks, 1 goal, 2 assists, 3pts; Cowmeadow, 1 goal, 1 pt; Latulippe, 1 goal, 1 pt.
That's all folks! Thanks for watching and don't forget to register and air your views on the forums! We'll be back tomorrow when Matt will be running the MNL for the home game. Thanks!